"H... hey user. Bad news. Umm I seem to have let myself go a little bit...

"H... hey user. Bad news. Umm I seem to have let myself go a little bit... do you think you can help me lose some weight? Please...? Oh fuck..."

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*Grabs your stomach, playfully squeezing it as I lean in* Jeez, yeah, you’re gonna need to lose some.

*my face turns bright red*

I... I know. How much is 'some'?

*shits my pants, the horrible stench filling the room. I force back a gag, even my own stench getting to me.* a-a lot, babe. Did you just fart? It’s smells pretty rank in here

I despise this entire thread yet I already prefer it to the entirety of the rest of /porn/

*I cross my arms*

"user... your pants are leaking onto the appartment floor..."

It's ok, we despise you too, user.

Huh? *i glance behind my shoulder, my eyes widening at the sight of my mustard-brown shit pooling around my feet. I turn back to you and smile* haha, anyways. You’re gonna neee to lose at least 50 pounds, I’d say.

Thank you

It saddens me to know people like you have no shame and cant fathom the amount of cringe you generate. No wonder you're on here OP.

"Fifty pounds?" *I moan as I arch my head back*
"But that's gonna take fooooorever!*

Where else would we be?

“s-should i cut down on snacking?”

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Yeah, I think that would be for the best, Femanon. You have been putting on a bit of weight.

“o-okay!! i’ll try my best!!”

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You can do this!
* I kiss your cheek*
Just go easy on the chocolate and the pizza, ok?

“yes... for you i’ll do anything, even if it means giving up something i love!!”

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Awwwww you are so sweet! How did you get so sweet, hun?

Bro you gotta stop.

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I prefer my women this size honestly.

“i’m sure it was all those cookies i ate... wait, if i stop eating cookies, will i stop being sweet? D:”

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Yeah... you might want to stat away from those cookies lol. * pokes your belly*

Nah, I'm sure you will still be just as sweet, just less chunky!

“thank goodness!! that’s a relief to hear!

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So how much weight do you want to lose anyway?

“do you think 10 pounds would be enough? :o”

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*I spin you around in a circle, eyeing your rolls of fat carefully*
Hun... I think you might want to aim for losing 50lbs...

What the good gay fuck am i reading?

Your next nightmare

“t-that sure is a lot... i don’t know if i can do it all on my own!!”

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That's ok, Femanon, I will help you stick to your diet!
* I kiss your cheek*
Hell, I'll even let you use my old treadmill too.

I've witnessed some serious autism on this board but this shit might just take the cake.

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"Mmmmm caaaaake"

“thank you! :3 i think i’m more confident now!!”

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Anytime! Is there anything else I can do to help you out?

"Its not... that bad is it?"

“you help just by being there uwu”

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Good! Now let's get some exercise, ok?

“wh-what kind of exercise?”

read the sticky

there is no sympathy for the devil, fat people don't deserve love

kill yourself