Can someone help me how to make DIY n2o cracker?

can someone help me how to make DIY n2o cracker?

Attached: 41bMi6lmvHL._SX425_.jpg (425x425, 20K)

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is this the DIY board?

no help?

Yeah that's some dangerous shit to try to nigger rig, not fucking with that with a 10 foot pole

why dangerous?

Just bang it with a hammer. Smoke while you are doing it.

You can get serious frost bite/burn from a cartridge opening to rapidly.

pressurised gas and you're trying to open it

That's why you blow it in a balloon first

Someones a junkie lol

how to do that?

Dude you posted at the right time, I've made working crackers several times. I'll draw a diagram for you, hold up. Keep bumping so it doesn't 404



fck off abdul

Hit it with a hammer, let natural selection show you the way.

There are capsule openers to buy online for like 7$

What you do is you pull the l shaped fit out, put the nitrous cart in, replace the L, and put a balloon on top of it. Turn the screw until you puncture the top of the canister and the unscrew it a tiny bit. Be sure to pinch the balloon as you do this. The balloon will fill up and you'll get insano-fucked. As for safety and whatnot, I've seen this done hundreds of times with no injuries or real problems whatsoever.

Attached: sketch-1564420423455.jpg (1440x2960, 214K)

rip brain cells

I dont have money

Also be careful when inserting the screw into the joint of the L pipe, if it isn't airtight or close to it you'll lose a lot of your gas. Also this whole setup should run you no more than 4 or 5 bucks at menards. As for constructing it, just in case the image didnt make it clear, you cut the PVC to be about an inch or two longer than a cartridge, insert the cap into one end, insert the L fit into the other, and the force a screw through the joint of the l pipe. Good luck mate, I've had some good times with this contraption


Found the nigger