So Yea Forumsors I lost a bet and now have to eat spam anyone got a good way to cook this shit

So Yea Forumsors I lost a bet and now have to eat spam anyone got a good way to cook this shit.

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Slice and fry

Fucking faggot

Yeah that's because of a bet.

Grill it until is it completely charred, black, and crunchy. Pour ketchup on it. Then throw it in the trash can.

Not another fucking spam thread. Get your fucking spam off this board.

Dice it up into smaller pieces, mix it with some shredded coconut and spinach, delicious

Good bait for barbel fishing.

Read the can fatass. Dont fucking act like you've never had spam. ITS GOOD AS FUCK

Sounds like a great idea but I have to eat it.

You can also cook it up with rice, it is really good like that

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Spam musubi is good too yes

add some parsley and sage then shove it up your ass with some hot sauce

Why is that not dipped in chocolate

Got I'll try that right now.

Make a sandwich with it, do thin slices and fry it in a pan, then use it like lunch meat in a sandwich

Just dice it up and fry with a couple of eggs. Its actually pretty good.

Cut into tiny cubes and fry till crispy, mix into mac & cheese.

stir fry with veggies and rice

Cut it into small bits, cook it in a pan with onions and bell pepper, serve over rice.

Mmmm sounds great I'll make that when it's lunch time.

my mom used to do that for my school lunch back in the 80s when i was in elementary school

haha is she old and dead now

no nigga shes in her 60s and still working so watch your mouth

you're in your 40s, stop saying nigga. you look and sound retarded

Shut up and eat it. It isn't that bad. Fry it if you want to be a big old pussy about it, you big old pussy.

Eat it raw you pussy.

your lucky i love spam and my mom never let me eat it
now im grown i eat spam every damn day

Chop it up and put it on a pizza with some pinapple

learn to clip your nails before you get a good way to cook spam jesus christ

Fry that shit its good