Murder is legal for the next 24 hours, who is on your list...

Murder is legal for the next 24 hours, who is on your list? I would personally go and kill Cholos and and any affiliated gang members, they just disgust me, specially the ones with tattoos and baggy clothing

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Op's mom


Kill your mom nigguh

Kill all the people that hurt me,politicians that fucked up my country I would paint walls with their blood and feel it’s heat as the cold dread of adrenaline does the good job of making me feel like a god.Call me whatever but this is the shit I would’ve done one of mine fantasies

I think ,I might even turn into lunatic and start killing people I consider trash for fun.


Is it the politicians or the people though

politicans too

Dude, if murder was legal those Cholos would be coming for you so fast... what makes you think you'd have time to kill them before someone wastes you with a handgun turned sideways.

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I see we are both alike in this matter ,it is not unpleasent isnt it ?


>currently living in So Cal
>every house is worth 950k - 12m in this area
>time to visit my neighbors door to door
Lots of vacancies by morning.

the Clintons
all of Senate
all the republicrats and democrans

like ur trashy mum

Even if murder is legal, inheritance still presumably works as normal.

not if youre murdered too

>currently living with faggots and wetbacks
op is both


Defensive bunker with a few best friends who all have an ar10 and and ar15 with a shitload of ammo for both.

At least OP had a plan. Murder is legal, he's hunting the most dangerous prey of all. Man. He'll probably get knocked off.

You're hiding in a bunker like a pussy.

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There's a group of people from my small hometown that are arguably solely responsible for it remaining in a stagnant, dilapidated environment.
Pillheads and junkies and welfare queens with Grade 9 educations glorifying ignorance and obnoxiousness... The kind that aren't just fucking stupid and uneducated, but live in a sort of overinflated confidence and denial, EVERYONE else is wrong except for the slut with a Grade 10 who has four kids before she's 20, or the junkie/pillhead bottom feeder who doesn't comprehend basic communication skills.
The kind of people you seen in Idiocracy.

Breaking in and robbing little old widows for their pill fix... Rip off kids for it... Stick used hypodermic needles sharp-side up cause they think it's just a big laugh that some kid may step on a needle that's covered in their hepatitis ridden blood. Assaulting innocent people, giving this (otherwise retirement community) town one of the worst reputations in all the districts.

So I'd probably get rid of them...
all of them. Men, women... any youth who are too far gone brainwashed into thinking THIS is a normal way to live.
Sever them from human existence entirely, preferably world-round. I don't think we'll progress as a species until we start eliminating those who refuse to progress.

I have a sniper, they have a gun , I would strategize and plan a good spot to take them out