Celeb thread

celeb thread

Attached: ariel winter83.jpg (700x993, 107K)

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Mmmmmm my bone

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i have to share what i live today

>end my day of work
>go to the gas station on the way home
>recently i find myself to go in the gas station even when i have no need of anything
>still buy tho
>the reason is her
>beautiful latina
>black hair n light brown eyes
>her smile and voice bring joy in my day
>she got the evening shift since the last month
>always have short but interesting discussion with her (i don't want to bother her during work)
>i think today i will ask her number
>arrived in the gas station
>don't see nathalia
>he's the manager of that gas station
>he's always here in the morning so i stop coming before work
>everything about him give me the urge to slit his throat and burn his corpse
>with his retarded voice he say "good evening"
>god i hate his voice
>take a bunch of chocolate bar
>"good choice, those are my favorite"
>i didn't fucking ask you anything you fuck face
>"y-yeah... is nathalia sick? why she's not working?
>"nathalia? she 's not sick. I had to fire her"
>"she wasn't doing the job correctly like i ask her to do and she arrived late twice just this month"
>i live without taking anything and went to my car angry
>i never see her again

that fucking piece of shit with cloth named zack kuczynski he fired the only person that was doing a good service in the garbage of gas station i truly wish his family burn in hell and he die from a cancer before he can reproduce any of his retarded genes fuck i hate zack kuczynski

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just report him

Attached: 28B47B81-8E7C-49BC-85CC-3DE37D5C67AD.jpg (942x712, 84K)

Attached: 4234.jpg (1220x1220, 115K)

Tays gonna make me cum soon

Attached: 4D691302-EBEA-4FEE-9F16-8BF8AA702EA8.jpg (554x417, 49K)

it's midget spam. not bd.

Attached: Little People Big World.jpg (1663x2068, 400K)

Gud for you little fella

Wow. Who is that?

Attached: 28E9DAEE-C7E2-4E58-A583-C8F1265BADEC.jpg (91x125, 2K)

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and she is?

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Attached: 3555.jpg (474x711, 54K)

always nice :)

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When did Tay get tits

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Attached: midget faggot3.jpg (500x567, 62K)

Attached: staymad.jpg (690x829, 119K)

Attached: siRxQa-18-Jan-2019_03.jpg (1050x786, 80K)

Attached: little guy with the bad heart.jpg (500x690, 119K)

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Attached: 32118.jpg (1080x1920, 275K)

Attached: 10.jpg (1433x1450, 200K)

when she bought them

Attached: pill junkie midget.jpg (960x1280, 179K)

Attached: 20181113_1871996390.jpg (720x1280, 75K)

Areola Winter

Attached: 42322.jpg (720x1240, 79K)

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Attached: dwarfism intensifies.jpg (1024x763, 165K)

Attached: A6D5766D-60F4-40B5-8EC6-96B4163BE1A2.jpg (1280x960, 222K)

Attached: opioid midget fag.jpg (1280x720, 174K)

Money well spent

Attached: 98072.jpg (500x641, 76K)

That's a hard no on that one for me

Attached: dcim_2019411085110.jpg (1112x2208, 580K)


Attached: my heart is racing eeeeeeep eeeeeeep.png (765x916, 407K)

Attached: 20190415_151247.jpg (1439x1919, 585K)

imagine how perfect she'd be if she hadn't gotten a reduction. I bet she lives in regret. her boobs are still big.

Attached: 854687.jpg (1066x1198, 154K)

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Attached: 1541839515031.jpg (2200x2200, 751K)

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Attached: E2BA10B1-11FD-4DA1-9719-C293E80EDABC.gif (300x201, 1.61M)

Attached: midget faget.jpg (1024x576, 128K)

not sure but im not complaining

Attached: 1A4ACDB7-64F7-49E3-A24A-29BFF8906219.jpg (1000x667, 95K)

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Attached: crackaddictedTonyStark.jpg (960x1280, 260K)

Attached: midget rapist nigger.jpg (1024x576, 79K)

Attached: A39DC316-5277-42B9-81EC-68FAE7FC2DA0.jpg (1240x480, 300K)

Attached: f.jpg (480x640, 33K)

Attached: File_71566.jpg (768x960, 450K)

Attached: inhales.jpg (869x1024, 98K)

Tbh think she’s overrated

she kind of has a kate mara thing going on there

Attached: WIN_20181118_12_51_49_Pro.jpg (960x1216, 232K)

Attached: his dad is doing great.jpg (663x450, 53K)

Consume companionship

Attached: 223364452.jpg (2200x1467, 715K)

Attached: lordfwarquad.jpg (826x1024, 90K)

Attached: 1541890529984.jpg (960x1280, 259K)

Attached: 1223123.jpg (1024x1024, 140K)

gtg, take care morsenon

Attached: rP2jD8d.jpg (1200x1553, 315K)

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Attached: 47147523.jpg (1080x1080, 155K)

Attached: 4.jpg (576x1024, 71K)

> I feel sad and gay because I think think she’s pretty fucking cute

Attached: 2FEFDACF-77F7-4F50-A9FA-92F3EED8F99C.jpg (252x251, 31K)

Attached: a64f462c-eb96-42bd-af49-01f7d7e000ce.jpg (590x421, 28K)

Attached: pill addicted actual dwarf with no dad lol.webm (720x1280, 1.25M)

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Attached: 1542064226858.jpg (1080x1920, 162K)

i would suck taylors dick

Attached: 20190531-015953.jpg (498x1024, 53K)

Attached: ups1.jpg (800x1066, 169K)

Attached: D9b-CetXsAIPh0m.jpg (2048x1365, 289K)

Attached: mymoob.jpg (1279x720, 125K)

Morning qt Sabsbro

your dad put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger. that's how much he cared about you.

Attached: 1340308548362.gif (400x225, 1.75M)

Attached: rz8635383.jpg (750x1000, 197K)

Attached: rz89317.jpg (750x1000, 154K)

They are good visual aids

Attached: 1555511808225.jpg (887x1920, 243K)


Attached: Lili_H.jpg (1920x1080, 283K)

but would you swallow

Attached: CF0C0974-AC76-45E5-95BF-DBC34A50A341.jpg (540x675, 79K)

Attached: y60W5eG2.jpg (600x800, 276K)

What the fuck is that?


Attached: EATAiF_XoAEhLmK.jpg (736x919, 77K)

Attached: 8FD09BEC-9DB8-4F7F-9DF2-BE9308F06C07.jpg (816x805, 34K)

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Attached: A3A15E5F-B1E0-4C0E-9120-B79ABD9EB274.jpg (1360x2040, 180K)

Ooooooooooooooh my dick!

Attached: 1556994897313.jpg (1080x1335, 247K)

of course, why else would you suck on a dick in the first place?

Oof that chick may want to start the Rogaine tonight, that receding hairline is bad.

Attached: 85567567.jpg (3840x5760, 1.72M)


that's what poppa midget looked like right before he squeezed the trigger. you were such a weak, tiny loser that your father blew his fucking brains out. his shame and disdain for what an embarrassment his 4 foot tall "son" was, and was becoming was just too great for him to bear. damn, dude. that's heavy. I sympathize with him (prior to blowing his brains all over the back of his car) though. I mean.... fuck. look at this. heavy burden that man carried.

Attached: creepy pill addicted dwarf (literal dwarf).jpg (1663x2799, 215K)

Attached: 7CF07E59-EFD5-4650-ACB9-AC41BB21968F.jpg (636x1017, 109K)

Attached: 1F231906-8A25-43F1-8E9F-EC07BE62C062.jpg (640x986, 57K)

Attached: 03134A45-CB0E-4A0C-86AB-FBDF88CF5801.jpg (634x1024, 88K)

morning user how r u?

Attached: 1563175138352.jpg (2400x3600, 1.17M)

Attached: E43DB0E1-E2D9-45C3-B983-2F2B6232ED6D.jpg (902x1280, 292K)

Attached: EAmcswQUEAAyliN.jpg (1159x1622, 213K)

About to cum

Attached: 14F1293E-7266-40B8-8239-67945F3076BA.jpg (1280x1707, 267K)

Doing pretty well
Just relaxing and playing a little vidya

She has a queen of spade tatoo and none of you fags told me about it? Ariel number 1 girl now.

she has nice shins

am I blind? I am interested, though

nice. same here

Attached: 16mxprykg5221.jpg (640x640, 52K)

. .. . . .. .

Attached: 97539f0cf0a094d083fc21559c9d8ec6.jpg (744x929, 97K)

Attached: 1557636453556.jpg (1080x1080, 1.27M)

Attached: ariel-winter-spade-wrist-tattoo.jpg (458x685, 55K)

Post your favorite and I'll blow

Well I'll be damned. Blacked confirmed, eh?


>Being this dense

ooooooooh my gad

Attached: 1533330004667.jpg (68x125, 2K)

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morning user how r u?
Tbh think shes overrated
am I blind? I am interested, though
it's midget spam. not bd.
Morning qt Sabsbro
Tays gonna make me cum soon
i have to share what i live today >end my day of work >go to the gas station on the way home >recently i find myself to go in the gas station even when i have no need of anything >still buy tho >the reason is her >nathalia >beautiful latina >black hair n light brown eyes >her smile and voice bring joy in my day >9/10 >she got the evening shift since the last month >always have short but interesting discussion with her (i don't want to bother her during work) >i think today i will ask her number >arrived in the gas station >don't see nathalia >ANGERYYY.JPG >IT'S FUCKING ZACK KUCZYNSKI >he's the manager of that gas station >he's always here in the morning so i stop coming before work >everything about him give me the urge to slit his throat and burn his corpse >with his retarded voice he say "good evening" >god i hate his voice >take a bunch of chocolate bar >"good choice, those are my favorite" >i didn't fucking ask you anything you fuck face >"y-yeah... is nathalia sick? why she's not working? >"nathalia? she 's not sick. I had to fire her" >"WHAT" >"she wasn't doing the job correctly like i ask her to do and she arrived late twice just this month" >i live without taking anything and went to my car angry >i never see her again that fucking piece of shit with cloth named zack kuczynski he fired the only person that was doing a good service in the garbage of gas station i truly wish his family burn in hell and he die from a cancer before he can reproduce any of his retarded genes fuck i hate zack kuczynski

Attached: 0b0ab99dde8246.jpg (100x125, 3K)

You playing FF?

Attached: 0b62ecf8a8a7007159ce28770dfc.jpg (87x125, 2K)

Attached: Close_your_eyes_and_dont_think_about_it.jpg (1234x1257, 232K)

Attached: tina hudson.jpg (872x1200, 120K)

that's what poppa midget looked like right before he squeezed the trigger. you were such a weak, tiny loser that your father blew his fucking brains out. his shame and disdain for what an embarrassment his 4 foot tall "son" was, and was becoming was just too great for him to bear. damn, dude. that's heavy. I sympathize with him (prior to blowing his brains all over the back of his car) though. I mean.... fuck. look at this. heavy burden that man carried.
>Being this dense
Mmmmmm my bone
Ooooooooooooooh my dick!
About to cum

Attached: 0b607bf600a8105c0028554d74320a.jpg (125x123, 1K)

i have a spade tattoo. what does it mean?

Attached: 0b765a150e3aee580ffc23f8122c98e.jpg (83x125, 2K)

> I feel sad and gay because I think think shes pretty fucking cute
i would suck taylors dick
She has a queen of spade tatoo and none of you fags told me about it? Ariel number 1 girl now.
just report him
When did Tay get tits
she kind of has a kate mara thing going on there
of course, why else would you suck on a dick in the first place?
>Being this dense

Attached: 0e4ecfb8eef645c815bad7274ee562.jpg (100x125, 2K)

Attached: 0e72f4050def5.jpg (84x125, 3K)

Attached: Kaley Cuoco26.jpg (554x1105, 53K)

Ooooooooooooooh my dick!
of course, why else would you suck on a dick in the first place?
Morning qt Sabsbro
she has nice shins
Post your favorite and I'll blow
nice. same here
Mmmmmm my bone
she kind of has a kate mara thing going on there

Attached: 0ea2834b81.jpg (125x57, 2K)

Attached: 0ee965c8d.jpg (125x125, 2K)

Morning qt Sabsbro
i have to share what i live today >end my day of work >go to the gas station on the way home >recently i find myself to go in the gas station even when i have no need of anything >still buy tho >the reason is her >nathalia >beautiful latina >black hair n light brown eyes >her smile and voice bring joy in my day >9/10 >she got the evening shift since the last month >always have short but interesting discussion with her (i don't want to bother her during work) >i think today i will ask her number >arrived in the gas station >don't see nathalia >ANGERYYY.JPG >IT'S FUCKING ZACK KUCZYNSKI >he's the manager of that gas station >he's always here in the morning so i stop coming before work >everything about him give me the urge to slit his throat and burn his corpse >with his retarded voice he say "good evening" >god i hate his voice >take a bunch of chocolate bar >"good choice, those are my favorite" >i didn't fucking ask you anything you fuck face >"y-yeah... is nathalia sick? why she's not working? >"nathalia? she 's not sick. I had to fire her" >"WHAT" >"she wasn't doing the job correctly like i ask her to do and she arrived late twice just this month" >i live without taking anything and went to my car angry >i never see her again that fucking piece of shit with cloth named zack kuczynski he fired the only person that was doing a good service in the garbage of gas station i truly wish his family burn in hell and he die from a cancer before he can reproduce any of his retarded genes fuck i hate zack kuczynski
your dad put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger. that's how much he cared about you.
she kind of has a kate mara thing going on there
just report him
am I blind? I am interested, though

Attached: 01cb9.jpg (93x125, 2K)

Attached: 01d14cc0347ec288.jpg (81x125, 2K)

imagine how perfect she'd be if she hadn't gotten a reduction. I bet she lives in regret. her boobs are still big.
nice. same here
morning user how r u?
she kind of has a kate mara thing going on there
She has a queen of spade tatoo and none of you fags told me about it? Ariel number 1 girl now.
not sure but im not complaining
Ooooooooooooooh my dick!
it's midget spam. not bd.
i would suck taylors dick
Well I'll be damned. Blacked confirmed, eh?
What the fuck is that?
Tbh think shes overrated
am I blind? I am interested, though

Attached: 1a144e0710c55be1b.jpg (83x125, 2K)

Attached: 1a957dcad5713288c23a5c3.jpg (125x69, 2K)

. . .. . .

Attached: 60245582_483253638881399_1846642698448093819_n.jpg (1080x1080, 87K)

Morning qt Sabsbro
celeb thread
Ooooooooooooooh my dick!
morning user how r u?
> I feel sad and gay because I think think shes pretty fucking cute
Areola Winter
Doing pretty well Just relaxing and playing a little vidya
that's what poppa midget looked like right before he squeezed the trigger. you were such a weak, tiny loser that your father blew his fucking brains out. his shame and disdain for what an embarrassment his 4 foot tall "son" was, and was becoming was just too great for him to bear. damn, dude. that's heavy. I sympathize with him (prior to blowing his brains all over the back of his car) though. I mean.... fuck. look at this. heavy burden that man carried.
She has a queen of spade tatoo and none of you fags told me about it? Ariel number 1 girl now.
of course, why else would you suck on a dick in the first place?
Wow. Who is that?

Attached: 1bd626379.jpg (125x125, 3K)

Attached: 1c79103316ee0bc97bc7a134c60.jpg (83x125, 2K)

What the fuck is that?
not sure but im not complaining
always nice :)
that's what poppa midget looked like right before he squeezed the trigger. you were such a weak, tiny loser that your father blew his fucking brains out. his shame and disdain for what an embarrassment his 4 foot tall "son" was, and was becoming was just too great for him to bear. damn, dude. that's heavy. I sympathize with him (prior to blowing his brains all over the back of his car) though. I mean.... fuck. look at this. heavy burden that man carried.
morning user how r u?
your dad put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger. that's how much he cared about you.
Money well spent
Morning qt Sabsbro
imagine how perfect she'd be if she hadn't gotten a reduction. I bet she lives in regret. her boobs are still big.
Areola Winter
Consume companionship
but would you swallow

Attached: 1d1f0.jpg (83x125, 2K)

nah was playing RE6 Mercenaries

Attached: 4gsakprryzk21.jpg (1498x2000, 396K)

Attached: 1ddcf27cbb4de6a6f.jpg (93x124, 2K)

Gud for you little fella
always nice :)
Morning qt Sabsbro
i have to share what i live today >end my day of work >go to the gas station on the way home >recently i find myself to go in the gas station even when i have no need of anything >still buy tho >the reason is her >nathalia >beautiful latina >black hair n light brown eyes >her smile and voice bring joy in my day >9/10 >she got the evening shift since the last month >always have short but interesting discussion with her (i don't want to bother her during work) >i think today i will ask her number >arrived in the gas station >don't see nathalia >ANGERYYY.JPG >IT'S FUCKING ZACK KUCZYNSKI >he's the manager of that gas station >he's always here in the morning so i stop coming before work >everything about him give me the urge to slit his throat and burn his corpse >with his retarded voice he say "good evening" >god i hate his voice >take a bunch of chocolate bar >"good choice, those are my favorite" >i didn't fucking ask you anything you fuck face >"y-yeah... is nathalia sick? why she's not working? >"nathalia? she 's not sick. I had to fire her" >"WHAT" >"she wasn't doing the job correctly like i ask her to do and she arrived late twice just this month" >i live without taking anything and went to my car angry >i never see her again that fucking piece of shit with cloth named zack kuczynski he fired the only person that was doing a good service in the garbage of gas station i truly wish his family burn in hell and he die from a cancer before he can reproduce any of his retarded genes fuck i hate zack kuczynski
am I blind? I am interested, though
They are good visual aids
that's what poppa midget looked like right before he squeezed the trigger. you were such a weak, tiny loser that your father blew his fucking brains out. his shame and disdain for what an embarrassment his 4 foot tall "

Attached: 1e.jpg (80x125, 2K)

Attached: 1e3c3b45db58bd29b8b067dcb.jpg (83x125, 2K)

Mmmyes keep going

always nice :)
morning user how r u?
>Being this dense
> I feel sad and gay because I think think shes pretty fucking cute
Areola Winter
am I blind? I am interested, though
i would suck taylors dick
Post your favorite and I'll blow
gtg, take care morsenon
ooooooooh my gad
Gud for you little fella
That's a hard no on that one for me
She has a queen of spade tatoo and none of you fags told me about it? Ariel number 1 girl now.

Attached: 1ea7.jpg (125x111, 3K)

ooooooooh my gad
She has a queen of spade tatoo and none of you fags told me about it? Ariel number 1 girl now.
gtg, take care morsenon
but would you swallow
Consume companionship
About to cum
always nice :)
Money well spent
and she is?
it's midget spam. not bd.
Oof that chick may want to start the Rogaine tonight, that receding hairline is bad.
not sure but im not complaining
Doing pretty well Just relaxing and playing a little vidya
Wow. Who is that?
Ooooooooooooooh my dick!
Mmmmmm my bone

Attached: 1ebca84f3.jpg (124x125, 2K)

ooooooooh my gad
morning user how r u?
Tays gonna make me cum soon
When did Tay get tits
but would you swallow
your dad put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger. that's how much he cared about you.
They are good visual aids

Attached: 1f.jpg (93x125, 2K)

Attached: 1fa283f04c0ce9daf3f.jpg (125x125, 2K)

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>Mmmyes keep going

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Attached: 1557093625710.jpg (1439x2537, 1.53M)

Interesting. I was playing the story mode for that yesterday on no hope difficultly

