Do people really have sex with animals or is it just an urban myth?
Why would anyone do such a thing anyway? Is it even physical possibly?
Do people really have sex with animals or is it just an urban myth?
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>Is it even physical possibly?
idk OP how did ur dad get ur mom pregnant if its not possible
yes. people really do have sex with animals.
I let my dog fuck me sometimes
Got pics?
>Do people really have sex with animals or is it just an urban myth?
There have been over 100,000,000,000 humans that have lived before you and you can guarantee some of them have without a doubt fucked animals. As we speak there’s probably a black person somewhere fucking a dog or an Arab fucking a donkey. I have seen places on this planet where poor villages consist of mostly men, there are no females around, they will literally fuck donkeys while people watch like it’s normal.
You’ve never seen a black person on PornHub having sex with a white? Some scientists believe that’s how aids started.
mr hands
>Some scientists believe that’s how aids started.
Zero scientists think that. For one thing, Black people are the same species, so how could that have been the start?
It probably evolved in monkeys and jumped to humans when somebody was cutting up a monkey to eat and cut themselves.
Mare cunt is best cunt. Nice and meaty. No better sight than a fresh load dripping out of a mare
I’m not reading your comment unless you give me a (You).
Absoloutely disgusting. If we’re about to get into an argument you could at least do me the honour of giving me a (You).
I mean you actually went out of your way to hit reply instead of clicking on my little numbers, what the fuck man?
So yeah, no argument unless I get that (You) and then we’ll talk.
Use to do the same when I was teen, the feeling of his huge knot filling my ass got me off as quick as lightning.
youre obviously new to 4cancer
~10 years ago, Yea Forums was full of this shit
but since the feds took over, this site became a children's playground
I mean, I've seen videos, also dog licked my penis while in heat when I was still at home, I'm sure it's gone further :)
Check out this retard.
Where do you think the Trumps came from?
Yeah it's fun and they seem to like it too. But I don't do it that much because Im kind of stuck with roommates.
>Some scientists believe that’s how aids started.
the liberals trying to hide the truth, fact is race mixing is propaganda to give white people aids.
is it practical to have one really when dogs are good
The romans used to put slave girls in an arena and have a dog, donkey , whatever fuck her senseless while she would be chained up. Fact
i hab a friend who lets her dog lick nutella of of her pussy
What kind of dog? Does she fuck it too? I figured this stuff was super rare outside of furry threads and websites.
Not op
Have been a littler since 2015
Only ever started shit posting about a couple of months ago
When I started I would eventually see some horse fucking webms threads and horse fucking webms in rekt threads too
Wife now but back when we were dating I would play a game of truth or dare basically. One of the confessions she made is her family dog when she was a younger teenager. Basically it started coming home from school. She said she was wearing a skirt and panties, sweaty from a hot day in the summer. She sat down at her desk to do homework and the pup start licking her swear up her legs. Eventually it got to her panties and she just said it felt really good. Eventually she got curious and pulled the panties a side a bit and just let her lick her dirty pussy a bit. Obviously it escalated from there, but it just happens. Its really not super uncommon either
Ive fucked worms if that counts
stupid autism