Roast my country

Roast my country

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Buckfast is fae England

You get mistaken for English often so that says a lot

Don’t you mean deep fry?

A cannny slag it. Am fucking fae there

im directly descended from scots
parents did dna BS
i looked at all the fucking faggotry going on there and to be honest being and American Scot im a little disgusted
we go from being bad ass to having your balls falling off and supporting faggots on all levels
im glad my ancestors left u morons behind
i wish i could straggle you and ur brethren
on the other hand Scotland forever

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>yeoooo utr lads got a wee bit of md and bucky here
Fuck off degenerate

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Roasting shit is a waste of electricity

based autistic Scots typing in scots

Post scottish sluts. Irvine here

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No one cares about your country, just England.

You talk like absolute morons.

Typing in an accent is cunty whatever accent it is. Imagine the cringe of thinking your shit northern-English town is important enough to warrant a different language

"Hot" Scottish bird. Enough said.

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Ah, deep fry yourself.

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You had a chance to be like us and gain your own independence but you fucked it up somehow and now Brexit will be your punishment. Why would I need to roast your country and the union is going to kill it for you?

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you got me there


fuck off fenian, cunt, yous are the only ones here who want independence

naw mate yer countries bangin am fae scotland


It's a nation, not a country


>80% of laws being made by the EU
You know why we Scots call you thick?

fuck you ya dirty sweaty

Typical jock bird, as we all know they are just the british fucking hillbillys...............Dirty jock cunts

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bad ass................Just ass more like

such a shame those fucking tats, other than that she's fucking 10, lovely fucking body, made for my big cock

fucking A

shut it ya fuckin jippo

fuck you ya pikey cunt

at least you dont have a trump, so you win

Would fuck/10