Foot Fetish Q&A

Foot Fetish Q&A.

If this is your fetish, can you answer some questions for me, and anyone else who's curious?
I'll include questions in next post

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what do you do with a foot

suck toes, lick soles

and you get off to that? I can understand a foot-job, but that's a little excessive

How did you get into it?
When did you first notice an attraction?
What aspects of foot fetishism do it for you?
After constant exposure to feet appreciation on Yea Forums, it gets to you.
You too begin to think, "cute feet" "gross" etc.
So I'm at the point where I think feet are visually attractive but not quite a sexual turn on.
I watched a couple feet videos of Elsa Jean, favorite starlet. Her feet look nice to me but stuff like licking/sucking her feet didn't really do it for me.
Rubbing feet, a kiss, or footjobs do.
Is feet simply not for me? I can appreciate a good looking foot but not in the manner that you guys may.
I just wanted to try it out, maybe I would get into feet.
What do?

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lemme tell you, every foot fetish dude is different. Personally I enjoy sucking toes and licking soles but some dudes enjoy other shit man, footjobs are cool but for a girl to properly do it she's gonna need practice to do it well

What's the honest-to-god appeal? There's nothing sexual at all about a foot. Like hands I get; they are designed for touching and can be very sensual. But foot fetish just plain confuses me.

Dude it's like getting on your knees and bowing down to a bitch, even worse

2 words: pedal pumping.

IDK why or how I got into it, but I've always gotten a boner from watching a girl drive. Her soft feet in control of the big bad car or truck. Watching her toes flex. Thinking of rubbing them just makes my dick diamonds

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Not that guy, I'm op, what about soles does it for you? Why lick?
I like soft looking soles. Wrinkles, not so much. Same for sucking toes, why?
I'm genuinely curious

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Dead ass didnt understand til i sucked a hot girls toes and now it all makes sense.

Iirc they did a study that indicated that 1 in 5 men have a foot fetish and women are 1 in 15 due to a cross-connection between what your brain recognizes as feet and adjacent to that is what is recognized for genitals. This weird hotwire that can happen between the close receptors are the cause of a foot fetish. There have also been rumors about cavemen and women instinctively looking at features and pink soles and high arches compared to bad circulation and flat foot meaning they would rather have the former as a sexual mate. It's really something though.

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I am sexually attracted to feet. I am ok with questions since fetish is a strong claim.

I'm an unrelated user though just not to confuse you.

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See this looks visually pleasing to me, but I'm not turned on you know?
But I can watch elsa's or mycherrycrush's feet videos and jerk to it.
But I feel like Im mostly doing it to the sexual interaction from these women I'm attracted to, over the fact that it's feet. Im not sure how to explain it.
Im not opposed to feet, if anything Im curious if I COULD be into feet. Like you all atleast.

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Yes. We are aware

I find it to be weird, really unhygienical, something that has been considered bad your whole life. Like it's so dirty and awful , and i find the thought of it sexy.

>women are 1 in 15
damn where the fuck are these perfect women


It's Worlds most common fetish!
From Albania to Zambia.

"Foot fetishism is surprisingly common. It is the most common fetish of the non-genital body parts and non-sexual objects."

I wonder why?! What is the benefit for the human evolution? Is it genetics? Any user know studys or explanations? except submission theories

I'm not a feetfag but many women and girls have indeed beautiful feet.

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>I'm not a feetfag but many women and girls have indeed beautiful feet.

Or Am I manipulated by mainstream porn?
they use feet related shots or views very often in the last 10 years

Are you a member of

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I'm not into feet but legs :)

The foot is one of the most aesthetic parts of the human body. The sexual fascination is derived from that, and the foot is something that can be experienced with 4 of the 5 senses to fuel the sexual stimulation. Your example of hands and your reasoning behind it is inherently flawed regarding a sexual attraction because you're looking at it from a practical standpoint whereas sexual fetishes rarely have any practical reasoning whatsoever.

evolutionary changes aren't always beneficial, many are arbitrary

i'm not into feet for feets sake. matter of fact alot of feet are just awful, ugly, disgusting, gross. but... the hot ones make me hnnnngggggg

1 in 10 or maybe even 1-20 girls has hot feet.

>How did you get into it?
started puperty and looked at girls feet in pe class, as well as a lot of other parts, and realised i had an attraction to them.
>When did you first notice an attraction?
pe class.
>What aspects of foot fetishism do it for you?
licking, smelling, sucking, tickling.
>What do?
lick and suck, but not just her feet.

let me tell you having a bitch with ugly feet is a deal breaker almost. it sucks when the bitch's ugly feet are on display all the time or she actually puts her claws in your lap.

Good to see my stuff reposted

a womans belly is.

Oh fuck yes.

Sniff, suck, kiss, caress, worship.

God yes. Just the sight gets me hard. Actually worshipping feet has me rock hard and leaking like a faucet.

By the first/second grade I was noticing teachers feet in hose and bare, in sandals and pumps and flats. Watched girls feet throughout middle and high school. Kissed my first for sophomore year (after watching that lesbian foot scene in the last emperor).

Go and pay a dominatrix, worship her feet and wank. If you come, it's for you.
I find it harder to come from footjobs

Jade owns my bank account now

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While I'm fucking my wife and she gets really into it, she'll force her foot into my mouth and make me suck and lick in between her toes. Its fucking sexy. idk why.

Pick is her foot.

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I dream of that man. Glad your wife does that

My ultimate sexual fantasy is to be shrunken down to the size of an insect and endure abuse at the hands and feet of a giant qt, ultimately ending with me being crushed into a pulp beneath her soft, warm, and slightly odorous sole.

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She didn't always. At first she was shocked that I was into her feet. We were fucking and I asked her to put her heels back on. She was like "what?" So I said "put your heels on, they're sexy."
They were these slutty, pink leopard print heels that were peep toed with a strap. I said "what's the deal?" and she said no one had ever asked her to do that before. It weirded her out but she went along with it. I just keep kept at it because she always had these slutty heels. Like tons. One time she had up to fifty pairs in her closet. All still in the boxes. I was surprised no one had asked her yet because I think her feet are sexy. Eventually it got to where she sends me pics while she's at work in meetings. I always include them in nudes she lets me take too.

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Rate my girl's feet

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more of her

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and more

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love them!


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they are so fucking soft lads

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they are so small

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indeed they are small. and very very soft

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how old is she?

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she's 24
here's one i took after i gave her a nice coconut oil foot massage

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loving her

should i post more?

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yeah, any more with body or face?

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she even willingly fuels my VERY odd fantasies regarding her feet...
unfortunately dont have more of them with her body on

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some more

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There was a footfag thread about a month ago where there were a few pictures that looked like they were from snapchat with girls showing their feet and saying things like "they're so sweaty, you'd love them" and that sort of thing. I'm not a footfag but those were good.

This is pretty much what happened with me. When I was young I was very weird about always wearing socks and hiding my feet, almost like they felt like private parts. Then as I started to hit puberty I realized being barefoot was actually arousing to me, almost like being naked. And since my feet arnt ugly I would do it sometimes, but I still am kinda weird about my feet. Don't get me wrong, I ain't no toe sucker I think that's nasty, but I just think feet can be a visually sexual part of the body. Kinda like tits. Tits don't really have much to do with the actual act of sex but they still make you horny.