YLYL old style

YLYL old style

Attached: Screenshot_20190722_083517_com.shpock.android.jpg (1440x3120, 798K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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Eso es nuevo o k?

Attached: FB_IMG_1562871575107.jpg (720x508, 43K)

what's the joke?

reply or mom die

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Attached: France1ns.webm (640x360, 1.84M)

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Who knew free fried chicken and watermelon day would be so popular.

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dubs don't lie, this is actually how it's gonna play out one day

Is that Hank Hill getting a blowjob from Bill in the last panel?

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Attached: anon is a tekken player.jpg (868x643, 89K)

Attached: c41298f.jpg (480x641, 20K)

The joke is that the person who posted this image is autistic and takes the £1/month figure literally. This person is so out of touch from day to day commercial interactions that they don’t realize that £1/month means £1000/month, and that the ad would confuse only the most half witted individuals who have never responded to a classified ad.

Attached: anon eats pickles.png (963x783, 87K)

I thought the joke was that it was some retarded English tea fuckers version of section 8 since the building looks like shit.

Attached: crane game.jpg (2450x1082, 444K)

Attached: go-back-to-where-you-came-from-comic1.png (1000x1000, 879K)

Attached: 8kQsKr9.jpg (1281x903, 145K)

Goddamn, niggers are ugly

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Attached: d5c.gif (356x1606, 27K)

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Oly sit, what was this game. Remember playing it on psone

for 109 bucks that monitor better be actual size

Adventure mode allows playing as goblin?

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Attached: 4yFNE1D.jpg (1395x821, 157K)

Ayo whiteboi them greek godz wuz black


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Attached: Wall-E_is_Real.jpg (708x531, 98K)

Most modern apartments in England look like that. Maybe there just isn’t a joke.

hahhhahahahahahahahhahaha this is retarded

discord..gg/GHdvqw9 ((REMOVE THE EXTRA DOT))

server with no rules. Anything Goes!

loli, gore, nudes, and A LOT of shitposting!

Attached: 1563031211611.jpg (470x427, 33K)

I joined on 7 of my accounts to report your server for breaking Discord TOS. Enjoy your server deletion.

Never even heard of that show :| good marketing.

based user

Attached: 07812af0902a795193c80374299dc2e7.png (1440x900, 258K)

thanks bros

What is that ballsack doing to that cat?

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Look at this turbo faggot who has 7 discord accounts.

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My nigga how tf you play mario party 64 on the ps1?

No you didnt. That was from mario party

This gave me eye cancer.

Also behind 7 proxies you donut.

Attached: fear.gif (636x266, 1.93M)

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This thread is awful

>Mario party

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Whish i could actually hear the recording lol


>taking it

You fuck that's the building that burned down with all those people in it

Attached: FCCB07B2-57F3-47AE-8FF5-F26B1322776F.gif (24x20, 27K)

i know this is bait, but fucking hell this is pure cancer

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Indian memes are best

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Don't reply to him. Maybe he'll go away.

It's Mario party on psone

I figured there was some Euro news involved with it that I wouldn’t know about. I also figured if I kept giving the wrong explanation to the image someone would eventually correct me.

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What is all this shit. Why is all ylyl threads full of Reddit idiots, posting super lame shit?

Euronymous was a commie, no way is he in Vahalla

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Attached: beat.jpg (244x301, 16K)

Attached: bedtime.png (645x645, 1.02M)

Would still take read minds.
Imagine being able to always know what people are thinking about you

Can someone explain this, I see it everywhere and I don’t get it.

I feel this could easily turn into a curse. I go with flying, seems more useful and fun.

do u think that yoshi gets embarrassed when he poos out eggs in front of mario??? sorry if this ofends anyone but i thought it was a funny thing haha. and i would like to know if any of you have any pics of yoshi pooping an egg while he looks nervous or embarrassed i just want to see it for a few laughs haha. another thing i am wondering is what do you think the eggs smell like haha im just curious for laughs haha i would like to smell them

Attached: burned.jpg (224x224, 12K)

Is that a European? Whenever I see anything listed as "1$" or "free" it always just means "I want you to make an offer without telling you how much I'm after" unless the full description says otherwise.

No, Grenfell Tower. Burned down with people inside in 2017.

No it's not.

Attached: disarm.jpg (1024x576, 66K)

Lmao. I was so fucking dissapointed with this show.. Troy is my favourite movie and I was so keen on a series.. when I saw that Achilles was black I just thought to myself “fucking typical” and never watched it again. Not just because he was black but because it’s so blatantly obvious that they’re doing the same diversity/softcore porn shit as GoT, Netflix, Disney, music etc. I didn’t get up to the interracial threesome but I’m not surprised at all, what fucking idiots.

Attached: v56rivral2qz.jpg (750x840, 117K)

Attached: disney.png (625x687, 412K)

>Sell infinite garlic bread
>Make infinite money
>Still have garlic bread
Fuck reading minds

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this hurts my brain

Made me laugh thanks for sharing

>inter-racial threesome
The BBC sure does love their BBC.

This is some MK ultra shit or something

Attached: choke.gif (420x240, 186K)


Attached: hamster.jpg (450x479, 32K)

>being one

>projecting this hard

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Literally kill your self

I've had good luck with their battery warranty and testing

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fuuuuuuuck youuuuuuuuuu

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You'd always smell like garlic bread though

u a chode

Attached: 1504749182475.jpg (750x531, 95K)

you're not funny

Fuckin lost so hard

this is really good

I wanna drink rat poison when I see these

Attached: 1504749520365.jpg (1552x1762, 1.31M)


lmao ecksdee


Attached: berdabros.jpg (320x320, 19K)


I strongly encourage you to do that

>The Sun

garlic bread for sure, could just end the universe with garlic bread

obnoxious immigrant funny

I don't know what I'm looking at

Nah he's right for the majority of them

OPs rectal imaging

I love these threads, I always laugh and lose when I see them, but never at the content only at the idea of the thread it's self to bait people into wasting their time with the same exact intentionally unfunny pasta over and over and over

sauce? I laughed my ass off

I’ve resigned myself to the fact that I will never laugh in these threads.

This one is actually currently the worst thread on Yea Forums right now.

Attached: A295FBE4-53D2-46B3-963E-72C68EAC4247.jpg (322x350, 35K)

>read peoples minds when they are entering their pin codes
>steal their wallet when they are completely distracted, you will know if they are by reading mind
>infinite money without having to work nearly as hard for it

Attached: BORN TO EVOLVE.jpg (750x750, 65K)

This. It would drive me nuts knowing what others are thinking about me, but I could kill it at poker. Still, I'll take flying, fuck traffic and slow walkers, also it would be fun to pee on people or take human sized shits on cars.

I've seen a lot of shit in my day, but this thread may be the worst ever.

Check em

Attached: 1561844448155.gif (300x214, 1.95M)


Attached: CBADF180-0ABD-4849-83CD-2807847F4E68.jpg (553x538, 155K)

actually, to serve our racist interests, it's interesting to note that the only stories of mothers naming their child in variants of that name, sometimes misspelled, they are mexicans. it's like how the named a billion mexicans "jesus". it's not even cultural, it speaks of some sort of actual lower lifeform mentality and may be rooted in defective physiology.

Your digits are a failure like your life

Attached: B471118A-1213-450E-948D-3CEC259E73C8.jpg (396x382, 47K)

Oh you know im taking blue

He'll just have to fuck Italians and fatties from then on

"First 20 people will have their social assistance fast tracked"

Doggos do the dardest things uwu

Attached: F95675C6-B7E7-47D1-8E04-813FD8398AF7.gif (242x201, 1.96M)

what did you expect

Attached: 2340123978623490827.jpg (929x1637, 158K)

Typical nigger
All he has to offer is muh dick
If having a big dick is all that matters then horses and donkeys must be the master race

Attached: C8F8C381-EA13-4A63-B815-02269D370DEC.jpg (600x818, 64K)

Pro stand always

Attached: 1452315271822.png (381x500, 269K)


What is this?

fuck you faggot. think your flexing by being an edgelord

Attached: flexin.gif (500x334, 362K)


Your twin that your mom never told you about

Eat a dick

No u

Attached: 1CF6732E-FE85-4B6F-8EAA-738D32655B9E.gif (201x198, 1.99M)

But I can just fly away
Red win Everytime

There are so many instances where casting black actors would make sense, maybe if they would stop stealing

She's gotta pay the bills some how

But if it was 1000 a month per night thats 30k a day that's too much

Attached: 1563688301522.jpg (521x767, 53K)

I don't get it
Where is the white chick

Which one is Wisley?

Yeah its even smaller than my phone

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>don't have free garlic bread

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The irony, fucking lost

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Dang it user

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Thats fucking stupid, there are so many instances to cast white actors, but all the black actors keep stealing them

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This Pajeet, poo in the loo, shit needs to end
Go shit in the street you curry smelling shitskin.

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>leddit watermark

Attached: gross.png (326x306, 243K)


Attached: checkem.png (693x966, 569K)


Attached: brock bullshit.png (494x402, 18K)

You would watch it you capitalist pig and you know it.


Right-wing: steals all of our shit

Left-wing: breaths

Left-wing: we just want-...

right-wing: NO!!
Left-wing: but you’re not even letting u-,,,

Left-wing: we don’t even want fre-...

Left-wing: you know about the “send her ba-...

Left-wing: Trump has hated America for years and still does, does he need to go away? :)

Right-wing: :|

Right-wing: >:(

Attached: kq1v3ag6l1d31.jpg (700x575, 68K)

>implying anyone ever thinks of you

i think if the poor brainwashed republicans can be seen as victims of systemic indoctrination, exploitation, misinformation, under-education, and misguided ethnic fixation then stuff can start getting better.

for years they have just been herded like angry coal/oil covered sheep to rage at their enemies while being fleeced for all they're worth.

people do not respond well to anger or personal attacks, they pretty much always retaliate in kind. angry people respond even worse.

compassion is the only real solution, it will be slow, it will be painful, every republican sheep that gets the coal dust filled oily wool out of their eyes will be super embarrassed but in a generation of overwhelming compassion instead of hate the divide can mostly be filled.

arguing with them only makes the problem worse, it's literally adding fuel to the fire, and you gotta remember, these under educated sheep are covered in oil, when they start to burn and run all over the place nothing good will happen to the people locked in the pen with them.

i'll admit to having a bit too much fun with the analogy but the message is clear and true.

Scorpiftw. Nice Skype.

Dubs of impending doom

youtu.be/viU9XL3Pf8M see this retard hahaha

This is the worst 9gag thread in a long time


As a good friend of mine likes to say, there’s 3 types of republicans: greedy, stupid, and a combination of the two.

Attached: t1pws55cy3931.jpg (1536x2048, 257K)

based haha poster

Attached: 1519851224268.png (273x391, 191K)

Then how is it up for aale

Fuckin lost



/pol/ humor threads at least always have the
Leaf pasta.

Ylyl was the only thing left on Yea Forums I actually enjoyed. It’s all absolute fucking garbage anymore. After debating a while about it I’m done with this shit

i live under a rock wtf is this

Crash bash if it was ps1


Y r dey running? xD

lol so true, you can just end it with nature saying "cool when are you leaving to all humans"

Attached: MHSg4Wp.jpg (1080x1325, 120K)

Attached: n0nt4fsmcx831.jpg (1288x1249, 167K)

But its powder you would choke

Attached: e6z7evvyh4931.jpg (1200x980, 130K)

Did your wifes boyfriend jamal send this meme to you?

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>Imagine being proud of being white

Attached: 1553902403832.jpg (515x570, 47K)

The Running of The Negros

Attached: 1555620059642.jpg (1024x734, 76K)

Cry into your wifes boyfriends shouler then go back to holding the camera while him and his niggers run a train on her

Attached: 612C35CC-58A8-4530-920E-72AD6C7091F6.jpg (637x657, 93K)

Reminds me of this guy. Every bit as intelligent too.

Attached: blacklander.png (409x355, 164K)

Attached: s3wkrumk8sw21.jpg (500x574, 49K)

>the jokes on you i was only pretending to be retarded

>having an anime picture

Attached: 1555618002333.jpg (673x1024, 72K)

Indians defended themselves against invaders, so why shouldn't we?

Attached: 0D00948B-0213-47AE-8D4A-44AE0198508C.jpg (862x630, 95K)

Attached: 4chan Where's Waldo.jpg (2000x1333, 774K)

people do not respond well to anger or personal attacks, they pretty much always retaliate in kind. angry people respond even worse.


First laugh in one of these threads. Good one user

>be pitbull
>kill shit for a thousand generations
>have mentality of a killer

>be non white
>be barabrian peasant for thousand generations
>have the mentality of a savage

New thread whites only
No niggers spiks kikes ragheads curries chinks or mongrels

Jeffrey Epstein at marolago

Free holiday, riches from drug trafficking

That's actually a good one

On the other hand my sister is white but retarded and named her daughter Saphira. Because of the movie Eragon. She's too stupid to read.

Because dey kno da wey

>mfw reality is actually the opposite of this
1/10, made me reply

Perfect image to die on

Who the fuck names their child Ambrosius?

How the hell did they trace it back to that specific place? Did the OP forget to wipe the picture they posted, and it was somehow traced to around that location and GPS?


Rekt thread?

Have you seen any of the demonstrations by either side?

Liberals (antifa) are the ONLY ones randomly assaulting and battering anyone, even bystanders.

So what the hell are you talking about?!?!


every time you do this, faggot....why? they all suck, we know that.

3edgy5me! it is still summer boys, cut this kid some slack.