From what my sources are telling me....He is probably getting 25-Life after impeachment.
From what my sources are telling me....He is probably getting 25-Life after impeachment
shitty b8 m8
go back to /pol
>"I don't know how you can impeach someone who's done a great job. I tell you what, if I ever got impeached, I think the market would crash, I think everybody would be very poor. Because without this [points at his head, referring to his brain and his thinking], you would see numbers that you wouldn't believe in reverse."
Hang it up. Dems look stupid as fuck and so do you.
>t. assmad trumpblower
Doesn't change the fact that Dems look stupid as fuck.
When you're retarded and think the deficit is the national debt
>what is a sustainable economy?
You have been visited by the Laura of mediocre threads.
This thread is about to die with only 11 replies. OP, hopefully you got what you desired out of it and that it wasn't a total loss.
Who does these posts?
Bump out of spite
another bumpu
I don't even remember what this thread is about
moar bump
big dik bump
bro bump
I do.
What's your goal? Out of curiosity, not judgement.
bumpy bumpy bumpy
and another
No goal, really. Mostly just do it out of boredom.
It started when /tkg/ (where most of the Laura stuff is from) turned against Laura. Didn't have any place to discuss her, so I started posting her in threads that are about to die. Her character kinda fits the theme, so I thought it appropriate.
Never heard of it. I perhaps am a newfag. Only been around since 2010.
Also, who is Laura?
>clinton got it to zero you actually believe this?
>Obama halved it no no.. you can't be this dumb, right?
Yep any day now he will be impeached, people been saying that since he was sworn in.
>From what my sources are telling me..
Reddit, in other words. Sorry, kid, you have to go back.
>Also, who is Laura?
Character from the webcomic Twokinds. See pic related for more info.
I think they're crediting Clinton with the dot com boom. We see what happened when that bubble popped.
/tkg/ memed her a lot though, basically allowing her to be drawn/inserted into any situation (even if it doesn't fit with her character).
Interesting. She has nice buttcheeks. But that raises another question...
Why the potatoes?
oops already on page 7
It's a gag thing the artist came up with. She's known for running away at the most inconvenient times, guess it's to highlight that fact (or something).
if the debt is covered and the deficit is low, does it fuckin matter what the debt was. dumbass trumpets
Want to fuck her so bad
I rather someone look clean as fuck but be a complete idiot when it comes to economics and fuck that up completely instead of someone who knows what economics is and looks dumb as fuck.
you cons are truly the dumbest people on the face of the earth. dumber than those fucks that believe the earth is goddamn 6k years old. lol
Oh I get it. I think. Reminds me of old cartoons where they run away so fast, they leave a cloud of dust, or a few stray items hanging in mid air.
Do you know how impeachment proceedings work?
Yes. The people vote to impeach, and then you hang him in public, and put a woman of color in the office instead. Preferably a muslim one who is also a gay tranny.
Wow I can tell that you are a 55gallon drum of awesome sauce.
also bump
I'm running out of shit
>5'4" 100lbs
someone get that girl a sandwich
To be fair, she's literally dead
at that bmi she must have died in fucking auchwitz
democrats are being led by someone who was mystified by a garbage disposal
95lb on the left
115lb on the right
I'd bang either one, honestly
A small subsection of dems anyway. Let's hope more people get behind the pragmatists like Pelosi.
Never thought I'd be hoping for people to support Pelosi...
whats your sources? le reddit?
VOX media of course. The most trusted name in news.
>2016 gonna get impeached any day now
>2017 gonna get impeached any day now
>2018 gonna get impeached any day now
>2019 gonna get impeached any day now
Just stop
Well if nou is all you can think of.....
Lol both same girl!!!!
Laura's more into fish.
yes, this is adjusted for inflation
Low quality bait, but I do wish you guys would crack a book and learn how impeachment works.