Actual habben story time. My good friend of mine got raped in front of me pic related

Actual habben story time. My good friend of mine got raped in front of me pic related

>be me
>nightout with her clubbing
>she has no boyfriend
>having fun get drunk
>latenight decide i escort her home
>pack of black people approach
>they start grabbing and hugging her
>she does not like it and fend off
>things getting rough now
>they hold her arms and legs and carry her on the pavement
>she is powerless and drunk
>niggers pull their pants down and one guy put dick in
>they fuck n nut inside her
>she fights but at same time feeling aroused and touches nigger
>she obviously likes it as she kisses one guy viciously and moans
>moaning intensifies and sounds of joy
>niggers ride her hard and cum inside her
>pic related aftermath after niggers flee and my friend she sleepy on pavement
What do now?

Attached: 1564079209066.jpg (1280x960, 121K)

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You did nothing to protect her and literally watched a pack of black men rape her? Yeah, sounds like you better kill yourself.

That's a couch not the pavement retard

Such a friend you are

I carried her home this is my couch. On the way carrying her home she kissed me while sleepydrunk as fuck

You should ask her if she's okay and then ask her to fuck you. If not. Fuck her brains out then too. But judging that other niggers came inside her, use a condom for that HIV cumlube

You should have been carrying a gun. You could have ventilated all of them and saved her from this.
>inb4 it's illegal where I live
So is rape, but that didn't stop them. The question is whether you have the balls to realize there is a difference between legality and morality.

sounds like she got what she wanted and deserved

Hot keep it going. Im fappin. Go more into details how these blacks abused her please state like frame for frame im diamonds

Sleepy keks I'm tired af still lol'd


probly fake. Timestamp.

are you a retard its a story u dumbfuck not real time

Yea man cmon were waiting. OP is a piece of shit son of a niggerhoe if he doesnt go in-depth

Dumb fucking story

cmon chavvy

Just tell me she got ass-raped with a smile on her face. I'd like that.

If I were you I'd probably just kill the nigger rapists, then my coal burner friend, then myself for watching my coal burner friend get raped and not doing anything.

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"Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact."

upload video or pics of gang rapers or it never happened?

Attached: Aybabtu.png (240x160, 9K)

OP you faggy ass LARPER. You are the pure cancer of Yea Forums and I wish those yellow fags would put a stop to you, and other LARPERS like you.

This thread has attracted the attention of PC Laura.

user, please do not use racist language in your opening post! Even if you have to quote it, make sure to change it to something like 'n word' or 'n****r' before posting.
Thank you!

Attached: Laura.png (559x468, 172K)

Imagine letting niggers not only fuck your friend but rape her

Also shut the fuck up retard

Fuck her, but use condom. She got what she wanted and deserved. Why not take advantage of that slut?


Why? OP is certainly certainty dead


Undress her, take pics cids, fuck her, enjoy it

God i love blacked out drunk bitches, undressed and took pics of a drunk bitch a fee times... hot shit