
==The Mind==
Of course our minds are not the only ones that exist within the infinite black seas of void mentioned previously.
The Mind, the Slug the father of realmlings.
The Mind must spread, spread its influence over the realms...
The Mind spreads itself via portals, we do not know why it does this, perhaps a similar drive to our own drive to reproduce, but it does do this.
It sends part of itself through the portals, these parts we call Realmchildren. Usually sent as a small fleshy tumor, which over millennia grows into a realm spanning network. Of smaller tumors.
Eventually the network is destined to overtake the entirety of the realm. Turning it into a beautiful blissful fleshy moist realm-spanning tumor,
populated by the realmlings and their worshipers. Fed by the remains of the realm's previous inhabitants who would have long since gone mad or been consumed.

Attached: realmling.png (715x804, 288K)

==The Realmchild==
Our god is a Realmchild. Our god is a manifestation of The Mind in our realm. Our god is The Realmchild.
The Realmlings, the children of the Realmchild. Can be thought of as a network of sorts, a network of smaller
minds that are under the indirect control of a larger mind. Or perhaps the same mind?
They themselves are far more intelligent then us, but they are yet small minded in comparison to the Realmchild.
They can be thought of as minds operating underneath a larger Mind which is itself operating under a much larger much less comprehensible mind. Usually represented as a spiral.
The Realmchild of course can be represented similarly. For while the realmlings work under The Realmchild as part of the Realmchild's smaller yet huge and incomprehensible compared to our minds, mind.
The Realmchild is itself part of The Mind. Operating underneath a much greater mind. A great mind scattered throughout infinity, yet whole.
Some say they can communicate telepathically and that the mind watches over its children.

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==The Realmlings==
The Realmchild has numerous children, these insectoid things we call realmlings.
Though they aren't really insectoid, more like something that is not altogether an insect,
or a bird, nor a rotting pulsating corpse, but something strange, insectoid-esque, carnivorous and highly intelligent with a processing capacity surpassing even the wisest humanoids.
There are many different kinds of realmlings, the most common of which is just called an Acid Realmling.
They have an esoteric bite that injects an acidic liquid into their prey's insides and dissolves their prey from the inside out in a beautiful liquidy fleshy display of wonder.
Then they tear into their prey, leaving nothing, not even the bones but perhaps a broken skull, rarely.
The young not fully grown, "larval" realmlings are small insectoid things with numerous tentacles, that slither around hissing in the cutest way possible.
If set on top of a decapitated corpses neck they proceed to burrow into the corpse and take over as the corpses head. Creating a hybrid of such tentacled beauty that even the most
sane-minded fellow seeing this creature would have a hard time maintaining control..

There are numerous rituals taught to us by the realmchild, one of which is the Wayfaring Hex Of The Realmchild
which allows casters to move to another realm.
==The Wayfaring Hex Of The Realmchild==
In order to traverse the realms the realmchild taught us (After we sufficiently entertained it with numerous terrible ungodly sexual acts with the realmlings to appease it). One needs to chant a specific chant
"phenglu megleunof realmcvhaily wagnahl fataghn"
On the winter solstice in a group of at least 100 individuals.
With a realmling in the middle of a summoning circle where the chief symbol is a large brain and a smaller brain surrounded by a spiral,
Devouring many people, at least ten, the more the higher chance the spell is successful, once the people are devoured the chant activates energy has a chance to generate a portal to another realm.

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==The Book Of The Mind==
The most merciful thing in the world i think is the inability of the humanoid mind
to correlate all its contents, we live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst
of black seas of void and infinity and we were not meant to voyage far, we were not
meant to voyage into other realms.

Attached: seal.jpg (1300x1280, 529K)

Attached: cruderealmlinghead.png (1300x1280, 29K)

Attached: Capture.png (440x259, 9K)

Jzcg cg ell hy Mrjdmgjqnlctq
Xdecgq jzq ocrn

Attached: alien.png (440x350, 24K)

Attached: thesigns.png (715x804, 15K)

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Attached: thessign.png (80x80, 2K)

Attached: tumors.png (80x80, 1K)

ell c dqoqohqd edq jzq kulumdg dqn ern hleki

Eo c jzq urly urq jzejg gqqr jzq gcwrg??

Jzq ocrn irusg ell ern jzq sudln scll ncq...jzq sudln scll hq nqgjduyqn, jzq sudln scll ncq!

Xdecgq jzq Ocrn! Xdecgq jzq ocrn! Xdecgq jzq ocrn!
Tuulg nurj irus jzq ocrn.
Zqlx oq

Xdecgq jzq ocrn! Xdecgq zcg kzclndqr, Xdecgq jzq Dqelokzcln
Qohdekq jzq pucn.
Qohdekq jzq oenrqgg.
Tud szqr jzq gjedg edq dcwzj jzq ocrn scll dcgq!
Xdecgq jzq ocrn!
Cjg dqel.
Qohdekq dqelcjy.

Fba lksbf jnmu gkfbkd uy ayaw vmonar mof.
Wlkfbankds zabkdr qdr qll qnmodr ua, zqfbkds kd dmfbkds, kfw tmy gqw lkca q volwa kd q raqr zmry.
Uy zmry, gkfb fba zloa zlmmr lajf, gqw wfnosslkds qdr imdfmnfkds fm caav ua ov, zof kf gqw ioffkds odran
uy wckd. Raav fbnmosb uy xawwalw kf znaqcw qdr wiqffanw kfwalj. K iqd jaal bkw zaqf qll qnmodr ua.
Zabkdr ua, kfw naqib wvnaqrw qdr kf imuaw jmn ua, jkdrw uy wbmolran, qdr uy daic...
Fba zlmmr jnmu uy lasw iqnxaw uy zmdaw qdr K jqll, qdr fbay jmllmg. Sqwvkds mdia, K ibmca mdia qdr uy zmry
wfmvw. Dmfbkds mj fbkw gmnlr iqd bqnu ua.