Year of our lord 2019

>Year of our lord 2019
>STILL buying consoles


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The only valid reason would be console exclusives.

by my count i'm in to nintendo five large and i don't know how to stop

Which is what, 1-3 games per year? Hardly an excuse to spend hundreds on a fucking console

Easy; you game on PC instead

You dont even know dude. I try to explain all the fucking time to a buddy of mine to stop buying these fucking consoles and just get a PC. Dude has every console and even gets the slightly upgraded versions of the same fucking console when they release(think xbox 1 to xbox 1 x) for no reason and doesnt use all but one of them. He just uses the others for exclusives. I try to explain how much of a fucking waste that is but hes a 24 year old virgin so you cant tell him shit. I used to have every console aswell and was an xbox fan boy pretty hard untill Pubg came out and i realized my shitty laptop couldnt run it well, so i bought i 2k$ pc, sold all my other consoles for Runescape gold and have never looked back. Worst part is the moron is going to get the next set of consoles when they release. JUST GET A FUCKING PC AUDRIC.

i have four copies of la mulana

People like him are hopeless. I had a friend who was the exact same but worse, because he spent like 2k on a fucking PC but never used it, yet he had every console and a fuckload of games. One day I was like dude, why the fuck are you wasting your money like this you could play ALL of that shit on your PC and with better graphics even, and he's like eh well I can't figure out how to do it on my computer. Meanwhile I have to game on a $300 all in one PC that can't run anything past 2010.

I guess I could see Nintendo being the one company that makes consoles unique enough to justify buying them.

I'd rather not play at all and discourage this sort of model

Ease of use.

If I was still an actual "gamer" and didn't just play a few games a year, mostly for story and experience, PC would be superior, but as of now I'd rather sit comfortably in my living room and play the few really good single player games that come out.

Also, can't be arsed to keep screwing with graphic settings, Windows errors and the like. Trust me, I've been doing that shit since DOS was a thing and I'm tired of it.

Now, I put the disc in the PS4 and wait for an update and just play.


If only Nintendo wouldn't be so backwards about a lot of things. Also, they're severely overpriced for old hardware and games. Too bad, because I actually enjoy Nintendo games in general.

>Also, can't be arsed to keep screwing with graphic settings
Are you an autist or something? That shit takes like 5 mins

5 vs 0 minutes. And downloading new drivers etc.

Spending hundreds of dollars vs 5 mins, yeah great reason to buy a console. NOT.

nintendo still thinks it's 1999, releasing a new mario, pokemon and some autistic j-rpg game for their extra gay console

As if the PC hardware doesn't cost hundreds of dollars?

Its not as nearly as conplicated as you may believe my Boomer friend. Very rarely do i have any problems with mine. But, i do understand the simplicity of a console and the simplicity of just putting in a disk.

Calm down, let the children of today have some fun.
Fuck the bugmen though.

because decent gaming pc is cheap?an the upgreading it is cheap too?

This. I say the exact same thing to my nintindo fanboy buddy

The thing about a pc is if you do it right the first time, you wont have to upgrade every year like with a console

You tell your friends they shouldn't be interested in good games? Weird flex, but ok.

blessed image

well you don't buy a new console every year eitheir, console usually last 4 year before they releaese a new one. and Building a solid gaming pc is really really expansive , might cost 2console price , and you will have to upgread it at some point and its expansive.
that being said buyibg the sligghtly up model of a conbsole u already have is a fag move

i invested in cloud gaming

i have have to stream video to play my games

>mfw mom is watching netflix

>mfw i get lag for playing single player games


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Mario and Pokemon were good 20 years ago, when they were already 10 and 5 years old. now they're just a sad cash grab. they've become exactly like CoD, FIFA, Madden and NBA2k, yearly releases just for the sake of a few shekels

Lol. Well, maybe Microsoft have done things right since Windows 7, which was when I stopped playing games on PC. So many frequent crashes, errors and shit.

Consoles are great you fag. Love PC but why hate on consoles

I don't think you pay as much attention to game releases as you think you do. Try playing some games once in a while, you'll be surprised.

Your Boomer friend here started playing games on a ZX Spectrum. With fucking rubber keys on the keyboard. And games on tape. Anything is simple compared to that stuff.

Because I have friends.

Of course there are awesome exlusives out there for console(mostly sony exclusives) but what im saying is that it simply isnt worth all the money he put into obtaining the consoles just to play 1-3 exlusives a year when there are FAR more games on pc for CHEAPER that you can only play via steam or whatever and you dont have to pay a monthly sub for just to play multiplayer. Hell i would love to play red dead 2(big fan of the first one) but theres no way i could justify buying a 2-400$ console just for that but HE could. And i know this is just an opinion and it isnt my money. I personally have known the guy for a decade and am just looking out. Either way, PC, much smarter way to go and thats a fact. Ofc unless you are a very casual gamer and dont care then i get that to

Move out you fucking manchild