I know there is probably better places to ask but Yea Forums is very active

I know there is probably better places to ask but Yea Forums is very active
I've been going out with a girl who I've known for a very long time, we both said i love you to each other, but after the time we've been together it seems she has lost interest. I try to talk to her atleast once a day but she shuts the conversation down fast, what should I do exactly? Not talk to her for a day or two? Any advice would be great

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drop it and dont let it bother you anymore

stop this shit

I love her, it would just be hard to do that

She's cheating

I really doubt that, she would never do that she has left friends behind who were cheaters

Bang her best friend and or roommate. That’ll get her attention

people your age say i love you like they take a shit.Move on you're not that interesting to her.

This is a classic case of putting the ball in her court and not bitching yourself up. Let her know you are interested and want to talk/get together, go out, etc, and then leave it alone. If you get no answer, you got your answer then. It's really all you can go, because if you keep pushing and being clingy, well, it's gonna backfire and be done with in no time. If she's already lost interest completely, there aint shit you can do anyway. If that is already the case, you can bet she has shit lined up on the side already for when it all ends and could very well already be physically doing something with someone else.

Again, just put it out there in your way and make your feelings known. You did your part, done deal. Now it's her turn.

How old are you OP? and how old is the girl?

It sounds like she's starting to get tired. Sure the both of you do love each other, but having going out every single day may just be draining her.

Remember that relationships arent just two people loving each other. It means respecting each others personal privacy. If she wants to have a day just for herself, let her go do it. Let her breath for sometime, and let her be herself.

But most importantly, go talk to her. You'll do much more damage if you leave it alone and not do anything.

and God's speed dude, you're one of the few basters that has managed to get a girl to like you.

Does she have anxiety and depression? The girl I’m with is the same way. She gets into moods where she won’t talk to anyone or doesn’t seem interested in anything for days to weeks at a time. Maybe she doesn’t care or has lost interest, who knows. I vote you directly confront her and ask her what’s up. If it’s actually something she’ll tell you. If she says nothing she’s waiting for you to leave so she won’t seem like the bad guy. Shitty situation either way, but who am I to tell you relationship advice. I’m just user.

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>You'll do much more damage if you leave it alone and not do anything.

Agreed with everything but that. Again, he needs to put it out there ONCE...and let it be known he is interested. But not leaving it alone continually is the worst thing you can do. If she actually cares and is authentically interested in him, she will reciprocate and make contact when she is ready.

Trust me, dogging the shit out of a woman and being clingy is total beta male bs and it backfires badly. All that will do is have her sucking someone elses dick in no time.

>The girl I’m with is the same way. She gets into moods where she won’t talk to anyone or doesn’t seem interested in anything for days to weeks at a time

Lmao, that's called being woman. They pretty much all do this at some point in time. Many do this too as a way to test a guy as well, see how much they are interested in them, etc. It could be a headgame of sorts, and yeah, it's weak and lame bs, but...it's just how a lot of women tend to be. It's not a bad thing really if done mildly and they are kinda going through something, but if they do it all the time and it becomes a constant thing, it's best to leave those types behind REAL FAST.

Regardless, same rule applies. Can't be a beta male. You simply give her a call, ask if she wants to hang/hook up/go out, and now it is her turn to reciprocate. If she says no, and then says she will call you sometime and get back to you, well...then you wait for her to call. If she doesn't, fuck her and start looking elsewhere.

This is how you save yourself massive headaches and allowing a woman to control you. In the end, you can walk away from it knowing you did everything in your power and that it wasn't your fault.

She knows I'm interested 100%, and I do ask her does she want to go out but she never wants to be alone with me, I'm not scary or anything

Ok, well, that's not so bad is it? So she's communicating at least. That's good. And she wants to be around you. That's good too. Yeah, it's not exactly how you may want it right now, but it is something to work with for the time. Hang out with her in any way you can, and don't come off as clingy or needy or pushy when you do. If you're with other people, talk to them for the majority of the time, while still showing her interest in her and that you want to see her again in the future. If she is interested, she'll initiate soon enough.

And if not...well...that's how shit goes sometimes, my man. Can't win 'em all.

Ya I get you, thanks

So if anyone has any questions I will answer and a main question is my age I am 18 and she is 18

Heh...yeah, I had guessed you were in your early 20s. No offense, but the whole "I love you" thing is a tough one for those even 40 these days, let alone 18. As user put it earlier, it's crapped out no differently than one takes a shit daily and often is mistaken for infatuation and feeling really good at the time.

You said "a very long time", so how long exactly is a "very long time" you've been "going out with her"? Have you asked her what is wrong why she is being distant or shutting down convos?

She's distant alot but when we do talk she leaves, and we've known eachothers since we were 13 and going out since 15

Ah. Welp, sounds to me like she might of hit the first plateau. In other words, you guys aren't kids anymore and maybe she is starting to question some things, and seeing things in a wider scope farther down the road. Maybe she's questioning if where she is right now is where she wants to be in the future, because after all, she is only 18. And this can easily apply to yourself as well.

Keep in mind that people generally change quite a bit every 10 years. Oldfags like myself weren't anywhere nearly the same at 20...or...30...or 40. A lot of experiences will happen that will change a person, their beliefs, their goals, and their perspective on a lot of different things.

A lot of people your ages and hers, generally go through that whole "what now" phase too right after getting out of HS. It's Welcome To The Machine time now, to quote Pink Floyd. It tends to be a lull in one's life because certain things and circumstances that were once there are now gone and NEVER coming back and it could be depressing with the changes that are going to take place. Everyone gets past it though, it's normal.

Just gotta give her some time, man. And like I said, whatever you do, DON'T BADGER HER OR BE PUSHY. All that accomplishes is pushing her away further. If she knows you truly care and you made it known that you're around and there for her, well, she knows the score then. She can never say you don't care or weren't there, because you made it clear you were.

tell her u shuld go on a break
cos it nt working u think
then get back together with her
maybe shell try harda

I wouldn't do that, I just live her too much to do it

I wouldn't recommend using the "let's take a break" method anyway, because using that word "break" means being apart and insinuates doing other things (as is DOING OTHER PEOPLE lol). There's ways to say that without saying it, which goes back to what I said about making it known that you're around and want to hang out/date/hook up. If she isn't reciprocating or showing she cares at all, well then you got your break right there, with her being the cause of it, not YOU.

Kek you poor relationship virgin you. She's going to leave you soon

I hope not