Did she get sued?

Did she get sued?

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Who cares. Getting sued isn’t a big deal.

>i literally cannot stop making this thread


Don't care enough to google it.

Idk but I want her to stomp on my nuts

Not her fault idiots took the bait

gg/pGqXmxw discord nude kingdom anyone up for it?

It is if they have autism or a mental disability. In her case, I would'n't be surprised if it's a common occurrence with her fans. Not to mention depression, anti-social behaviors and any other number of forms of behavioral problems.

In that case it's predatory because she is taking advantage of her audiences nature as dimwits. General merch is no problem, but bath water is different. She could get charged with poisoning if the morons drank it. Also fraud If it's not actually her bath water.

But her weeb daddies are too much of a bunch of sperms to actually do anything.

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Didnt she kill herself?