I am superior to you

I am superior to you.

Attached: 02.jpg (800x1067, 195K)

Other urls found in this thread:


prove it

bold choice of words

BRB, going to Los Angeles and Detroit to look at all the flying golden pyramids with spinners you guys made with white man's welfare money.

Im gonna cut your dick and shove it up your ass

I've seen bigger dicks on Koreans

Hah no. Your dick doesn't mean shit.

Don't feed animals

Attached: Human-Zoos.jpg (902x700, 66K)

ITT dumb hairy incels proud of their heritag which they have contributed nothing to it

Impossible. You're a nigger

Attached: 1509642964445.jpg (649x502, 20K)

That dick is fake AF.

my dick's bigger than yours and i weigh 117lbs

Attached: alaskan bullworm.jpg (605x807, 146K)

Attached: B39DE673-0AF9-464F-B5D6-D03BCF4B2C3D.jpg (961x1559, 305K)

Attached: FA8FCB11-2846-4577-ADE5-FFBBB13022C6.jpg (2049x1118, 1.12M)

It's okay to feel vulnerable being Steve-O's slave. Don't fight it.
I'll violate you like I did the others
It's okay, you don't have to think anymore. You're my property, and you belong to me.
>It's tendy time
>Time to tenderize your asshole

Attached: giphy.gif (500x273, 991K)

Attached: questionable.png (460x299, 329K)

Oh, that;s right, Photoshop exists...

Attached: AsUsual.jpg (480x360, 36K)

Attached: TheyAreReal.png (1920x1080, 913K)

the cope of the coper

the "help" these days

weak incel detected

The shops of the faggot group...

Attached: 1554333747609.png (1000x548, 470K)

>lives in mud hut

Not to be racist or anything, but I'm so glad I was born an above average height white man in the u.s. that isn't completely ugly. Its like winning a little mini lottery every day

Me too, check it.

Attached: Real One.gif (270x364, 1.52M)


that was off a fucking dick growth advert you fuckin inbred Fag

I doubt that

>weighs 117 lbs
>thinks hes ever going to get laid

vhs.queerclick.com/s3-queerclick/pins/2018/09/medium/9539df4b068804c2ef8beb0b5fbf43df.gif proof

Femanon here

This is your daily reminder that pornography is harmful. Growing up watching porn every day has giving you a false understanding of what a normal penis looks like. Watching porn throughout your adolescence has given you a negative body image and has made you very insecure. This insecurity has made you unattractive, because confidence is what turns us on.

93.4% of men have a penis under 7 inches in length. The horse cocks you see in porn are very painful. We don't want boyfriends that have penises that large.
There is nothing wrong with your penis user.

>Why yes, BLACKED porn is my favorite, how could you tell?

Attached: image.png (1080x1331, 756K)

>93.4% of men have a penis under 7 inches in length.

Bullshit. That can't be right.

93.4% of men have a penis under 7 inches in length

Attached: penis chart.png (1053x685, 142K)

Yes of course, you're superior race in theft, rape, adn coward pussypunching

>Femanon here
You really didn't need to write that, we can see that you're femanon by your typing style and expression of your thoughts.

Welcome to Trump's America, in which someone can say "Bullshit, that can't be right," and go on their merry way, continuing to be a stupid fucking moron without bothering to find out what the facts really are.

Thanks go out to the person who first replied with the actual facts, but too many people today are content with their own stupid reality, which, I suppose, is why Yea Forums exists in the first place.

Autism 100

I don't think that he understands that chart exactly

jealous faggot who can't get horny mommies who crave hung shotas detected

Calm down bub

Attached: image.png (500x355, 100K)

...at stealing. You got there.

Right, I’m staring down at my 11 inch horse cock and I think to myself, “what a wonderful day.”