Stuff like this is why I honestly dont want animal products anymore. Now laugh about me...
lmao moralfaggot
Choose one.
Sure is edgy ITT
Goddam dude why
Most retarded YLYL ever...
fucking niggers i swear
I can‘t laugh about anything in this thread.
Horrible but I lost.
Veganism is the future
Veganism is the moral baseline
Any reason why they throw them on the ground, instent of throwing them in a pot of stew? seem like a waste too me
Made me turn my head
Better with sound :/
Good. Don't consume them anymore. It's better for everything.
google Memphis Meats. In 20 years killing animals will be history.
unironically lost
I'm vegan now, too. You're not alone.
lose a son, gain an ashtray
This is why aspirin exists.
What the hell has him in the eyes!?
Rip the fuckin spaghetti-o's i had lmao. This is one of those things where you know what's going to happen but you're cringing and telling them to stop
Dog has more empathy than the bugs here
Dead sandnigger children are funny
Animal cruelty however is not
i genuinely don't understand why you people find animal abuse funny. I can kinda understand SOME shit involving a human getting hurt but not this
Nobodies gonna laugh at You for promoting happiness and wellness for animals user. We’d only laugh if you were acting like an extremist vegan who wants to kill meat eaters.
Become a hunter. You take control of the kill and you can dictate the animals humane death over this mass-produced shit. You are the apex predator on this planet, accept your role in nature. Only then can you really enjoy that meat.
That said, I have no idea where I'd hunt pig in the wild so I'm still getting my bacon to honor those lost piggly wigglies.
The Philippines is always wyling out kek. What do you expect from a country that's so shitty people flee to fucking China for a better life
>implying faggots ain't moral (don't count the sodomy)
kek the dog has a boner for the necro stuff
>Being this nigger
Going Vegan is a missed-steak.
Made me laugh.
This thread is homo
Unedgyly I lost
MMM crunchy nugger
>Father I crave the nugger
Probably a bee sting
Not even once
Pretty sure this was debunked, or one like it, "animal activists" break into a facility or whatever find the piglits that are marked for killing and they just gather them up and film themselves throwing them on the ground, so as to get these facilities in trouble or whatever.
the price of progress
>Memphis Meats
snoop catt
Fuck this subshit tier thread in the lolhole
It's gotten to the point where the bananaposters are more funny than the people trying to be funny.
You're welcome to make it better than be a bitch and whine about it.
How's being 12 treating you?
Fake. He's dead.
What the fuck is this retardation from? Is that from an actual physical book? Some publisher paid to print that??
Fuck you, pal.
Seems like a decent person. Why the hate?
Earth should've been black, Air should've been green and Heart should've been gold.
Are you actually retarded? Why should air be green instead of earth? You make no sense you fucking peace of shit.
Identified as an underage b&
you whine, yet contribute nothing - are you black ?
Because in almost every fucking media wind/air is associated with the color green, you useless nigger. And why is the heart black? Heart is a special power, it needs a special color.
>Peace of shit
unironically kill yourself
vegan pussy, enjoy the malnutrition you low testosterone bitch boy
That picture always blows my mind
Man, no need to get defensive. I just insulted you because I thought it is really funny to appear totally worked up about this issue. Tbh. I actually don't give a fuck. Whatever man.
Shitty cover-up by ching chong ding dongs.
Chinks need to be exterminated
You get 3.33 on a 10 lol scale.
If the entire world hunted there would be no animals left you dumb nigger
the dude in the back on the left
> found where jontron goes after every upload
Calls humans “apex predator”
Would literally die against any other predator without a rifle looool
Because they don't have reproductive organs? You're a sightless idiot.
But we have rifles. We're smart. We can invent shit like that.
Bwahaha why is he laughing in that kid's face?
If I ever have a kid I'm going to show him/her this and tell them this is what happens when you hold in a sneeze lmao.
My dick stays harder longer than yours meat faggot, enjoy that ED at age fifty from clogged arteries, I will come fuck your mom and GF with my vegan sausage XD
How to remove Islam from sandnigger kek
Loogadis tough guy ova heeeere
I'd tell them that, that's what happens when you masturbate
your a faggot. only faggots care about dicks......
and california
red dead 2 for pc looks great
rtx on obviously
You're about as likely to be an HC stud as Urkle..
thats why they could finally afford his likeness
i was fine with it until i saw the blood on the rod
>i'm trying
every fucking time lol
I lost
This is why lab grown protein will destroy these industries.
The death of an animal is the least enjoyable part of consuming meat. I'd honestly be willing to pay more for a less flavorful steak if i knew a cow wasn't killed in the process.
Pick one
Why? Because of your unindoctrinated feelings?
Suck it up. Bad shit happens. Be happy it hasn't happened to you. Celebrate.
small potatoes friend, the goal is to genetically engineer lab grown to taste even better than real meat. imagine, it tastes like all fat but metabolizes like lean
Negan went to work on coral
All fat blows like a rotten fish. I don't mind genetically engineered foods. But GD, make them acceptable.
Shut the fuck up you dead beat animal fucker. Please go get mauled by a bear.
Fuck that's the saddest thing ever
Isn't it? Fucked up like a football bat.
I hate dogs fucking pieces of garbage
That's the handle
I wished that shit ass dog fuck would've gotten run over
Really. What about the leather on your shoes? Your upholstery, your couch, your wallet... animals are use for more than just food, ya know. You use them everyday. Now say "Thank you".
you'll probably get cancer from it or something. the whole point of meat is that many of the nutrients in plants aren't bio available to us. sure there's a ton of iron in spinach but you'll just piss it right back out. the purpose of herbivores is to eat these pants we cannot and convert those nutrients into a form we can actually use by consuming their flesh. that is why people pay more for stuff like grass fed beef.
plants are living things too no matter what you eat something has to die. don't lament your place in this world the lion certainly doesn't. even single celled organisms devour each other. it's the way of the world.
Nigger i came here to laugh not cry
Stop applying logic to insane people.
Fuck off, dogs are delicious.
Depends on the dog.
He knew that bitch was gonna start counting pennies.
10/10 would kidnap
>Asians are masterrace
what happend to the good old ylyl treahd
where are the good stuffs
OP you fucking fuck you actually made me laugh to this pic fuck you
Hard summerfaggin
What's the point
Come on man. I was having a decent day...
Haven't laughed once at anything on Yea Forums today. Oldestfag here. This shit is so wack now.
It's the people who got bullied they like the attention from replys etc etc.
Then you must remember threads of nigger jokes as well
Why do black people have nightmares?
Because we killed the only one with a dream
how do you save a nigger from drowning?
Take your foot off his head.
Holy FUCK that was edgy
Whats the differance between a dead baby and a nigger?
a dead baby can feed a family of four
> (You)
>Really. What about the leather on your shoes? Your upholstery, your couch, your wallet... animals are use for more than just food, ya know. You use them everyday. Now say "Thank you".
At least read before copypasting that anti vegan nonsense. There's a reason I wrote using animal products, not 'eat meat'. Its though I admit and I also admit its near impossible to be a 100 percent. But I can afford 'mostly' so thats what I do.
Enjoy your 20ct Wallmart "meat'"
you go get raped and murdered by some subhuman non-whites
Cat be high as a mufucka
I'm betting less than 10,000 jews died in WW2. And mostly from regular, war related stuff.
A liberal poo in loo here by the way.
Twat fucking deserved it. Biking on a highway? And that lame ass hand signal. Didnt even look behind him
Nigga u srs? Fuck all the lies, I'm a Nazi now
What's funny about a bottle of Cock? ...oh..
This cant be real dude
hä i dont get it pls explain
It isn't.
Entirely fake.
>the rare deepwater jew
nerve gas
Ops getting old
It's almost as if Hitler had a legitimate reason for wanting to remove jewish influence from German society. Didn't German Jews also start a civil war and form a communist party? But I have always been taught that Hitler picked on the Jews for absolutely no reason at all. Is everything I know about Hitler and the nazis a lie?
No it's not.
Hitler thought he was doing the right thing.
Revelation 2:9. Sadly what he did was to kill off most of the last of the true Jews and now we are left with only the liars.
Know your enemy.
But keep your hands to yourself.
We have no right to harm others.
what show is this?
Really? What about that barrel of oil plastic shit ur pumping into your veins? Animal products are the least of your concerns. I think all those female hormones have destroyed your reason.
Kek, have not seen
go back to reddut you noob
Give me some FOKKIN context cunt
they wouldn't have existed in the first place if it was not for humans consuming meat and milk
so they should be grateful to have partial life instead of none?
what if aliens are eating us?
Good for them who bikes on a highway
That makes sense actually. The way they're killing those animals is not only inhumane but inefficient as well.
Oh fuck you
Nope. You are wrong. You dont know nothing about driving.
Too steep
then i am glad i lived too
But what's true and what isn't? It's obvious that the giant, electrified swimming pool is a desperate fabrication. I also read from numerous sources that Hitler himself was part Jewish, but that has since been debunked. Is it true that the death toll at Auschwitz was officially changed from four million to one million, but the original plaque that stated the four million figure was left at the entrance to the camp, and that officially disproved number is still taught to children in school and repeated in documentaries and whatnot? I don't know what to believe.
>Hitler himself was part Jewish
It would be too steep to go straight.
I hope you get raped and killed by a pack of stray dogs
Jews? Nerve gas? What am I looking at?
Didn't she started improving her health lately by actually having something to eat more often?
I wanna take a shit in the sand next to these people and when the complain tell them it's just a natural body function
What the actual fuck did that guy in the truck do?
She was freebleeding.
As a cyclist myself, these two were just asking for it.
he did the Right Thing fk you clycler and fk your lame ass the road isnt just yours
What? But the filename is jsut the name of the article
Alcohol abuse.
The culling of numerous chickens thought to be possibly infected with Avian Flu. They are drowning them in an antiseptic foam.
that's what a ruined day looks like
There were heresay accounts of electrocutions but most descriptions are more typical death camp. Using gas was plenty efficient without trying to generate and manage thay much power
at least she peeled the banana the right way, so many people do it wrong.
More like a newspaper. If it's in print, it must be true.
and you wonder why they're designated to be destructive animals in parts of America where farmland is abundant
She was invading his bubble, inching forward every time he even leant to the right. I would have asked her to back off, but each to their own
If you peel it from the stem end as she did?
You are doing it wrong; as most do.
Fake as fuck
Fuck you
it's a fakerooni. story is she cut her foot on some glass left on the beach and they staged the photo to make it look like her uterus is belching
Yeah, she went and got treatment.
thanks snopes.com
She doesn't give a hoot if this is public. She's a massive slut.
check her foot, the bandage don't lie
I'm an expert when it comes to the Internet. And I don't get this joke.
u jealous?
lurk moar
No. I'm not into easy women. She'd fuck a lamp post.
ay don't fuck wit wild pigs they will mess you up and eat the body
guessing it has something to do with instagram whores, normies, snapchat girls, plebbitors, faggots that overly use emojis in any sentence they shitpost with
Not even blood. Looks like rubber for a safe entry
Who? Why should I care?
>believes there are hard to get women
I'm sure you are correct.
god damn this noobs
Wait five years, junior.
hm leberkäs
I would eat
That must explain why our ancestors died out in Afri... oh wait...
I lol'd.
Anyone have the story or article? I guess looking it up would not be too hard, how many times could something like this have happened?
i learnt not to do that when i was 5
did it hurt?
Looks like he didn’t have much for brains anyway.
Still... no response.
Theres very few wild animals left... except for humans and humans contain all the nutrients a human need
>implying finding things funny is a choice
NPC spotted. Humour for normies is a political thing.
Oh hey, Satan. How's the wife
To be fair the Truck driver shouldn't have been there. It was a turn ffs, if you're in the wrong lane get off and try again. And I fucking hate cyclists.
>implying animals can't reproduce
>implying there are no regulations that preserve game from going completely extinct
the idiocy is strong with this one.
Cyclists are traffic the same as the biggest tractor trailer. Deal with it or get off the road.
more proof this board is garbage and filled with 14 year old edge lords
Jesus Cat Niggerstar
Apparently she was being pushy af, telling him to hurry up and she was getting in his face about it. He told her to fuck off a few times. Good lesson, shame it took her so long to learn it though.
60 metres
I often wonder that too. I don't even remember the last time I laughed at one of these, which for a thread titled YLYL is a pretty shameful failure.
However, I've found that any "Post stuff you've laughed at" thread is always vastly superior. I presume it's because those are all pictures at least one person has actually laughed at, instead of just flood of things that technically count as humorous.
>falling for shoveldog
Chuck u Farley
okay this made me fucking laugh
This thread is filled with underage b&
Prove me wrong.
you aint wrong, summer eh ?
Fuck i finally lost
The original video didn’t bother me, what you’ve described bothers me.
what was the thing that hit her at the end?
the sign of Darwinism.
okay i lost xddd
Would be much more funny.
What a shithole.
what? idt they harvested any meat
Giraffe, giroose?
>did the right thing
Have you even gone to driving school? Let me tell you the basics: A solid line is the one you *can't cross*. Maybe the cyclist didn't do the right thing but neither did the guy in the truck.
9/10 doctors say you’re a foggot if you don’t use this cock ring.
Speak for yourself beta cuck
I'm a cyclist and I obey traffic laws. Still, I encounter dangerous cagers without regard for safety.
actually laughed my ass off at this fucking good one
first pay the toll then complain
I haven’t had Becks in awhile. Now I’ll have to go for some.
I normally use dedicated bike trails, helps avoid all that madness from brainlets with their 2 ton metal boxes. Only thing to worry about is pedestrians jumping out in front or being oblivious to their surroundings because they're listening to Beats by Dr. Dre or some shit, despite alerting to your presence. Use an action cam like a Mobius, ContourROAM, GoPro, whichever you choose, incase shit happens. People will always try to weasel themselves out of fault when they start shit with you.
There are zero tolls on any of my routes.