tits thread part 3
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Got lots
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nice to see my wife getting reposted
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love that mound.
fucking tight body.
let's keep going.....
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would be fun to have a peek of her today.
7 years later, approaching 30, already popped out a kid. or two.
can you do that?
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and she will still be tight in another 10 or 15 years.
slender is just fine...
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may we request that she unbutton that dress?
You can always ask
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those look uneven
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thanks for showing.
perhaps I'll catch you again later.
I like what I see here.... very nice.
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Gf tit rate?
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rate em
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I don't know the artists
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just a question...why are you posting these?
this is a tits thread, right?
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I mean...yeah, but I think you're missing the point, but I guess I didn't specify no loli tits
you do you man I'm not gonna judge
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I love you for that reply
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Idiot-morons. And I’m drunk with OC.
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it's probably all ugly bitches so you should save yourself the humiliation and just not post it
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requesting flat tits
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agreed. tired of people and their fat wives
at least admit that it's not that pretty and move on. It's cool if you get off on posting it
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If it was I wouldn’t talk the talk jackass.
Normies 4 Eva
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I'm kinda drunk and I just wanted to say I appreciate your posting
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Here is a mega of all of her pictures;
https mega nz /#F!WDxEiZYJ!vtmyh2rg-wgSP4OY5Q0-bg
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What do you like?
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A whole lotta foreplay right before you get it staaaaarteeeeed...
her perfect body and tits. ass?
3 more people? discord gg/2MztHmC
Ive got plenty of pics..so lets hear it all
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Why aren't you here??
oh my god. first girl ive seen tonight that is actually making me hard. is she submissive? more!
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First of all... it’s a song. So yea
Very much so. Loves being pinned down and choked,
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Top on and off
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Samefag, but I looked up an image search of these on google and it comes up with Domestic pig, hahah.
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My sister's tits
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Only an after shot.
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Rate my wifes tits
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Nice and plump bigger than my girls for sure
Rate these big ones
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Already been posted..but ill throw one more in her for you...
New one cause not a fag
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Loving her nipples man. Does she enjoy h getting them sucked on?
Yea, she does..
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Sam is gorgeous. More stocking?
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Some nice perk and big areolas. But some unevenness and they could be bigger overall. 7/10
the size is ok
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Best tits in whole thread. More?
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sure... face with boobs
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pls dump all you have
who is she?
Who's posting oc? Theirs or their girls tits?
nice and pale, decent sag
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wife flashing me on skype
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I dont get it, explain your ideas better.
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Titties look good but need a better picture