What's the best way to get back at someone by fucking with thier car?

What's the best way to get back at someone by fucking with thier car?

Rock to the windshield? Cost in repair will be about 300...

Nails under each tire? Cost to repair about the same depending on tires.

Throwing eggs at the car? However the car alarm will sound and alert the owner.

Keying the car one big line around the car? Sounds like an easy fix tho

Looking for ways to fuck up someone's car and do maximum damage at lowest cost and sneakingly.

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Long story short: someone owes me $600.00 and has been in hiding/running away from my phone calls. So I need justice.

Bombs are very effective

Cover it with brake cleaner. Costs less than $15 from any auto parts store and will eat through the clear coat and paint down to the metal. Put sugar in the gas tank. It'll ruin the fuel tank and lines.

Remove all lugnuts from one rear tire.

This is the most niggerest post ive ever seen.

Not only do you lack creativity, but you also let us know that you want your revenge to be as cost effective as possible, since you are to black to afford it.

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How to open gas tank without the key? Also will this kill anyone? I just want to kill the car and not really anyone else.

Refer to
Don't really want a murder charge

Read the Anarchist's Handbook. Jack up the tires just enough so that they're off the ground, slash them enough to make an opening for a funnel, pour in wet cement until the tire is completely full. Wait until it dries, let the car back down. Tires will still be round and as long as you hide your slash mark well enough, it'll look normal, but it'll totally fuck their suspension and kill their gas mileage if they don't figure it out.

Would it fuck a car up more if it wasn't done to all the tires?

Let me further expand on why you are a dumb nigger, lets say you destroy his/her property.

This person goes to the police, now it may be so that this person owes money to more people than you, but for the sake of argument, lets asume that you are the only individual with motive to damage them.

The more complicated of a scheme that can leave any sort of evidece the worse it will be for you, be it having your cell phone pinged in the area, or your credit card being used nearby.

Also unless you are willing to actually scare them shitless to the point where they fear for their lives, what makes you think that they will prioritize repaying you over fixing their car?

Just go to small claims court, provide any evidence that you actually lent you the money, such as texts or call history.

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It takes several days for cement to cure.

Such incredibly dumb ideas in this thread. Sugar in the gas tank won't work, you can't get in the tank. Jack up the tires and pour cement? What the fuck, do you have all this time and energy in the cover of darkness?

Easiest is the simplest. Get a solid work horse key (not your gym locker or house key) and just walk around the car scraping multiple lines all around it. It doesn't look conspicuous when you do it as long as you do it in a parking lot in the dark when other cars are around you, the car will look like shit until they get it repainted, and you'll do thousands of dollars of damage to the car.

Even if their insurance pays for it, they'll have to schedule it, be without a car (and without a loaner, paint garages have no loaners), and it's a huge pain in the ass to basically fix a cosmetic issue.

A well keyed car looks like total fucking shit and everyone who sees it before it's fixed will think, holy fuck this dipshit pissed someone off enough to get their car keyed like that.

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You can always murder their family.

But keep them alive. Otherwise they wont suffer.

Cool edgy plan and all but the guy will probably just kill your parents once he finds out it's you

Not really, it would probably just make it easier to figure out because that one tire would drive so much different than the others

Not my fucking problem. If someone wants to be a stupid nigger and vandalize shit, then let them figure out the logistics of it.

Spray it with brake fluid. It will mess up the car.

That ain't murder m8y

>Buy package of oreos.
>Remove cookie from one side of sandwich.
>Lick cream filling.
>Stick to car.
>Repeat as necessary for adequate and even coverage.

>Buy 50lb bag of birdseed.
>Scatter ½ cup on and around car each day.
>Continue until bag is empty.

>Smear honey on/under door handles.

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I hear spark plugs make perfect window breakers for no noise.

Sugar supposedly fucks the engine.

If you can find a way inside the car after breaking the windows or whatever, buy some fish and let it rot outside in water then use that water and drench it on the inside of the car,

Another fucking idiot idea. 1/2 cup of birdseed from a 50 fucking pound bag? That will literally take you 5 months worth of fucking around to do whatever you think it'll do.

Honey on your door handles? Har har, funny, now you have sticky hands and the guy is alerted.

You gonna go spend oh $300 worth to buy and hours to disassemble literally 100 packages of oreos? Hope you have all night to do it too. You're a fucking retard if you think this will do anything.

I love the "spray with brake fluid". You really think modern clearcoat can't resist brake fluid or oil or piss for a couple of hours until the car is driven again?

Jesus christ this thread is a 2/10.

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by them, I mean the dude that fucked with your car.

Kill their family, but keep the dude alive.

Spark plug their window and throw a dead animal in there.

male animal piss in the AC intake vent.

good fucking luck getting rid of that smell

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Everything here works, except for the sugar.

Dead fish into the carpet and vent! it will stick forever even if you try to clean it.

BLEACH in the gas tank, not fucking sugar.
It'll start to rust the tank and cause crap to get caught up in the fuel line, fuel pump, filter, and possibly right in to the fuel injectors.

How does sugar in the gas tank not work? I've literally seen this work before. unless its all been a coincidence?

something that curdles like milk mixed with water would be fucking hilariously gunky

People always ask these questions on here an it's so simple. Just piss in the gas tank that's all you gotta do. Fucks the whole thing up.

>have extended family in norway
>see job that pays well in norway
>company really wants me but not willing to jump through immigration hoops
>i offer to take twice the cost less on my sallery for 2 years as it takes for them to "sponsor" me
>they say its still not worth the trouble
>try a number of other ways to move there legally
>well i dont have a masters or a wife in norway so im SOL.
>see fucking brain dead sand niggers that pop up
>***Look at me. Im Norwegian now***

What the fuck. a guy with 8 years in programing cant legally move over there but durkka durkka jihad and his 5 wives and 19 kids can just waltz on in?

also i doubt that pic was taken in Norway but still. what the flying fuck.

But its late, i have been drinking and i am going to bed soon.

you dont fuck with people's cars. thats fuckin low. thats how they make their money if they got a job.

Yah, so this doesn't work. TRust me, everyone would notice having tires suddenly full of something heavy like that. It'd really jsut not work.

How have you seen it work? You're telling me you pried the gas tank open, carefully of course so they don't think you there was any damage to it, managed to defeat the pressure gas valve in any modern cars, found a funnel, held it in place while you poured a pound of sugar into it, cleaned up your mess so it doesn't tip them off, and then you followed them day in and day out until the sugar eventually caused their engine to overheat, and then you drove by laughing at them while they're at the side of the road? Or maybe you just stared at their car one day and noticed it didn't start in the parking lot of their job?

Really? That's what happened? You did all that and stuck with it following them from place to place like a lunatic just to wait for it to happen?

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Sugar in gas tank, pop the hood and unscrew coolant cap

spray bottle


sprinkle baking soda

spray it down

Take a coffee tin.
Fill it with thermite.
Put a magnesium wick in.
Put it on the hood.
Light it.
It'll burn right through the engine block, as well as burning all evidence away.

that can be accomplished with stealth for sure

im not that guy, but my mom put sand in my dads trucks gastank once. it worked. the car was rekt.

a lot of gas tanks dont have anything stopping you from dropping pebbles in or other shit

youre kind of retarded by what you choose to be skeptical about lol

It’s just because the junk it makes sinks to the bottom of the tank and never gets sucked into the engine

Firstly, a good majority of modern cards literally have a flap you can just lift open from the outside, no lock. Not all cars have a latch you have to pull from inside the cabin. Secondly, my buddies dad owned a junkyard and we tested this out on an F150. Literally took a chopstick and a water bottle as a makeshift funnel. No effort at all to get it past the pressure valves. Ran the car for maybe 10 minutes and the engine seized up.

Motherfucker you find him and beat the shit out of him until he gives you your money.

If it were me I'd just dump a can of paint stripper (or brake fluid) all over and let the paint go away overnight.


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So, it is a new car then? Also the person will be fine, abit pissed, but fine.

Somebody already said it in this thread.

Brake cleaner/paint thinner is perfect for fucking the paint job up. Stuff is cheap too. Sugar in the gas tank is a classic. Mix the sugar in a gallon of water first so it pours into the tank easier (put a shit load of sugar in it though) engine will seize up in less than 20 minutes of it running. You probably won't be able to do much else if the doors are locked unless you want to smash the windows and make a ruckus.

Those rims already destroyed the vehicle.
He did this upon himself, Nigger.

Listen I don't post Much Yea Forumsrats.
Bleach in the oil