I got asked to join. Wat do?

I got asked to join. Wat do?

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do it

wear a wire faggot

Seems sketchy
Will i have to hail Lucifer? I think that's a requirement

You guys clearly don't understand that those of a lower rank don't learn the major secrets. Read the book "Morals and Dogma" by Albert Pike who was the 33rd Degree Grand Master. He even stated this himself. I've got a site bookmarked where you can read the entire book.

You don't get asked

they believe in a weird god that is kinda like the christian god? but they wont admit that till you are far inside the group. if you are looking to climb the social ladder. sure.

they usually try to recruit family members. my dad was one/. i declined after I researched them.

No you didn't.

Prepare your anus. Those eastern star chicks like fingering them.

Some random guy messaged me requesting personal info including income. Said he would forward it to my local lodge. I told him I needed time to "prepare and think about it".

masonic-lodge-of-education . com/masonic-lodge-secrets.html

My only interest would be that. To expand my network and "scale the social ladder".


just read up on their secrets that I posted first. you will have to do that shit.

Have had 2 members of my family which joined them it was kinda weird when they showed up to my grandfather's wake. Usually you will be a close relationship if you r "invited" not as simple I don't even like using that word but wat evs. Ye I'm probably gonna try to join because I don't give two shots bought religion , I heard it worked more as pals trusting each other with money and doing favors for one another? Maybe cu there one day user

Clear America debts?

don't bother

that weird god and the christian god are the same thing

>i declined after I researched them.

What made you go that way?

Honest question. I have been thinking of requesting to join but keep seeing mixed information along the lines of "the worship the devil" from one source and "most of them are christfags" from another. ect ect.

these people are just faggots. my brother tried joining (and did) because he thought it would improve his worthless life (it didn't.)
Instead, he learned that some losers at his pizza delivery job were also members, and they pulled rank on him all the time to get him to stay late. He lost his gold ring, and lied about their religious question (devotion to Christian God)

These old assholes asked ME if I wanted to join when they interviewed him, this shit isn't exclusive, it isn't special, and it's little more than a social club.

I told them no, as politely as I could. Truth is I refuse to be a part of a group that has any control over me and my abilities/decisions. Fuck that.

Pretty much this. If it's some group thing it's almost always trying to get your money or get you to do something for them.

I knew some guys in this gay shit and it's just a seekrit club that does nothing and prays. Gay shit.

It's always good to have associations with people who desire self betterment and can hipefully help with professional networking. If you share their values go for it. Your circle of friends you chill with is one thing, but people also need a spiritual, communal support circle that gives them something to live up to. If you think this can function as that then it would probably only affect you positively. I know one guy who's a member, and it's done good things for him (hes a black guy in a black kind of hotepish chapter). As long as you can leave without issue if it doesn't work out.

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