So I’m close to having the ring to propose with paid off. How did you propose to your wife? How did it go?

So I’m close to having the ring to propose with paid off. How did you propose to your wife? How did it go?

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I gave her an empty cheese it box, I got some felonies, got married, now I'm almost off probation and raising a kid and trying to get a degree. Life is SOMETIMES retarded.

So what was her initial reaction? How did you stage it?

I proposed with a Walmart ring and we both agreed on marriage rings less than$100. Used the money to instead go to Yellowstone after getting married. We aren't too much into material things, we value experiences mostly

I didn't. Because im not a faggot.

I was living with her for a few years already, waited until I got a big promotion. It wasn’t a surprise though, we had talked about it but just waited till we were both financially stable to actually get married

Dirty smelly hippy detected

how old are you? I hope you're not a retard getting married in your 20s

Proposed back in 2012.
I secretly bought a nice ring.
Proposed as she went out of the shower, naked.
Spent the day having sex.

Im 26, 27 in September. But I’ve been with her for 6 years so.

Well then..

Serious question: Why would you pay so much for a ring? Going to go ahead and guess it's diamond, huh? Worthless rock that's being manipulated to be very expensive and very high class(propaganda).

There are tons of other stones that are cheaper and look better. Heck, there are even diamond grown labs and another stone that looks like a diamond but far more shinier-- and they're all wayy cheaper than a real, useless, diamond.

You could've spent money on a moderately priced ring and use the rest to go on an amazing honeymoon. Such a waste.

26 is to young and retarded. Have a nice divorce.

>my life is terrible and i never have any luck with ladies because im an ugly pos, both in attitude and looks

Makes you feel bad others are having fun with their loved ones, huh, Incel!

I already realize that and I’m not paying near as much as my friends are. Got mine on layaway so there’s no interest. Of course it’s over priced, but the money has been earned from my guitar lessons I teach on the side so it’s not really that much of a burden. It’s my money anyways, I’ll spend it how I want user.

Eh dating for over a decade is stupid. And so are you.

You're literally supporting slave labor tho.. Not to mention all the unethical shit going on with Diamonds.

Check out Mossainites. Cheaper. Shinier than a diamond, and only 1 less as hard as a diamond.

But you do you, OP. Too late to change your mind now. Have a fun marriage and shit.

But keep in mind what I said when your kids eventually want to propose to someone. Give them my advice.

It SUCKED. She said, Yes.

Took her to a nice restaurant and proposed, that was 3 years ago. Bought my aunt's engagement ring from her for $500 (diamond was worth $3000), had it reset in a nicer band which was about $700. We got married this July with a small (8 guests) wedding that we spent a little over $5000 on (including EVERYTHING: ceremony, dinner, clothing, wedding bands, honeymoon). We both turned 27 this year. We've been together since we were 17, and she moved in with me about 6 months before I proposed to her.

Nothing has changed.

Don't worry about the hater. 26 is a fine age to get married at, especially if you've been with her for over 5 years. As long as you're both financially independent, you're good to go.

Just don't get a joint bank account. Keep your finances separate. It'll help to cut down any animosity between you about money.

Yeahhh right now she’s the bread winner however my therapy job is picking up so that’ll soon change but that’s a good idea

She got the real deal buddy wait until you get cucked

I said “hey, baby, you can have all this and a bag of Cheetos™ if you say yes”

Not knowing the difference between...

To, too, & two is retarded.

Too cheesy for me sorry

What kind of low IQ man gets married in 2019? You as a man have nothing to gain and everything to lose

Don’t do it OP it’s a trap.

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Yeah maybe if the chick is a loser psycho
The current year is a stupid argument.

I’d be gay if it was