Do you have mental health problems?

Do you have mental health problems?

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yes, i believe fucked up shit that is probably true
i dunno maybe im a genius or schizo, but since it is more common to be a genius, occam's razor tells me i am a genius

OCD/ADD. There is no silence in my mind.

Probably. Took a psych eval and didn't talk about my urge to inflict pain in others, labelled with depression and possible schizophrenia.

psychiatrists don't know what the fuck they're talking about. maybe they would have a better idea if you told them absolutely everything that was on your mind, but who would do that?

Ye I’m bipolar 1 with psychotic features. Fucked up my life during my last manic episode. I finally recovered now.

I do, but I've learned to let it torture just me rather than everyone around me.

I'm pretty sure I'm autistic

Yes, Im gay

i'm a narcissist, drug abuse has given me mild bipolar symptoms when i'm not using drugs i have a perpetual hatred of everyone around but as soon as i smoke weed i come to my senses and sometimes i feel bad about how i treat others but that is the dominant side of my personality so i just go with it.

I'm wasting my time here. What do you think?

Haha, yeah.

I am. Had a bad accident went through truck windshield and now have these hallucination where I can kinda see into the immediate future (for my self only do far) and see past my eye lids or anything covering my eyes.
So. What's your question?


"psychiatrists don't know what the fuck they're talking about. maybe they would have a better idea if you told them absolutely everything that was on your mind, but who would do that?"

You have problems. Go see a doctor

"psychiatrists don't know what the fuck they're talking about"

You have problems. Go see a doctor

50% of the population will experience a mental health disorder at least once in their lives according to the APA

Sometimes I rhyme fast sometimes I rhyme slow

I feel like I'm on top and then I feel dead inside

50% of the APA has a mental health illness

I have anxiety, depression, and slow processing speed. Luckily I am in the processing of getting meds for it.

>asking a japanese-american image board about mental dysfunction
you new here?

mental heath problems don't exist.

Never self-harmed, but the constant suicidal ideation probably isn't healthy.

Someone told me once
If 10%of the population is sane and 90% is crazy, then 10% of the population is called crazy

They do buddy. Denial is just the beginning

OCD here, it fucking sucks. I want to jump in front of a train just to stop the goddamn thoughts sometimes.

Nooooo give yourself a vacation from your problems

I'm literally on vacation right now and they still won't stop. I've tried therapy and medication, even self medication (protip: that makes it worse) all to no avail. I don't really know what to do.

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I feel you Yea Forumsro. I started training my own service dog (dog trainer a few years back before diagnosis) has helped so much. Animals attract some really beautiful people into your life if you do it right.
BP1, ADHD, OCD, Severe anxiety
>pic related. Don't lose hope

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Asperger's gifted here. Fuck it to hell. I'm simultaneously prone to extreme verbal outbursts and extremely quiet and reserved until provoked.

Forgot to mention I'm very narcissistic and have that definitely worth mentioning.

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I know the feel
Also know that feel. No matter the situation, my brain is ready to go with some bullshit. Meditation helps a bit, but that's the only thing that's ever knocked a (small) dent in it

No, I'm normal.

At least someone else understands. Constantly worrying about stupid bullshit that I logically know will never happen yet I feel full blown panic over these scenarios and thoughts. Don't get me wrong, it's not all bad but I just want peace and quiet for just one day. I could have it way worse, of course, but it still fucking sucks.

No. We're all very healthy.

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depression. diagnosed.
I take sertraline and trazodone.

I'm schizophrenic. I'm probably going to stop taking my medication because I am unhappy without my hallucinations. They were so cool, literally like living Alice in Wonderland or going to Narnia. It's too cool to not experience. Else I will probably kill myself.

I've been dealing with my own demons for 20 years. There's something about not caring about what other people think that set me free. It won't get fixed so might as well tell people about it and expect nothing in return

Worst assumption ever

Glad to hear that, the struggle is real but once you're out of it you feel so much stronger. Animals are good therapists too

You're full of it

I've more or less accepted that too, once I start establishing a connection with someone I'll tell them about my diagnosis and hope for the best. It doesn't really interfere in daily life but it makes maintaining relationships, both platonic and romantic, very difficult to maintain in some cases. Some days are worse than others.

What are your doses

I feel you. I do have a whole bunch of great girl friends though. They know I snap but it's not about them. My guy friends don't get it. I'm a guy btw.
Platonic is nice. You don't have to worry about fucking up someone else's life

100mg sert
50mg traz

I'm a guy too, Yea Forumsro. Broke up with my last two girlfriends, first one to protect her, last because she used my OCD against me and lied about being pregnant. I was younger and dumber. I've found that more women were compassionate towards the condition compared to men of the same age group, but this is just my two cents. I've finally moved to a place that at least doesn't encourage me to pray about it every waking moment. We're gonna make it, man.

As long as you don't get risperidone

>post traumatic stress disorder
>major depressive disorder
>generalized anxiety disorder
>obsessive compulsive disorder

Bless brother. I had a GF that lied about being pregnant too. IDK it's tricky but as I get older I learned how to see through people
Sometimes the people that push you away are afraid to see themselves

probably couldn't hurt.

Anxiety and depression but it's under control finally after 10 years of suffering

ITT 100% white faggots with self diagnosed problems or diagnosed by people who don't know what the fuck their talking about just to take your money and give you some pills, you a bish, on the other hand you could really be having some mental problems which are likely caused by some deficiency of certain chemicals in your lump of shit you call a head, but I highly doubt that as most you faggots are just huge fucking pussies who just need shit to wine about as they let their tiny little fucking brains run a muck on their soul as you little cunts don't know how to tell that little voice in your head to shut the fuck up, cause you think you don't control it, fucking beta bitches getting cucked by your brain which only lives to make issues as its like a computer which constantly works and needs problems to solve you fucking dipshits, TLDR YOU ARE CUCKS GETTING CUCKED BY YOUR BRAIN, GROW A PAIR PUSSIES have a butthole since your all so close

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If you're hearing voices you should go get help.
The voices don't get better

I don't need shit to wine
Wine comes in bottles bro
I'm happy to hear your hormones raging

I've started to acquire that same ability but sometimes I misread the intentions of others. Maybe it's me holding onto hope, maybe I'm not as good at judging character as I thought. Either way it does get better in a lot of ways. It was really rough when I first got diagnosed but I've calmed down in a lot of ways. How old are you if you don't mind me asking? 24 here

If you're so alpha
Why are you here commenting on this thread instead of murdering people and raping bitches

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Hitting 40
20s were wild. Too much THC and cocaine. Alcohol is a bummer. It gets better if you figure out how to control the anxiety

Seriously consider a service dog. Doesn't have to be a 20k labrador from a training program. I didn't leave my apartment for 14 months until I started working with mine. Look into the laws given by the ADA regarding service dogs
>Pic related and I genuinely hope this helps you.

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> It's too cool to not experience.
People without mental illness are happier than those with it for a reason. Please don't stop taking your medications.

It's not always troublesome thoughts for me. If there's nothing going on for me to worry about, it's just endless random thoughts, daydreams, and dumb bullshit. Alcohol helps, thus my lifelong dependency issues

True, they are wild. I can't believe how fast life is passing me by now, but I can't fathom how you must feel about the passage of time. I think I need to lay off the THC for a good while once again. I've still never figured out how to control anxiety. Any advice that you wish you had been given at my age?

I never want to get rid of my hallucinations.

I hear voices, they say terrible things. "don't put super glue in locks on bicycles in the woods", "don't punch through the window of the guy that just totaled your car from behind" (okay, I got knuckle stitches for that), "don't shoot rats with the air rifle and leave them on the slum neighbor's trashcan", "don't vote for trump because you know it's going to be 4 years of comedy",
shit like that, but I usually do it anyway.

Yes I agree please don't stop taking your meds.
You can end up in a Max Sec prison and not sure why

Make like pic related and KYS. Mental health issues are as real as racism you ignorant cuntbag

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Anxiety / Panic symptoms (no diagnosis)

10mg of Prozac

This too. I can never stop the fucking thoughts. Alcohol isn't a huge vice for me so much as smoking pot is. It just makes me feel numb in a floaty way, but it's a bandaid. I'm just making it worse but I don't know how to fix it. Stopping smoking helped for a bit.

Yes, I like little boys.

If I could go back
I would tell myself that I wasn't going to die anytime soon. This is a marathon, not a sprint.
Patience and if you're studying, make sure it's something that's licensed by the state lol

i'm always sad, not the kind of tumblr instagram basic thot "i'm sad like billie eilish" or shit like that, but actually really sad to the point is quite common i try to commit suicide and pussy out at last moment.


Visit moon guard, alliance. They're all there, some on horde too. They have edgy guild names like casually toxic and wriggity wriggity wrekt

The thing is that you can't tell how time flies. In my head I'm still 21 but my body begs to differ. I've heard this from other older folks and always thought "yea whatever fucker" but it's generally true.
So for real your 20s are golden make the most of it, stay healthy and it'll all fall into place

Dont mind me. Just taking out the trash :^)

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No but i don't either

I hope you're not in Western NC cuz imma see you soon

That's not how voices work buddy
Try this
awww you think they don't know how you smell????? They know...
They know you STINK

You're cute

Then you arent sad enough you pussy, thats called having a giant vagina, grow up and realize you only have one life, why waste it doing anything beside what you want?
>consider this
Is a psychopath any more at fault for being themselves than some sad cunt that gets fake tits? Nah.

You're a psychopath

Thanks Yea Forumsros. We're gonna make it aren't we?

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Christ, it took way too long for that fuckass to drop. Good riddance though.

>Don't make that post
>Don't post that
>You know you shouldn't post that
>Really, you're going to post that
>Wow you really posted that
>How do you live with yourself?

We're still shitposting arent we?!!?!??

I may be, but atleast im not some sad pussy who cant off himself.

Thanks sug. You should see me when in a confrontation

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>"Don't Forget: You're Here Forever"

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You know it
Have you heard it?
You should see a doctor

>Whoa a nice user showing empathy giving actual useful advice? On b? What a fag!

But seriously thanks. I love animals but I live with my parents and they are against pets. But I already signed up to volunteer at the local SPCA and training class starts next week.

I also frequently visit my few IRL friends who have some of the same issues and the retirement home (until all my favorite seniors at the place that I formed a bond with died and I just couldn't bear the stress.)

Sad pussy
Sad pussy
Sad pussy
Sad pussy
"I think you should kill yourself" said the weakling

very good stress relievers on this one. congrats user

I'm extremely irritable and angry,and have a low tolerance for bushit. I'm paranoid af and attack people out of nowhere based on my paranoia. I feel so full of rage that I've honest to god thought about killing someone. I hurt inside because I don't want to. Help

That's awesome user! It'll change you for sure, and help build some valuable relationships in the process! Working at a shelter is one of the kindless, selfless things one can offer these days. Both to yourself and society. Women love it too! In due time, who knows? Your parents may change their views on pets. I haven't lived with my parents for 8 years now, and my dog has definitely changed their views on dogs, and pets in general.
>Very proud of you Yea Forumsro. Wishing you the best.

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Thanks kind user.

I found helping others helps me forget about my problems. When they accept my help and make progress I feel accomplished and useful. The problem is when they don't get better or worse. That drains me, when I take on their problems and have to deal with mine too.

With a pet it may be simpler.

No problem user, wishing you the best. Anyone with severe mental health issues may be eligible for a service dog. Not saying it's for everyone, but it helps more people than it harms.

>if you are on Yea Forums, chances are pretty good

Nah I'm clean. Been here fifteen years.

Yea, throughout high school I pushed it a little bit by taking a bunch of random pills to see what would happen, got into drugs, tried to kill myself senior year but got found half dead on the floor. I think about killing myself in different ways every other day, but I have a family to support not so I try not to think like that as much

Quads fucking W A S T E D

yes, some weird combination of Avoidant and Schizoid Personality Disorders.

Does Asperger's count?

Yeah, Idk what to call it, but it doesnt really feel like depression. As time has gone on, I have had to find more and more raw thrills just to feel something. Pretty much nothing gets me excited or nervous in the day to day anymore. I can only really feel anything anymore if I drink or get high.

>a problem
I was under the impression you get an art school gf, silicon valley job, and autism bux.

Fuck yeah!


God dammit, I was not prepared for my sides to be murdered tonight.

You sir are a faggot

idk a psychologist is like 200 a hour so I am not keen to find out.