What comes to mind when you see this image?

What comes to mind when you see this image?

Attached: Vermin.jpg (1728x2048, 644K)


my sex life



holocaust survivor

The real reason why bestiality is still illegal in most places.

Path of Exile - Act3 - City of Sarn

A very depressed individual that caused the armageddon


One of the most amazing Polish esponent of surrealism???

what an odd looking pupper, you lost boy?

What we'll all be reduced to eventually if the kikes get their way.

so what are you gonna do about it ?

Attached: 1548375512147.gif (528x593, 123K)

Did I leave the iron on?


Attached: 1562418149022.jpg (827x813, 61K)

Me looking for porn

You have been visited by the Laura of not great, not terrible threads.

This thread is currently reading 16 replies (not great, not terrible).

Attached: Laura.jpg (1278x637, 108K)


dab on the heebs 24/7


Hiroshima. Some guy who lived kilometres (can’t remember how many) away from the blast survived but he said he saw the shockwave travelling over the mountains and it sent him flying and he went unconscious. When he woke up he said there were completely black looking creatures that didn’t look human walking around looking for water but they were Asians burnt to the crisp. So thirsty that they drank the toxic rain that looked like black ink.

"that guy must be hungry"

Damn, that's rough

lmao true

Mostly just that I use another zdzislaw beksinski painting as my phone background.

Attached: B7reQ.jpg (1126x1600, 274K)

my s o n

This meme

Attached: BDDCEE7F-6E33-4FF0-A852-228F95AB8602.jpg (1242x1320, 359K)


Where's the original with the slav face?

His art is disturbing but at the same time wholesome and comfy.

Attached: beksiński.jpg (2150x2526, 541K)