Paying Yea Forums 20 USD for literally nothing

>paying Yea Forums 20 USD for literally nothing
I hope you don't do that

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Do you comprehend how hard I laughed?

i don't

i shiggidy diggity doooooooooo n't

niggas from /vip/ pay only to post spiders xDDDDDDDDDD

Niggas really out here paying for Yea Forums

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>yfw you successfully shut down Yea Forums forever

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i love this site and *would gladly continue to support it, but they are making doing so very tough for me by only accepting crypto
they are losing a lot of money by forcing a single payment type and I am not going to be renewing my pass because of this

it's almost as if money isn't even a concern to them

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cheap nigga

right? it's absurd they accepted cash last year which i would gladly give them, and now they are rejecting it completely thereby hurting their profit margin and upsetting their userbase in the process
i wanted to recommend staff to push for a 10 year pass for $200 but they are difficult to contact
oh well

mastercard + visa controls over 90% of all transactions the way things are going Yea Forums wont be allowed to use their services (mastercard owns paypal) certainly for mastercard but probably visa will act out soon so its better for hiro to get people to use only crypto before he's forced to and the public wont defend Yea Forums + even if they do what are they gonna do stop using credit cards and paypal

just get a coinbase account and buy $21 of bitmemes but dont use their recommended way to pay otherwise it will take 10 days for it to process it's just an extra step

the problem with that is the sites are asking for a lot if not all of my personal info, and with cash i could grab a prepaid card and just use it

oh right i forgot about that but either way all prepaid cards are visa + mastercard so it doesnt change anything

you don't trust HiroM00t?

the coin wallet websites ask for id

i thoughte s4s is literally memes and fun, but it happens to be smart discussioms woowowow

you're right, but even though the future is uncertain in terms of the cards support for Yea Forums they could still be used right now and hiro could add a notice saying the banks *may be pulling out soon instead of this.
reminds me of the vagueness of youtube policy, how the users aren't told all of the information or as to why the corporation is choosing this action


will it be safe to type your credentials on a not-protected-secured site?

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>not paying tribute to our lord gods on high

georg costanza inside a batting cage

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nice dubs
no reason to do that better to prepare for the worst than to hope for the best

no reason to let people continue giving money via banks until they pull service?
no reason to inform us and calm our worries?

Wouldn't it be better if we knew what was going on and could still give this site our money until the policy changes???

businesses hold an advantage by withholding information. it hedges against the possibility of volatile reactions, oftentimes completely unnecessary if the "least favorable outcome" never even comes to pass. it's a certain perspectival aggressive conservatism. it's business 101. even if you have something that might help your customers, they're already your customers and will come to you no matter what. now if you reveal the info you open possibilities of losing business from anxious consumers.

to tell you the truth I have no idea what this conversation is about. i'm just replying to your post with one assumption of what you're talking about but i may be completely off base. let me know i'm kinda curious how i did.

it's the truth regardless, and by withholding information from me they have further lost my trust and my money, along with the money from others who don't want to give sites like coinbase their SS address etc.

Also not completely off base, but i can say conclusively in this situation Yea Forums is hurting themselves by locking users out of "donating" and they are causing anxiety by hiding information thereby making future purchases an uncertainty

i did not know hirom00t stopped cards, but i support this and it makes me slightly more likely to buy a pass maybe eventually because credit cards track my data more than chinese crypts

dont use coinbase cause they are just a bank use electrum or if you have good internet use the originalel client but its like 1000 gics. if you live in a city you can find ecoin atm machines and people willing to pay cash for bites there are lots of ways to into coin ((not myles))

I used store bought prepaid cards bought with cash.
No trace for my info using this method.

now i must give other sites my info to buy crypto
if i could obtain crypto without giving information or meeting people irl to exchange cash for drives like one site recommends then I too would be onboard with this.

Sadly it is not the case.

>prepaid cards bought with cash
is nice buy
>No trace for my info using this method

>give other sites my info
try deep plebbit /g/ googlelgogo all bits are recorded but if you don't attach wallet to irl id then ur ((kinda)) user

what record of my identity would they have?
either way i wasn't giving them my info, the sites ask for it as a requirement.

i was just browsing g before reading this, and yeah everything done online is at least semi tradable, but my main concern is giving crypto sites my actual info
it's fine, and maybe i have found a workaround using internet phonenumbers
if i find a way i'm comfy using I will make a how to sheet and spam it
thanks for posting fren

that's worth like 100 bucks where i live

imagine the kind of non-firstworldfig that wastes its money on hiro's card

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

ok i read the thread now and think i can contribute.
sounds like a lot of "we don't know what we don't know." these situations are the worst to speculate within. granted the visa/mastercard/paypal sounds like a believable narrative but it may be only a part of the entire picture. the remaining part is the "not knowing what we don't know," and in almost all cases I (anecdotally and extremely contemporaneously) can recall of historically looking back at a sequence of events where one party knew something and withheld, the withholding almost always seemed calculated to their favor. this is 100% the case in youtube + twitters vague explanation of rules and terms of service and is likely the case in the switch to crypto only on Yea Forums. the withholding of an explication of "rationale" for decisions made in the past protects them from scrutiny of hypocrisy when future decisions require opposite means and terms of conclusion. this is also smart business and aggressive conservatism.
open dialogue only welcomes more open dialogue and that leans towards the slowing of progress and is antithetical to efficient and concise business transactions. immediate setting of terms only in their own starkness and invitation to the hurried abiding of them is a basic business stance.

It's better marketing to choose it than be forced.

you'd b surprise how little marketing matters when u only have one choice

Mate it's called a charitable contribution which is not to say Yea Forums deserves it

Your fortune: Average Luck

True unfortunately.
All I'm asking is:
1. They tell us banks may be rejecting them soon
2. They allow us to continue using the same means of exchange until that date.

You can use whatever generalizations you like, and you would be right using these in most cases but these are not absolute truthes, they are situational variables depending on business, market of said business and consumer base.

So in this specific situation regarding Yea Forums and donations, in what way would divulging the truth and giving us notice to their problems with the banks harm their image?

I know I would side with them if they were open about this, and I can say with absolute confidence they have lost my faith in them by withholding information from me.