YouTube personalities who aren't anywhere near as intelligent as they think they are.
YouTube personalities who aren't anywhere near as intelligent as they think they are
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he takes in the butt.
I used to follow that faggot
What made you realize how much of a fucking dipshit he really is?
His fat fuck friend Paul is even worse. I dunno where I'd place his brother. All three of them think they're above average intelligence, but they're all sitting pretty firmly around the 100 IQ point probably.
This dumb douche
Probably just got older.
It got so much worse after he started making videos with his stupid airhead girlfriend.
hence why they're on youtube
All atheists think they're in the top 1% of human intelligence because they naively misinterpret 2000 year old texts and prey upon the lowest hanging fruit.
The most spineless jellyfish in the sea, John Green.
Who's that?
Wait, did you just suggest the people who believe the 2000 year old texts are smarter?
this cunt
Does this faggot count?
Can't talk about YouTubers deluded about their own intelligence without mentioning Doug Walker
Imagine unironically getting your political ideology from the mentally ill
perennial reminder that if he were a chick that shit would've been revenge porn
reminder that you as a male have no rights and can never be valued
Everyone except Captain D
what a way to misspell hank
Stefan Molyneux
This libtard faggot
He looks like some guy I fucked the other night.
Also this cocksmoker
An actually intelligent person, but he literally thinks he is God's gift to Earth
I hate to break it to you but if you know who these people are and care what they think you are mentally retarded
Imagine not thinking TJ Kirk is smart as fuck
Sargon is fucking stupid. He is better than he once was but he's so damn boring and has autism. Fucking killed UKIP
This mother fucker liberal snob comes to mind
The most feckless faggot you'll ever know
Holy shit I forgot about the lesbian soccer mom
nice trips
also it looks like daddy o' five, he abused his kids in his vids
>I hate to break it to you but if you know who these people are and care what they think you are mentally retarded
Agreed. Any talking head on youtube is not worth listening to.
This queer sandnigger walks on thin ice everytime he has an opinion on politics i really don't want to hear him talk. Tell the troublemaker to go back to his country
And take the Armenian bitch with him. The roaches forgot one
Lol they are the worst
>because they naively misinterpret 2000 year old texts
Stop straw manning entire groups of people. If you aren't an atheist then you're an idiot. There's no substantiated evidence for anything supernatural. Most religious texts are fucking retarded.
Boring yes. Idk if he’s dumb or not.
Go shove another banana in your ass TJ
If you were a YouTube I put you on this thread!
"Don't boil a goat in it's mother's milk"
>God's priorities
He's right about a lot of things nowadays, but he's dumb. Catch what I'm saying?
This guy is very impartial, and even when he is biased, he outright says it. What are you on about?
At least most non atheist don’t shove there beliefs down your throat! I like being talk to like i’m An intelligent person. Not your condescending platitude
He was alright in his last interview, said something about lions and pride or something and compared them to humans something about how lions defeat their fathers to become the leader of the herd. That’s probably bullshit though I’ve never fought with my father.
>At least most non atheist don’t shove there beliefs down your throat!
What country do you live in? Can't possibly be America, and it sounds fucking wonderful.
You don't hate religion. You're just mad your pushy parents and don't know how to deal with it
this shithead
That is all
Kincaid is a loser. Cody Weber was the best thing that happened to his channel and banana boy threw him away.
For the sake of argument, let's assume the Christian god is real and that the Bible is the most authoritative text upon him as an entity. Do you think scriptures such as the Song of Solomon, which is canonical, was literally the word of God? If you knew anything about the Bible, you'd know that the aforementioned example is strictly poetry. Their are hierarchies to Scripture, some of which being divinely inspired, some of which is history and some of which is theological analysis and metaphor.
The problem is less so that scripture is without worth or meaning, but simplistic Christians don't know much about it either.
Suck my dick stanley your aunty wears a wig and everyone knows it
Is that Codyslab or The amazing atheist?
Glenn is a cunt.
My opinion has nothing to do with your argument.
Top zoz
>Believing in something you can't prove
>Atheists are more intelligent
You ok there?
Well it is USA. I’m sorry you think being told anything moral is preachy. Take the stick out of your ass before you tell me your shitty opinion
>Didn't deny that he is TJ
What's wrong TJ, did Paul not give you a mustache ride tonight?
Pushy parents??? WHAT???? Speak American sir!
He’s too long winded about simple topics but anyone can tell he’s no idiot
I've hated that asshole since 2004
Can you picture a less attractive individual than TJ? I'll wait.
>The Bible
Holy fucking shit, you really need to pick one
Brown Buffalo is an angry little man who kisses his bitches ass, Ana (I'm better than you, Much better than you) Kasparian.
>who aren't anywhere near as intelligent as they think they are.
Dude thinks he has 200 Iq
So believing in nothing is better?
Here you go
Better than believing the voices in your head are real, yes.
+1 (772) 408-3102
Morality is relative without an objective higher authority whether you want to define that as nature or God.
Atheists subscribe to subjective/relative morality and thus subscribe to no morality/amorality. It either exists or it doesn't.
Sargon is my dude.
Also, the haters can suck it. He consistently has at least a 96% approval rating.
u wrong nigga
phillyD is mah boi. He is like 100% reasonable about everything. I can think of like maybe 2 things ever I have fundamentally disagreed with him on.
He's a bitch. Should've stayed at TYT. He's no better than them.
>+1 (772) 408-3102
whos number is this?
Not all of us are like the disaster that is the "atheist community"
And yet plenty of societies that weren't touched by the Abrahamic religions developed morality without the need of the religion's influence.
Want to try again, or are you just going to repeat talking points you heard on The 700 Club?
He and Buffalo Bill are why AOC exists
Whatever happen to Cody? Didn't he steal from him or some dumb shit
Anyone who is not an atheist. Just because they have a structure of a belief system that objects to your lifestyle choices. Dose not mean they are being preachy!
At least I know the voice in my head is real!
I spend a fuck load of time on youtube and I have no idea who any of these people are apart from the angry video game guy
I dont think any of it was literally the word of god, I do believe that if enough people get together they can build a stairway to heaven, and that is what religion is to me, a shoddy amalgam of different people building parts for different stairs that all come together to lead to one truth, there is something much much greater than humans out there. And to deny even the possibility of this is to be ignorant and prideful, to accept there is a chance is the beginning of belief, and to realize it’s truth is faith, the idea that belief itself holds power, turning the slightest of will in the most powerless of people into something with traction unlike anything else in this world.
>And yet plenty of societies that weren't touched by the Abrahamic religions developed morality without the need of the religion's influence.
not that guy, but have you seen what the chinks consider morality? or the romans, for that matter.
At least I have a direction to follow instead of just wondering the world aimlessly!
Surprised I haven’t seen a very obvious someone here yet.
Brofist, squad fam
He's not intelligent. He's a fucking simpleton. He spent the last fifteen years bitching about his parents and his "rights". His parents and his country gave him the gift of technology education and health, which he thinks just magically *poofed* up around him. He's such a cunt he thinks he could've been born in Africa and became who he currently is, which is provably false. He would've been just another dirt nigger in a fucking jungle hut drinking from a mud puddle. He makes money from people who drink up his brain spooge and give him a digital dollar at a time. I can't wait until his kids (if he has any) beat the dogshit out of him and go to the mall to buy a fucking Orange Julius, because everyone in his orbit is being gaslighted by him and the New Hampshire dickwads who fucked up a whole town with their bullshit retard libertarian ancap juvenile nonsense.
Literally any of them.
This diabetic cherry picking unclefucker's channel needs to die already
You can tell he's just looking for content to get mad about so he can make a retarded video on it and make money off of it while his tumor of a fan base continue to listen to the stupid shit his cheeto stained mouth spews
TLDR: Orange Julius nigga
literally high subscriber youtuber apart from jennamarbles and Chef John from with...crystal meth! that's right i'm going to try my hand at breaking bad. but first i need to admit that i've never seen the last season of breaking bad, only the early ones. I did meet Brian Cranston on a bus once, however.
First you're going to see a bowl...
you get the idea and I can't commit to this kind of joke without the actual knowlege in how to cook meth and I can't find a single infographic to teach me that.
Because they hail a higher authority than man.
Different societies can come to similar if not the same theories with respect to physics. Doesn't mean that physics is a social construct. The existence of a higher authority, a cosmic order if you will, is recognized by most religions. Some religions are more accurate than others when boiled doen to their fundamental treatises. They are all attempts, however, to understand God.
And you don't care to refute the argument of amorality. Atheists do not believe in an objective morality. "Morality" is whatever is expedient in the effort to satisfy themselves physically. Morality must be a social construct according to the materialist. Thus, different societies can form different moralities, yet neither code can make a claim to superiority upon philosophic grounds. Thus, morality must be relativistic. However, if two societies have a belief which contradicts the other, they cannot both be legitimate. In accepting both societies definition of morality as legitimate, one mudt abandon any notion of actual morality.
Name me an atheistic government which has not immediately devolved into totalitarianism. I'll wait.
Cody is a wholesome man that produces good scientific content. AA is a fat fuck who thinks hes high and mighty because he doesnt believe in God and hates liberals.
>Name me an atheistic government which has not immediately devolved into totalitarianism. I'll wait.
the US until the red scare
>muh dunning kruger
Lol Molymeme is a race realist though???
The US has never been atheistic protestants literally founded this country fucking fag
>In accepting both societies definition of morality as legitimate, one mudt abandon any notion of actual morality.
Atheists will tell you that the way you think is evil if it doesn't align with their own view of life and reality. Do you not? They'll tell you that the violence you've committed is wrong and that the things you stand for are corrupt or false. Do you not? If your perspective or your ideological view differs from their own, they will offer you a counter argument to try and persuade you with what they believe is a better way, philosophy or solution. If you say "this is the way it should be", they will say "No. Here are the reasons you are wrong and here's MY way, THE way to look at it.
Now here is God:
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." - Isaiah 55:8-9
"The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.” - Psalms 14:1
Notice how when God says that anyone who has an opposing view to His own is in error. For His thoughts are above your and His objective view and perspective is greater and more wise than your own. To Him, YOUR view is sin. Much like to the atheist, HIS opposition is also in error and has it all wrong. So atheists, YOU are hypocrites in the worst of ways. You do PRECISELY what you accuse God of doing.
“Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; FOR THOU THAT JUDGEST DOEST THE SAME THINGS.” - Romans 2:1
This. I would have been more inclined to agree if you said after the red scare. Hurt
oooooh. you're retarded. nevermind.
The U.S. was literally founded on natural rights ordained by a higher authority??? How fucking dense are you?
I just keep scrolling past and this is the one picture of this walking fedora that looks extremely close to a friend of mine and I just can't get over this fact
And before you say "muh deism", deism is not atheism. That being said, the deists were not the majority.
Most atheists are among the dumbest people I've ever met. All they do is repeat talking points. I'm probably an atheist myself, but I just wish every atheist would die.
Anyway, my answer is Joe Rogan. Not a YouTube personality, but all of his full podcasts are on there.
Nigger thinks that killing commies is totalitarian. Cute.
I don’t think joe rogan thinks he’s smart lol
They are no different from the bottom of the barrel Christians whom they criticize. Except that the casual Christians at least have some sense of morality.
I find her really intelligent...
Joe knows he's a dumb motherfucker but he's honest.
This. Completely unwatchable now I unsubbed years ago because of it.
Probably true. At least most Christians that I've been around are fine. I'm in east Idaho so they're LDS. Mormons are actually awesome even though they believe some weird shit.
This fag
The epitome of psuedo intellectual. His ego is crazy and he's not even good at articulating anything interesting or useful about the topic he's dedicated his life to. Just depends heavily on describing sounds and acts like certain neutral qualities are inherently good or bad depending, just so he doesn't have to defend his bizarre and unpredictable dislike for certain qualities. Absolutely a hack.
Kind of but he's legitimately is autistic and is trying to pursue his own truth. He thinks he's a lot smarter than he is but at the same time it comes from a genuine place of effort and desire for logical consistency. Still he's a faggot
All skeptics belong in this thread
Maddox lost, and yes.
You'd think that the U.S. would have arrested him for being a child predator by now but
LDS are the nicest people. Does the product lie?
I don't see any arguments here. Own up to thebfact that you said something extraordinarily stupid and gtfo
Check him out on kiwi farms. Him and the woman are real into the pedo furry shit, she's an "artist"
After DP split I stopped watching all of them, and Dusty Smith and Jaclyn Glenn have gone full retard. Only one from the old sceptic community I'm still subbed to is thunderf00t.
This shit is what I'm talking about. He says the dumbest shit but wanted to be a fucking politician
They're all cancer but tf is by the far the least cancerous. If you unironically listened to Dusty about anything, you're a dumb nigger
I feel ashamed for ever have subbed to TYT... Dave Rubin is still tight though.
>citing the old law
>no context in romans
Notice how you fit the point of atheism cherry picking and taking low hanging fruit?
Anyone with the ability to understand and comprehend his every word should know that his level of understanding and reasoning is legitimately unmatched.
Killing commies is the most moral thing you can do, as they destroy everything they touch.
who the fuck is john hank
Bullshit. This is the most disingenious nigger out there. Faggot consistently sucks YTs cock and casually promotes its censorship of smaller creators because he is worried that he'll be lumped in with the "fringe" and lose his lifestyle of talking mindlessly about shit he knoes nothing about
read the filenae, retard
I like that thunderf00t doesn't even do atheist stuff anymore and mainly focuses on debunking BS Kickstarters and pseudoscience.
You mispelled Hill
With respect to this, he aight
As if the old law was abolished?
>“Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.” - Matthew 5:17
So if Christ came NOT to destroy the law, or the prophets who stood FOR the law, then how is it null and void? It is not. It was simply taken too far by the hypocritical leaders of those times. The Pharisees also mixed in the teachings of the Babylonian Talmud which is FILLED with corruption. Not to mention all the sexual sins is permitted in it's pages. The Jews had been corrupted and lost their way with God. Thus Christ came to set everything right. Lest the whole world fall into destruction.
who the fuck is john hill
every "blackpilled" youtuber
>not knowing who John Hank is
Fucking Gen Z
Thankfully he gets very little support in the UK, all the non incels see him for what he is
Not quite a "YouTube Personality" but Ben Shapiro is just a dumb ass racist incel who took debate classes and talks fast.
Have you ever seen what The Bible, Torah, and Quran consider moral?
Okay nixon save your anger for when the cars at the nascar race dont crash and you spill your nacho cheese on your overalls and pot belly, I just hope the 9 to 5 was worth it when you realize your life has become either working or waiting until you have to work again. And dont blame me for you not being born 50 years in the future when socialism becomes more viable in the wake of automation, the money you live for is the one that took your life away, not me.
The direction of delusions. Instead I'm living my life with the intent of living it to the fullest, instead of living in fear of the invisible sky wizard
I would be inclined that he is a hypocritical Israel fisting Israel first neocon listen-and-believe cuck with a fucking banging sister, but he does write well
This, scrolled through to find this dumbass. Good at debating, horrible at thinking sadly
You're expecting Christians to flow a law that existed before Christ came to this earth. That's why you're cherrypicking. Also, Jesus came for other reasons, not just to "fulfill the prophets". Once again, cherry picking.
Lmao fuck off commie
What you're doing is that you're indulging yourself within your vices and allowing your pride to control you. You will not be happy.
"Good at debating" walks off from an Interview with Andrew Neil
>all Abrahamic religions are the same
Except they're not.
Smarter that you retard
The Law is eternal. The Law is God. God is Justice before he is good. He can only forgive if there is a law to break and justice to pervert. The Jews fails to preserve it correctly and corrupted it.
Don't follow enough of the guy to actually know that incident. He is just fucking retarded
>Telling other people if they're happy or not
>Cult behavior
That you retard
Except they are, because they all start at the same place, and worship the same god
This fag, acts like his videos are a blessing to the world and is doing us a favor. No shut the fuck up cunt.
Im afraid you misunderstand me. I'm not giving you an opinion of mine. If you live your life only for yourself, you will be miserable. This is a trope as old as writing.
>Thinks their opinions are facts
>More cult behavior
Coming from the greatest thinker ever
He’s the bottom of the barrel normie’s resident “deep” guy.
Ah okay so the secret to happiness is to live for something that doesn't exist instead of yourself or your significant other, or your friends, or your family. Got it.
You seriously need psychological help
The cuck on a TV panel didn't want to discuss the topic at hand and began slinging mud immediately. Benji got frustrated and left. To be fair, the old faggot was a cunt propagandist.
You're not going to live for anything but yourself.
I'm ashamed that I used to think he was anything more then a retard
Anyone here remember the TimeCube? I miss that guy
same here. i also find her videos very cool with all the costumes and characters and shit.
A long, long time ago, before they became popular for shouting terrible opinions and half-baked-ideas about how to fix things, when they just reported the news with very little commentary, they were alright. Don't feel bad about that.
ah yes rubin and his ideas
>False prophecy
>More cult behavior
>This one specifically condemned by their own religion
Remember when all the skeptics ran out of shit to talk about so they briefly switched over to veganism and vegan gains obliterated all of them?
*Brings on Sotomayor with no idea about his view on homosexuality*
Funniest interview I’ve seen in a while
He sticks to the topic he has a degree in. Also he's not a YouTuber
Really, the astrophysicist is stupid?
Andrew neil is a very respectable journalist but you have none of those in the states so you wouldnt understand
He absolutely does not stick to that topic
This unfunny cunt
To the gallows with her
Surprised no one brought up MatPat/Game Theory
too easy
He doesn't seem to think he's a genius or anything
>as they think they are
only ever saw him on YouTube making claims about "human nature" and the universe that are unidentifiable.
that is not intelligence or scientific, it is projection, like religious people do.
alternative hypothesis obliterated this retard twice
deport him back to Canada.
I thought listening to his 3 hour podcasts was a chore back when he was relevant
Now i only do 5 minute clips of the finest clickbait at best.
He really doesn't let his guests talk especially after he got cucked. The only one of his gay spic buddies I can tolerate is Eddie bravo. Any podcast with either of the 2 jews is trash.
Lost me when they started bashing a model for getting elf ear surgery. It actually looked pretty good, unlike Ana's nose... I woke a little late...
Duncan or redban i can stand. Bryan callen treating Eddie like shit and talking about his gay left libtard shit i cannot fucking tolerate. Trash. Fuck Bryan callen
I'll chuck a milkshake at him if we meet in real life.
Just because he's such a fucking faggot.
Really? The nigger with the boxer's name is a respected astronaut?
Same goes for the chink and the other nigger. The fuck outta here.
Go watch Rick and Morty
hear hear
they are figureheads at best
Are the wheels on that bandwagon in need of air?
For me all people are stupid apes, fuck god, but believe me or not but i'm a misanthropic atheist that hates atheists the most. They are so hopeless and annoying. I'm honesty very deeply atheist and i believe that most if not all religious books are just a contradictions examples yet i think different, especialy militant atheists, are almost all full of shit. And seriously WE DO NOT TALK about youtube atheism. Believe me or not. Call me how you want. I don't care.
quieres americano? esta mejor entonces?
You know who they and cenk remind me of? Robert kiyosaki when i was like 10 years old. I just know these are the faces of the people who ruined America. It has it written all over them.
i enjoyed listening to randall carlson and earlier hancock or brand enough to trudge through the 3hrs, but hancock and brand have gone a bit cuckoo these days...
This motherfucker is like somebody's dad half naked bending over with lots of man ass right in your face. Is this what you like? Like in a room full of cigarettes they talk about some racist senile old shit and some cucksucker stamps it with the official brand name of what you're supposed to think. Please defend him some more.
Catholic masterrace
Shit feels like work
i appreciate that they make stupid people think science is cool
RightToBearArmsLOL is faggot
yeah if they get lazy people to go learn something then they're doing all that can be expected of them i guess
Unruhe destroyed this cuck
Doesn't this guy have a literal micropenis, there's a video of him pouring hot water on his balls for some dominatrix or something that was leaked online
100% this
yep. i don't get why he'd document himself doing that for any reason. nothing would've been worth permanently ruining your reputation. the second he's completely irrelevant on the internet, he's fucked. the clock is ticking on him.
I remember when he posted this on Twitter lmao
K bud.
I was 50/50 on Dusty back in the day, but now he's completely gone.
watch his video about spiderman homecomming lmao. His fans turns on him the second he said anything possitive about it. so much for no bullshit.
This guy is egregiously retarded and unfunny
how so?
It is incredibly rejuvenating to scroll this entire thread and only recognise like 2 people
Makes predictions about everything, only ever follows up on the ones he happened to be right about.
Gives way too much fucking credit to POTUS. Half the shit he claims Trump intended to do are purely unintended "4D chess" moves made by Trump, which is why he so often finds himself waning his support for Trump every time a new war or foreign attack is fixing to take place.
Subtly shifts his estimates over time to account for his previous overconfident predictions about elections and shit. "Trump's a guaranteed shoe-in during 2020 as long as he hits 45% support. No, wait, He'll proooobably win if he hits 47%. Maybe. I give him a 70% chance. If he's up against Buttigeg though he might actually lose so forget everything I just said."
all of them
all my this. dude will say any song is good as long as it isnt mainstream
what a hack
This closeted bald homosexual atheist.
All his "analysis" of other people boils down to "reeeeeeeeeeee he believes in gawd, what a loser." with copious amounts of ad hominem attacks. Nobody cares about the looks of who you're critiquing, if your points can't stand on their own, then they're shit points. A good metric is anyone that nitpicks grammar and spelling, without delving into the substance matter, they're the ones who are making an ass of themselves ya clipped cali cocksucker. See? I pointed out what's wrong with your so-called methodology AND berated you, that's how you do it, Devon.
Not to mention the fact that he's extremely selective about what he chooses to cover in his videos. You'll notice that he only ever talks about things that paint Trump in a good light, but claims not to be a real dedicated "Trump fan." There's plenty of shady shit to criticize Trump for that the dude turns a blind eye to, as he instead chooses to cover some stupid fucking bottom-of-the-barrel Buzzfeed article that nobody took seriously in the first place. Fucking criticize the guy when he deserves it, man, geez.
This fag
internet comment etiquette
"Whats going on everyone? Jeremy here from "The Quartering""
i'll never understand the appeal of this faggot. nothing he does hasn't been done better by others.
>Most religious texts are fucking retarded.
Fuck off Quarterpounder, you lost a fight to a troon and spammed gay porn on /cow/ when they made fun of Sargon.
>96% approval
Not where it counts in the polls faggot. Sargon killed UKIP the same way he killed Lucy's fetus.
how could you? Do you drink flavoured Bleach by any chance?
kike lovers get the rope
he's reddit incarnate.
He makes fun of leddit with his shtick.
I forgot man. EWTN is fucking praying for priests too.
Sure he does. All his comments are ironic, and he's obviously playing a character shitting on commentators with his (...(...)=================D~~~~~~
ironically shit is still shit. he's a talentless hack.
If you idea of a good debater is someone who jumps into the gish gallop 100% then yeah, the man is fucking genius
shit, at this point they may as well reterm it the shapiro sprint
Sorry to tell you user. There is no god.
>imagine being asshurt over somebody ON THE INTERNET
Morals don't come out only from religions. Go read some philosophy son.
Yeah, I agree with these guys. Philip DeFranco has a pretty solid channel.
Fucking MADDOX.
He went full on lulzcow level retard. Check out the lolsuite. What a fucking tool
Are they even relevant anymore?
It was hot oil actually.
i sense jealousy
>implying anyone on jewtube was ever relevant
PROTIP: They weren't
Why is he always so sweaty?
would anyone be jealous of not being a guy with micropenis?
Amy the jew from vintage space
Sarg'n pls....
This fag.
>Good at debating
Yeah, we saw that when he got raped by BBC.
Lt Corbis
Yeah, ok. Its true - they got the answer to the easiest question on Earth righ.
What does that make every1 who got it wrong be?
morally corrupt scumbag wannabe lawyer
I don't even know who that is but he looks like all he does all day is point out really simple things and take far too much satisfaction from it. Also taking breaks to eat shit, as he definitely looks like a scat fetishist. Just my take.
>we dont need id documents during voting
what's morally corrupt about him? just that he's a lawyer?
>what's morally corrupt about him? just that he's a lawyer?
he's making money by attacking and making fun of rape victims of a serial hugger
wait.. is hugging somehow rape now?
according to twitter, yes
>lol, phisicists, make iphones, phisics is gay, fags
Total buscit
If you want to be more famous than your co-worker, you either have to get better or accuse them of rape.
Guess which one is easier.
>YouTube personalities
you kids today need to get a life
how do u distinguish whats a metaphor and what isnt and how did u determine god isnt metaphorical for nature or some shit?
We know how the bible was constructed, how books were selected to be a part of it. We know how gospels were written off of 1 another and we know they were not contemporary. Why would we ever take bible as an authority on anything?
Can we just start punishing people for being too stupid who have proven they are capable of being intelligent?
Like a literal slap on the wrist. "No, you now better, bad stop being willfully stupid" *SLAP*
I know I'd appreciate such a service when I was being stupid.
its not relative, especially not to higher authorities
>Like a literal slap on the wrist.
why on the wrist?
report him for a depiction of a dick in the banner
Well if we hit them in the head it could displace brain cells, which is what we are trying to prevent.
all of them
>debate me potholer54
>demolished in 10 mins with hard sources
>it doesnt count, cuz it wasnt live
90% of them, but you watch it and are feeding them so...
begone simpleton
there isnt a god
you're not supposed to hit them, just a firm slap
so that any momentarily brain cell displacement gets fixed again
when was he posing as a smart guy, again?
This guy stays in his lane, only smart nigger out there
Born a male will die a male, cool that he likes to play dress up though.
He met her when she was 17 and 17 is AoC in New York and 16 in Canada so I don't see why it would have been a problem.
Never, the person who posted him doesn't have basic comprehension skills.
I don't watch any of these YouTubers because why the fuck should I care what a bunch of long winded armchair psychologists making hipster welfare think? Every topic is the same, someone will argue a point and another one will make a 2 hour video nitpicking every word then the first faggot will make a 3 hour video nitpicking that dipshit's video.
You sure sound like a guy who's watched them. These types of rants are the result of exactly how they make people feel.
yeah he really is an annoying cunt, especially when it comes to the console vs pc debate. He just cant stop making videos about people with like a few hundred maybe ten thousand subs and keep coming with the same bullshit over and over and over again. I mean cant he just leave people alone seriously if people are happy with their consoles then let em' be and if these retards make retarded videos let em' be, there's no reason to talk about em. I just cant understand why people would watch him for anything other than maybe his game reviews.
Yea because 3 sentences is a rant. Maybe you should stop watching YouTube celebs and start reading?
what? pseudointellectuals talking bout pseudointellectuals r wrong?
I've read about a thousand or so books, they can be just as much tripe. Maybe you should stop projecting personalities on people. Just a thought.
The man specifically points out that he's stupid in his videos. He literally makes no claim to being any imaginable form of an intellectual ever.
can't believe no one has brought up this whiny fat fuck yet. The guy makes $100k a year for his shitty elitist views on games. You better not disagree with him either because his opinion is 100% factual!
There's something about the way these people look and talk that tells me these people have a very malicious character. I didn't have this sense when I was a teenager and watching most of these people, but my observations and interactions with these people and people in real life tell me that you can get a rough to fairly accurate guess on how 'safe' someone is just by looking at them or hearing their voice.
That's not to say you should go on your gut feeling alone, but you have a gut feeling for a reason...
Only atheists have a lower iq than Sargons fanboys, you’re in denial over how bad sargon has become over the years.
He is at least somewhat self aware at least.
Not saying that excuses him, but it is refreshing.
dear lord, people like you still exist?
Can't mention this guy without mentioning his cuck twin. Glad the fucker is dead. 1 down, many more to go. Fingers crossed!
is this guy still a thing?
please tell me he's still a thing
user, don't fall into the self- aware post ironic, self- depreciation like I did. You just look and become more pathetic because you don't even have the decency to hold an atom of self respect in front of others. It's not funny, or smart and you will loose more respect.
Just look at his pinned tweet on Twitter. All libertarians are retarded. Also he’s had alot of bad takes in the few months I’ve been watching him. Eg. “We should paradrop guns for the spics in venezuela” “we should open the border to actual refugees from venezuela, they hate socialism i swears” and pretty much all his trump 4D chess crap
Oh, I mean I have, its kind of part of self improvement if you are doing it right.
>Imagine unironically getting your political ideology from the mentally ill
Where do you get yours from? Your dad?
I don’t know if he’s dumb but he’s extremely boring and stretches out 3 minute videos to 10. If I ever watch a video it would be like doing a chore. No personality whatsoever
I'm honestly curious, what about TB didn't you like? His Ego?
He's literally the carbon copy of Jim Sterling. Elitist views on games and will tell you you're wrong if you disagree with him. These people don't understand the concept of facts and opinions.