Hi Yea Forums. What do you people think about communism? Always wondered its pros and cons...

Hi Yea Forums. What do you people think about communism? Always wondered its pros and cons, and always wondered if it could've worked, or still could.

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Faggot retard idea millenials believe in because they were told they'd be rebels if they did. Useful idiots. The same people who would die under communism are the ones who support it.

If you actually think communism could work you clearly have no understanding of either human behavior or labour equality...yes you should spend years to become a doctor just to earn the same as a fucking trash man, that sound fair to you? Who the fuck would wanna have a more difficult job without incentive?

Absolutely. Human greed just won't allow everyone to be the same, with equal pay and roles. Diversity is needed in society. Yes, it could be stable, but that wouldn't be human nature.

Pros: strong industry

Cons: bound to fail, human rights violations, deaths of millions, famine, authoritarian rule

i think national socialism is a better alternative

>>strong industry

Imagine having this little understanding of economy

How are they directly coorelated
>bound to fail, human rights violations, deaths of millions, famine, authoritarian rule

What abour ancom?

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Communal vote for control over the means of production=everyone same wage

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>Faggot retard idea
that is an argument right there

you clearly need to read a few unbiased not from your shitty college professor books. you stupid fucking millennials think you know everything. think you know whats best. everything. and i do mean everything was thought up and tried before you was a wished abortion. if they thought it could work. if it could be sustainable. dont you think it would be in place? even in countries where A" communism" is the norm ( china,russia) you still see different classes. different wages. even communism seems to have capitolism in it somewhere.

>pros and cons
Pros: capital is used for the good of the people rather than for the whims of capitalists or a few oligarchs
Cons: 90 million dead comrades

>before you was a wished abortion
>even in countries where A" communism
>even communism seems to have capitolism in it somewhere.
first of all work on your grammar

Second of all you havent supported the arguments you made last time
Third russia is capitalist

And fourth of all not all china is communist, as a person who has read about xi Jinping I inform you that chinas administration handles two systems, a neoliberal free market based economy and a communist system wih chinese aspects, all of these from Xi Jin Pings own words

No. In fact the most oprimal and efficent systems rarely if ever end up in place or even tried due to human foibles, corruption, power, rivals and neighbors, unoptimal resource situations, and many other factors. Also communism isn't the norm currently in russia at all. They are an authoritative conservative democracy with corrupt elements causing one party and mindset to remain in general power. China's system has all but abandoned communism. It far more represents a form of democracy where those who would be in various political parties just join the same state party but still have people who range the gambit of conservatism and liberalism and are elected by vote and have been steadily selling and privatizing for many years now. Communism straight up isn't the norm in the second world modernly.

At any rate the most efficent systems and most optimal systems haven't been used to date. Nearly every system we have used and still use are largely reactionary. Then we don't adjust and evolve the system with new information and get way too stuck in tradition for any of it to be anywhere near efficent or optimal or even stable. Far more like a machine we keep duct taping over something that resembles anything strong and state of the art of political sciences.

A great example would be even most of western europe's political and democratic systems are far more evolved then America's. Not that it doesn't have problems but they are able to react a lot faster to most political problems, far higher efficency ratings, far less deadlock, far more effective investigative agencies for political issues. That is alone proof that we can all do better yet in democracy or anything else.

>strong industry
>plant manager makes chandeliers out of solid lead to achieve 50 ton yearly production quota set by central committee in less than a month
>goes home and drinks vodka, waits for death
Good job, comrade

>everybody gets paid the same
That's not how it works, faggot.

Authoritarian "Communism" only happened because a few countries thought they should be the vanguard and lead the rest of the world into a Marxist utopia...
And they devolved into murderous personality cults and mismanaged cronyism. As they tried to help citizen uprisings around the world, the West did their best to quash them and install dictatorships that were friendly to Western interests (resource and labor exploitation). Then the West basically spent them to death over the next 50 years. Then Reagan, Perestroika, Glasnost, etc.
It's a fucking shitshow. If it's going to work it needs to be global, coordinated, and too fast for the Capitalists to stop it.

respects for this well educated person

It was very powerful & highly mocked & blamed for shit that wasn't it's fault. Fuck US for shoving their nose in the USSR's business.

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You seriously believe that? You gotta' be dumber than a bag of cocks if you think literally everybody gets an equal pay.

Nobody would be a doctor, nobody would want to do road work, nobody would do anything that requires some sort of effort. This is a point most bring up but is flawed with just common sense alone.

Everybody doesn't get paid the same under communism you dipshit. Go learn something about you're talking about.

You got a well functioning brain, comrade.

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its like being a stormfag. you're just larping and everyone is laughing at you

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>Hi Yea Forums. What do you people think about communism? Always wondered its pros and cons, and always wondered if it could've worked, or still could.

Nothing, without exception has killed more people than communism. Mao and Stalin are the greatest mass murders ever know, all done in the name of ... communism.

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Hey retard, didn't you hear about the news some few years ago?

Ironically some US reports were made public stating that Stalin only killed 3M -10M people & the diet of the Communists were as good as a modern US diet but better in some areas.

So how does it work?

A yes. A system of governance so great that it has to be forced upon the entire world to be effective. Go for a helicopter ride you filthy commie.

Yeah you tell him comrade. No one gets paid more than anyone else cause no gets paid! No need for it when the government provides everything we need.

All of the dumb little kids have a raging boner for communism these days.

One can only hope they get together and crowdfund the purchase of an island to create their perfect utopia where they can all enjoy communism done right together. The rest of us can watch it as reality TV.

>only killed 3 - 10m people.
Great guy.
Diet as good as the USA today? Tell me then how the US is obese and Soviets starved to death cause they seem like they'd involve very different diets.

A retarded system of government that is only embraced by the mentally retarded or sociopathic dictators.

Christianity is the only legitimate way

No - it could not work. Its been tried number of times - failed EVERY SINGLE TIME.
What kind of evidence do you need?

What about Ancom?

Communism (whether Anarcho or not) relies on everyone being forced to participate. Forced being the issue here.

I suppose in an imaginary world where everyone was totally selfless it could work.

Yep. If people want to practice communism thats fine, go off somewhere and do it. The reality though is that it always ends up being forced onto everyone else and thats where all the problems start.


Communism is gay and you are a faggot.

USSR was a dysfunctional oppressive dictatorship run by a committee of dictators. It was truly evil. Had USSR confined itself inside its own borders without mad dreams about ruling the world and interfering with other peoples biz, nobody would have given two shits about the exact nature of misery USSR designed for its inhabitants.

USSR, just like its predecessors, suffered from a built-in low self esteem, thinking falsely than someone threatened them all the time and wanted to "invade". Hence the massive armies while people did not have anything but misery and fear.

Remember also that USSR and Nazis made a secret deal to divide Europe (secret addendum to Ribbentrop-Molotov treaty). They were BFF. Two ends of the same circle met.

So yeah Communism was shit just like USSR and the people who still cling to it.

The famines were caused by the weather because the USSR had like the worst fucking land you could try to farm on.

It boils so hot the plants could catch flame in the summer & freezes people but especially plants to death in just minutes. This does NOT affect the quality, but rather the quantity.

Most of the deaths were because the USSR wanted to get rid of those who were considered traitors. They were under war stress at the time as well which affected both the agriculture & death toll.

Communism might work if we had a magic box which created everything for everyone and nobody had to do work to actually produce things. If. In practise it won't work since majority of people are stupid and greedy and take more than enough.

Huh, that explains the current status of an average Amerimutt.

Pros - easy weight loss/dieting
Turning in annoying neighbors
Everyone is as poor as you (except the bosses)
Easy factory work for everyone

Cons - your a fucking commie you idiot. The Only reason idiot kids think communism is a great fuckin idea is because they've never experienced it. It always goes authoritarian and corrupt no matter what because as a theory it ignores human fucking nature. It will never be implemented "correctly". I hope you choke on your weekly ration of a single potatoe and die.

Haha bad land?

Black earth inside USSR is basically THE place to grow crops. And other places too, grapes, oranges, apples, wheat, wine, cattle and so on. The problem was the ineffective shit system and the way it was run and the people who accept and succumb to whatever whims the illustrious leader throws at them instead of rebelling to remove the problem.

Yeah... That is the case nowadays. It was horrible crop land to use back then.

Communism is a shit idea. It’s a utopia. Utopia’s can never be reached. Someone will take power eventually and throw the country into a shitshow. It’s human nature to take power. Democracy has more checks and balances. Although that too can be corrupted, but not as easily as commie cucks can. Soviets take it up the ass so often they’re used to authoritarian rule.

All I’m going to say is that human nature is the reason of its downfall, if we were all perfect it’d work. I personally don’t like it as it treats everyone in a collective which strips man of his individuality

Many who didn't support it were also killed under it

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Bad land back then? You’re kidding me right? Russia before the revolution was 96% fucking farmers tard. It’s a agricultural giant even while everyone around it industrialized while it held back.

>wouldnt be human nature
Then its unstable. Sure its great on paper and would be perfect if everyone was part of a hivemind but we arent, it goes against basic human nature and thats one thing thats constant across all humans whether someone believes it or not. If it cant work with the fundamental thought process of humans, it cant work with humans.
"From each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs". If my needs are as great as a janitors im getting the same stuff as him. Thats the fundamental idea all communist variations come off of. You get what you need.
Wow i guess chapocels finally made a new strawman. You dont have to be a /pol/tard to see how bad communism is, you just need to see the holodomor (killed as many as the holocaust in 2 years) the 40% of kazakhstan that starved undet the USSR the 50 million deaths under mao and the mass murders of pol pot. History is the truth, and it is undeniable.
>muh human nature not true
Ive never seen a commie prove the human nature argument wrong once, they cant. Humans are naturally greedy and self centered, a system based around not being greedy or self centered wont work with humanity, its as simple as that.
"From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs" once again if a neurosurgeons needs are the same ad a janitors they get the same
The US didnt steal farms and starve kulaks.
>USSR diets were good
Not so good in kazakhstan or ukraine though
Mayhaps glorious motherland was stealing crops
The USA is a super far right nation economically yet 1/3 of them are obese, that's beyond le evil 1%, id say capitalism can feed people well enough
Thats the truth, its only on an imaginary world, cant work as long as humans are greedy and self centered.
The damn truth
>literally 99% of the population under soviet rule say it was bad
>commies call them liars
Fuck sake the delusion

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The fucking communist flag has a sickle in it?! You absolute one membrane organism. It squandered its crops. The retards in power had no clue what to do with the farmers so they just worked them to death

Do you even have half a brain fag?

Based Yea Forumsro

Also consider that communism can't work cause people need to eat.

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I'll give you my honest assessment, none of the biased bullshit that many people on either side of the political spectrum will give you.w

Julius Evola was a "fascist intellectual", but if you can overlook that then he had a quote that I believe was especially insightful:

"Nothing is more evident than that modern capitalism is just as subversive as Marxism. The materialistic view of life on which both systems are based is identical; both of their ideals are qualitatively identical, including the premises connected to a world the centre of which is constituted of technology, science, production, "productivity," and "consumption." And as long as we only talk about economic classes, profit, salaries, and production, and as long as we believe that real human progress is determined by a particular system of distribution of wealth and goods, and that, generally speaking, human progress is measured by the degree of wealth or indigence—then we are not even close to what is essential...”

I'm not particularly attached to any one economic system, but I realize some of the practical drawbacks they present. Capitalism is meant to be "sink or swim", meaning the trashiest people of society should fall away and just die on the street or whatever, or economic pressures should force them to not breed and raise more trash like themselves. Communism is meant to provide for everyone equally, but a reality of human nature is that not everyone is equal. Some contribute more to society, some are better people who act right and are more innovative. The people with IQ's over the level of 160 are the ones who truly advance society, launching satellites into space, making medical breakthroughs and discovering new sources of energy and better ways to manage society. We currently live in a system that places a favor on intelligence, and in such a system the dumbest members are relegated to the lowest classes by birth. It isn't fair, but it's life.

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I hate communism. But it might work if humans wouldnt be selfish. But we are. It just awards the scum that doesn't want to work. The ones who want to work won't get anything of it. That's not how the world is running. Also there isn't any democracy possible in such a systems. So it will never truly work as good as good old democratic capitalism.

And right now the biggest issue is that Communists are entirely infatuated with the idea of equality. Communism and egalitarianism don't HAVE to go hand-in-hand with each other, but they almost always do. The idea that everyone is fundamentally equal from birth and has the same potential.

Reality shows us that this isn't true. Intelligence is largely heritable, personality much the same. These differences fall along racial boundaries, and in our thoroughly racially integrated society it is absolutely unthinkable for some people that their hopes and dreams that there is only "one race, the human race" might not be true.

Because then it comes down to the consequences of these beliefs. If the "Nazis" are right, and we're not all equal and our differences won't just melt away over time, then segregation is the best way forward. And what of the mixed race children? Should we re-implement eugenics policies for the "inferior"? We've been told the Nazis are the ultimate evil for several decades. They just can't stomach such a thing.

But if the communists get their way then we implement public policy based on their beliefs. Turbo-affirmative action, a redistribution of the wealth, and killing any "enemies of the revolution" who get in their way (read: White people, conservatives, Trump voters, etc). White people kill White people once again, and our collective IQ as a nation becomes the average of all the races as they blend together, and a nation only remains as cognitively complex as the people who reside in it, so we slide backward into an idiocracy with open borders and some future that resembles Elysium.

Pick your hellscape, because I have little hope for the future.

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Pros: if the utopia is achieved, it would be an idilic, peaceful place.

Cons: the utopia is literally impossible because it goes against human nature-- not even just human nature, it goes against nature itself. Look up Pareto Distribution, and how it applies to the distribution of almost every naturally occurring system. You can't beat it. Con 2: communism always ends in fascism, with massive amounts of death from starvation and genocide, and results in the worst economic output of any system (anarchy is a lack of a system).

Like the Nazis...?

'Murika has a fuckton of low-cost, high-calorie, low-nutrition food available to them because the federal government spends billions to make sure they do... What kind of "free market" is that?

>I hate communism. But it might work if humans wouldnt be selfish. But we are. It just awards the scum that doesn't want to work. The ones who want to work won't get anything of it. That's not how the world is running. Also there isn't any democracy possible in such a systems. So it will never truly work as good as good old democratic capitalism.

Well I think this is where a misrepresentation of the ideology lowers the level of dialogue. There are many nuances that can be thought through, and arguments made by the communsits. What if they want to work, but they're just dumb and can't be trusted to do much more than flip patties? Capitalism rewards the greedy who hoard wealth. Democracy is communism light. Half the people in our country are on the verge of voting for communism Democracy is overrated, since whoever controls the media pretty much controls the vote. Why do you think they want every football fan, Alzheimer patient, burnout and degenerate out there voting on Election Day? They don't want educated votes, they want every retarded vote.

>What abour ancom?
It takes doublethink just to say 'ancom'. Communism requires absolute authoritarianism, anarchism is the rejection of all governmental authority. Anyone that thinks this is possible or a good idea should an hero, or at least shut up until they read some fucking books.

>strong industry
Only ever happened in "communism" after it was essentially a fascist state. And every time, without fail, industry is boosted once capitalism is implemented

Not even close to true. The end game of Marxism is that the State withers away (Anarchism).

Yes, it was. Because of Communism.

The soil is still the same!

My wife was a citizen of the Soviet Union. She says the 90s only sucked. Lol The fucking hell and suffering her parents, grandparents and great-grandparents went through to get there was terrible. The very property my in-laws still own today was a lot bigger before the Russian revolution (aka the Communists) took over and redistributed the land to a bunch of people. They were in the part of Ukraine that had that large famine they killed 6 million people because the farmers were "suspiciously" prominent. So the Communists killed the farmers (some of my wife's great uncle's) and as a result 6 million people died of starvation. No I don't have a high opinion of Communism

It can work, also has some great movies.

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a system bringing about 30 Mn starved to death is a failed system,,have at it

>be idealist communist
>true to the cause
>implement revolution
>set up the utopia
>get murdered by power hungry "murderous personslity"
>another 100 million people die

Power will always exist, and will always be abused. You are a naive faggot if you think your version of communism will ever work, and you're quite full of yourself to think you're better than every communist as home that came before you. I'll take my somewhat corrupt capitalist system, with human rights and checks & balances, thanks.

Also I would like to add the idealistic shots that started the revolution were killed off once the dictator came into power. The revolutionaries are always killed off. As a result of socialism I've heard estimations of 70 million to 100 million people have died in the 20th century alone.

It looks like the moral of that story is socialism is basically envy, greed, or resentment of those who have a pot to piss in.

It would be great if everybody was perfect. It would be the most efficient system possible. Unfortunately, humans are greedy, selfish, assholes so communism can never work. People will always try to get more than they need and do less than they can.

>end game
Which will never happen, because it takes absolute authority and force to reach the utopia. People don't give up power, with rare exceptions. And when they do, they are replaced by people who will not. That's why communism fails horribly every time.

And even if the utopia is achieved, it just takes one asshole to start the chain of oppression up again. Then 90% of the world dies.

You are a naive retard if you think the utopia is possible.

Nicely said user. Too many millennials are poor and broke (many from stupid degrees and college debt) so Communism is appealing. Also the socialists are painting this as a bigger crisis than it is. Making them think times are worse than they actually are. Even poor people have smart phones and flat screen TV's. Real poor is third world poor. My wife (an ex solviet citizen) said they got indoor plumbing in her families house in the mid 2000's. They still burn their trash, still shit in the outhouse because the indoor sewage plumbing sucks. Granted they live in a rural area but fuck that's bad.

So what you do is kill off all the greedy/selfish assholes. You could even set up an AI to find them all by the shit they post on social media. I don't give a fuck if it's three billion people. We're making a delicious omelette here... Eggs will be broken.

Communism is supposed to be purely democratic, yeah? People vote on everything, control the means of production and all that.
Democracy inevitably fails as most people are gullible and stupid. Hitler was elected, Trump was elected, so on and so forth.
Communism would lead to more Stalin's and Maos either through revolution or election.

I still have yet to visit her family. Something about sharing bath water with a bunch of (family that I've never met in person so basically strangers) people just doesn't do it for me. Lol

Hitler was not elected, you silly fuck, he was appointed.

Meh, my point still stands. Idiot leaders are elected or violent dictators take power with popular support. The majority of people are the problem

I seriously doubt old Kimmy jeong was elected, or Stalin, or linen.

Revolution nwas definitely a cause of Communism at least once that I know of. I'm sure it was in many of the examples we have in the 20th century

communism is a great idea but we've never seen it before. what we saw was fascist dictatorships hinging on the false promise of communism

I'm not really worried about communism in the US. There's not that many people out there who genuinely want it. But one of the many tricks of the socialist is to make everyone think their numbers are greater than they actually are. Look how many people showed up to Bernie's inauguration.

Which is why I absolutely hate highly populated areas. Large amounts of people living in tight quarters shit gets a little crazy.

Communism only works on small "communal" societies. It can't work on a large national scale. The distribution of wealth has to be uneven in industrial societies

It's a dumbass meme kids from Instagram joke about and it blew up. Nothing about will work on our scale of population. Memes dead kid now calm down

That's why I say we should downsize the federal government give the power back to the States, make them responsible for keeping their own economies running without help from the federal government. Allow States to function more like independent countries. That way States like California can be as socialist as they want and it won't affect those around it. But with that comes the financial burden they need to figure out on their own. And if they fail, too bad pick up the pieces and start over.

Also but the states handle immigration, California wants to let everybody in let them pay for it. Many of the issues come down to money.

> kill off all the greedy/selfish assholes

And then you'll have literally no one left to govern.

The prosecutors in the revolutionary courts were themselves thrown into the gulag within 10 years of the revolution.

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>get paid
nigger what
(((currency))) isn't allowed

>be a public toilet
>no one who uses you owns you
>your owners give a fuck about you
>delegates some braindead nigger to do shitty upkeep occasionally
>get shit on constantly, people who care about their well being cover you with toilet paper before sitting down to put a layer between you and the nasty shit inevitably ingrained in your rim
>be a privately owned toilet in your home
>owner generally cleans up after himself
>tries to keep a consistent and normal level of sanitation
>doesn't want random niggers from the street shitting up his bathroom and leaving it like they left their kid
and that's why communism is fucking delusional
>w-we can all keep the public toilet nice if we just make a promise together
>fugg i-it's not working...I need a strong police state to enforce that everyone does their fair share! starvationwhine.png
>well I'll just have my own bathroom since I do so much executive decision making around here...and maybe I'll have Svetlana clean it for me

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No commie fag, your can't make omelette cause there will be no eggs in your stupid dystopia

> want's to kill all selfish people
> doesn't care about a new genocide
Being this retarded

> hurr durr real communism has never been tried


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the "communism that has never been tried yet" or "pure communism" - in it's truest form, states that everything will be provided while nothing is mandatory
let that sink in
we don't have fully automated gay space communism yet and until we do this is all meaningless back and forth

It hasn't fag. Not on a national level anyway. On a provincial level it's been very successful though.

what do you consider a provincial level, how many people? urban or no
also when and where are your examples coming from

Hello comrades Anonymous

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everyone hates it except teens also

Name one region in the world where communism has worked.
Pro tip: you can't

The UdSSR was very succesfull with communism. The goal being killing and starving as many people as possible. Congrats comrade, you just proofed your mental illness. Here's your handgun now go kill some innocent farmers for eating what the produce on their fields.

people that want communism just cant handle capitalism

Soviet Furs

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You fucking degenrates

Wow. Look at all these fresh western civ graduates in one place. I didn't know they offered that course in the summer.

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