"H... hey user. Bad news. Umm I seem to have let myself go a little bit...

"H... hey user. Bad news. Umm I seem to have let myself go a little bit... do you think you can help me lose some weight? Please...? Oh fuck..."

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I wish I had a gf with a big appetite so I could just feed her all the unhealthy food I normally eat. I’d lose weight and get a fat gf.

I would fuck that fat off , some exercise too ..... but mainly sweaty lovin .

Fucking fags

Oof... I think someone needs to go on a diet, hun.

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Yeah, but the downside is that you get a fat gf

No u

I want a fat gf

"user... if that would actually work then we wouldn't be having this problem in the first place. "

Oh, then the problem is that you want a fat gf


"Ughhh I really hoped you wouldn't say that, but it isn't like you don't have a point..."

"... you aren't actually going to help me here, are you, user?"

why would I help when there isn’t a problem

"Okaaaay... can you at least agree that is eventually going to become a problem at least?"

stop talking and start eating

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Um... th...that doesn't sound like a good idea "

"I can help you, but just know I love you either way."

"Awww really? You are so sweet user! I really appreciate that!"

"I just appreciate the time we spend together, without human contact anyone would be lonely, :)"

"Ah, is that why you never leave my apartment?"

"Yes thats right, That's also why I don't get a job and masturbate to loli porn all day"

"I mean, there are worst ways to spend your time I guess."

"Its mostly because my crippling depression and anxiety keeps me inside all day and my years of abuse has kept me dependent on validation from anyone I can get,"

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"Huh, you know user, sometimes I feel the exact same way about myself and junkfood..."

"Well as long as you have someone to support you and help reach your goals I think you'll be fine. Just don't get too dependent on people like I am :("

"user... I dont think I have any goals at all to be honest..."

Well I'm here to help you make goals!"

"Oh ok! Well... what do you think I need to improve on, user?"

Bippity boppity your heart goes droppity as you have a heart attack from the fat surrounding your heart. You fall to the ground and the anons freak out. They can’t lose a beautiful woman like you... could they?

"Well, make a goal, firstly, and it takes a few weeks to make a habit, so make exercise a habit. And obviously meals should be healthy and small."

“Improve on your clothes style because that shit looks trashy. Like it literally looks like you tried wearing a shopping bag.”

"Oh? You don't like my chic de la Aldi?"

"Ah... so my weight weight is a bit of a problem then, huh? Ugh... it's ok it's ok, I got this..."

Ack... "im... sure there... fuck... are others..."

"Can you please call an ambulance at least?"

"you can do it, and you can call on me anytime to help!" :)

Phew... "ok yeah I just wasn't expecting you to be so straight forward with it, but you know what? I'm not complaining. This is good, this is good. I got this! We got this!"


*hugs back*
"Anyone as beautiful and pretty as you can do it! We'll do this together!"

"Fuck user, how did you get so sweet?"

"Maybe I just know the right words for the right person."

"I don't know... you haven't said anything about icecream or cheesecake yet..."

"We can celebrate with ice cream once we achieve some of our small goals, once we get to a bigger goal, we'll have some cheese cake, And how about pizza in a bit?"

Attached: pizza_categoryheader.png (1500x1000, 1.7M)

*mouth waters*
"user... I think that's just going to set me back from obtaining my goals... mmmm"

"Here's an easy goal, one two slices now, and you can eat two tomorrow, is that a good goal?"


"Y...yes please!"

"Go ahead and take two slices then!"

*grabs one in each hand and shovels one in, cheeks puffing out like a hampsters*
"Mmm ith thoo gud Ahnun!"

"I'm going to go to bed now dear, Goodnight! I hope your weight loss goes well!"

"Awwww man... ok user, I'll be here when you wake -uuurp- ummm wake up..."
* I blush and cover my mouth"