I'm sad and I have a cowboy hat

I'm sad and I have a cowboy hat.

I'm 19, I just found a job and I don't really do anything else than work and being sad.
But recently my uncle gave me a Cowboy hat and I just wear it all the time. I'm scared that people will laugh at me, but I wear it anyways because it's the only thing good in my life in this moment.
Really now, how do you go through adulthood? everything is so depressing and it seems like nothing is going to change ever. I might aswell get me a nice revolver that maches with my hat and blow my brains off.

I don't have a point here, I just wanted to share this with you anons.
Also, sorry for the bad post and the bad english, it's my first time posting something here and I don't undestand quite well how this works.

Howdy anons.

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boy you need something to go with that hat

You need to stop feeling sorry for yourself and dwelling on the negatives. Exercise and search for positives.

Remember cowfag, there's people who's use Naruto's bands, keep happy by your hat.

I felt the same at one point (minus the cowboy hat) I finally broke and was terribly afflicted, it was pretty bad. But after i learned to live in the moment, been pretty good since.

If it means anything we all feel what you feel user. Hope you enjoy that hat. Love you man. Stay strong.

Post a pic of the hat!
Is it a Stetson? Stetsons rock!

Texas fedora.

I don't think it has a brand.

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Thank you man, love you too. I really appreciate the support of you all

Keep going user. One step at a time, one day at a time. Keep finding things that give you happiness, like your cowboy hat, and one day things will fall in place for you I promise you. Just gotta keep moving user, I believe in you.

get into the arts

yo. it's all about trying to change your mindset. you seem to be stuck in a rut. you gotta change it

Hey man,

Life does fucking suck a lot of the time, you just have roll with the punches and try to make the most of it.
I can tell you that from 17-18 I absolutely hated everything and thought my life would always be a stagnant piece of shit, and going nowhere.

19-21 were some years of major self-discovery and trying new things, drugs, working out, and really putting my mind on what I wanted to be doing.

22-24 were rough years to be honest as I circled into a major depression after having some shit just fall apart and my mental state completely deteriorated.

25-30 have been the best years of my life. You really take everything you learn and experience and mold yourself into someone better. Every experience, good or bad, is an opportunity for you to change or adapt, or overcome.

Life is really beautiful when you take a step back and look at it, but you just need to appreciate the simple beauty first and then figure out what makes you happy. For me, it was losing weight and focusing on who I was - I'm not 100% there yet, because there's no set age when you figure shit out, but I'm more there than I was at 25, 22, 18, etc.

Fucking rock the cowboy hat, man.

That's cool
You carry on with your bad ass self, user

Wow, thank you. It really is nice to know that things get better with the time, I thought it was going yo get all worse with the pass of the years. Thank you for sharing that with me, I'm going to try to learn from this bad experiences. I send you lots of love man

First, you need to get a big iron on your hip. Only then can you face Texas Red, who has been on a murder spree of 1 and 19 more.

Good luck in Agua Fria, my friend.

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Like what? the revolver?

I'll take him out and come back with his hat as my new cowboy hat and I will wear it with pride for all of you who are supporting me anons.

If you want my advice. Save some cash and go on a holiday.

The Calgary stampede should brighten your spirits. It's a day where everyone is cowboys in the whole city.

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Do it, man.
You're the only you there will ever be so make the fucking most of it.

Thank you all for the nice comments and support.
I didn't thought I would find people that makes me feel accepted and comfort. Maybe I will post more in the future to tell you how are we doing (me and the cowboy hat).

Meanwhile, I'll "fucking rock" my cowboy hat for all of you.
I'm going to sleep now, because i have to work in a couple of hours.
Long days and nice nights to all of you.