YLYL Jew Edition

YLYL Jew Edition

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Anti semites are the biggest cucks. They get off on the fantasy thay they're being controlled and dominated by this tiny group lol

It's not illegal, they'll just (falsely) label you an Antisemite if you don't go along with their bullshit unconstitutional legislation and try to make sure you're never re-elected by smearing you. That's arguably worse than trying to pass a bill that mandates public officials not participate in BDS, because that could be struck down as unconstitutional

you are obviously not german

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This they should come to grips that jews deserve the wealth they have, even if they do make up half the billionaires in america, they DESERVE it.

Israel not only deserves american tax dollars, they should get to vote in american elections. You're a jew hater if you disagree.

Correct, I'm British-American. I hate Israel because it's a totalitarian theocracy that is literally doing the exact shit that the Nazis wanted to do kill off a minority ethnic group to take their living space for resettlement

As a trump supporter, I agree

Any country we are at war with should vote in our election since it has am effect on them.

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I wouldn't be opposed to simply being a slave state to Israel. If anyone deserves to own america, it's them.

i think i actually had those shoes 9th grade...

>when the WE WAZ KANGZ hits hard

First post in this thread I laughed about! Because it’s true.


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gook spic nigger hogwash

got any trinkets you wanna sell? im looking to buy

Nucking figgers

It's happened before with Germany, retard. I hate it when ignorant, spiteful cunts like you decide to share their opinion.

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They learned their lesson well...fuck in trees so lions don't kill you...

God Damn annoying monkies

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