I got a $53 ticket from the city

I got a $53 ticket from the city
I'm going to pay it off with 5300 pennies

Attached: Screenshot_20190725-203559_Gallery.jpg (1080x1435, 818K)

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Yes. Do it,

"This coin legal tender for all debts, public and private"

I will

Exactly what I'll say to them if they refuse

Doubt they will accept it. Coins are not legal tender so they do not have to be accepted. Enjoy being edgy though! I’d chuckle mildly if I was behind out.

Do it!

Attached: 123451234.gif (400x299, 274K)

>hurr durr I did something wrong so I'm going to take up time and resources of a Government agency that I pay for with taxes!

I’m a dumbass. They are legal tender.