Cute and chubby

cute and chubby

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Holy shit I want to fuck those big tits. You have any more?


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That's fat and ugly not cute and chubby.

Reminds me of the huge tardigrade from Star Trek discovery

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taco belle delphine

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She's cute. Who is she and post moar

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I’ve got a ton of nudes from her at home. If this thread is still alive when I get there, I can post more.

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Trading more of my sister for tributes on kik. Kik ohsn4ps

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post m04r. looks like my ex

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still promising


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less clothes!

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I do't have any in less

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My gf, what do you guys think?

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Would cuck you/10

stop posting then. jesus.

or hit her up and ask for some

that's obese not chubby

i lost it. i'm so glad this is a phrase in my mind now; thank you xDD

shes preg now and wont send anything

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brutal! that cargo skirt is so tight and cute! Damn that's some rare heat right there.


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Fuckin beaut

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She's fat, not chubby

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Nice post more.

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I never lie.

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So i'm guessing she isn't dead yet?

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Anyone want to face fuck my girl and deep throat her l

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>morbidly obese
Fixed that for ya

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Sup Yea Forums can you help me with my new fetish? anyone have pics of big girls wearing loose clothing like dresses? I love it when they wear this, especially doing curtsy type poses like pic related. Thanks.

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Kinda looks like tiny tim

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I need moar

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Omg feed her

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wow thats fucking hot, she is like a teddy bear! damn id give anything to fuck and date that.

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Feed these poor starving children

gods work, ect ectv

She's hot, got any more?

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go away miss skeletal

Foood by the ton shoveling down her throat

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Source please?

no she's already getting fat since she stopped not eating

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No thx

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We fatting her up and fuck her to death lmao

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do you speak English?

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Taco Bellephine

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so basically she sells nudes to people? wonder if she does cam shows too.

And CUM for protein

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Yes my my I need a gf like her mmmm

We is gonna find you. Feeds your ass and then fucks you to deaths

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These are 5+ years old. She stopped doing this years ago.

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that's too bad, we maybe she is getting help

And yeah, she made videos.

belle Delphine is so pretty

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The only reason you suck for posting her is that it's not nude. At least post anorexic bitches that are nekkid you faggot

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...and at a better resolution.


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Am I cute and chubby?

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well? link the fucking videos!

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I do remember a gif and webm of her sitting on a chair like a retard but getting a glimpse of the puss puss

no you are ugly
and no you are fat.

Fuck off.

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didnt she die?

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>Am I chubby?
Yes yes you are. But i'm sure a some fag would like you

aww I didn't think was so ugly :(

And I always thought I was chubby. I'm 5'3 and 352 lbs


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ok am I cute?

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discord. t4gpsS3

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Not a fag so no, no you are not. But then again that's not really you.
So why not try an go to

Old fuck buddy

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what happened to her?

More i wanna knock her up so bad

She got a boyfriend

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Close to nutting just post everything you have

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Fucking goddess I'd suck those toes forever

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Fuck outta here with that land eel


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When your body fat is 50% or higher that is called being morbidly obese. Sad too, she looks like she could be hot if it wasn't for all that fat.

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Buy her Baja Blast flavored bath water while supplies last.

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Objectively disgusting, good derail.

nutting to eugenia and fat bitches. have I become ascended?

Something like that, only downward.

She looks fun

damn, too bad m8.

I missed going in her raw, she gave some of the best head.

Fat girls usually do.

Amen brotha

now THAT bitch is hot...
