Can white people be as scary/intimidating as niggers?

Can white people be as scary/intimidating as niggers?

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Brock Lesnar

nah, never

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... You want to go against a fully armed mob of angry people capable of advanced tactics?

>(((Sacha Baron Cohen)))

Assumes pic is related

Niggers are only threatening because of what I like to call "jungle instinct" it's a vestigial trait. Back in the old days when all the niggers were still in Africa sometimes they'd be threatened by a tiger or lion or aids or whatever and they have to get all loud and aggressive to scare potential threats away. It's unfortunate that society let's these "people" walk around public waiting to snap and go "full monkey" at any time

Member that time white people traded black people like Pokemon cards? The food chain. They're at the bottom.

i'm sure if all white people, north america, europe, russia combined went apeshit and started a wartime economy(without nukes).. we'd take on the whole world. what do niggers got?

Dirt houses and stick guns

the subreddit r/hapas and TENDA SPENCER to post bait like this.

Most of those people were Jews. It just happened that a good percentage of their customers were white.

Yes ...... To any race that is not white, I mean come on guys you see this site. Yea Forums makes fun of any race but make fun of whites it's over it's crazy how whites have it easy all around the world legit no otherrace gets it easy

When niggers get angry they attack people in the streets. When whites get angry genocide happens.

Nah not possible at all

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White people are scary In a way they fuck with money home split families apart the laws they make the fact that they have so much dirt under them but are able to cover it up and not say shit. They do so much trash and are able to get away with it

This thread has attracted the attention of PC Laura.

user, please do not use racist language in your opening post! Even if you have to quote it, make sure to change it to something like 'n word' or 'n****r' before posting.
Thank you!

Attached: Laura.png (559x468, 172K)

You must be young to think white people aren't scary.
White people are fucking crazy.

u talk real good and ur right.

I upvote u

It probably wouldn't even take all white people

Trailer park trash might as well be the white nigger.

Except the trailer trash knows what he is, and won't attack you when called as such.


Niggers arent scary. They're dumb, violent and quick to chimp out for no real reason. What you mean really, is can white people be as hair triggered and unreasonable as niggers.

Yes they can, some are. But not most. And realistically whites are better and more dangerous fighters too. Don't let the juiced up oily nigger boxers of the 90s fool you otherwise, even Tyson the most intimidating boxer ever got his ass wrecked by a shit white boxer.

And it's not irrational to be cautious around niggers. They have no honour and all your possessions to gain. Fear, atleast in the sense I think you mean comes from a learned and institutionalised response to their constant chimp behaviour. Niggers don't fear an unwarranted attacks from whites because they e been riding liberal values to their advantage for the last 60 years and more. Old school no of the day feared our noose, boot and pitch forks. Now they fear only their welfare being cut.

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