I am an actual physician. Pediatric Anesthesiologist to be exact. Ask me anything

I am an actual physician. Pediatric Anesthesiologist to be exact. Ask me anything.

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Is it true anesthesiologists make significantly more money than other doctors?

whats the best way to put little kids to sleep?

>actual physician
lol try again, you don't even fucking understand the mechanism that makes anesthesia work

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So, how's it like drugging little kids all the time?

Not significantly more, but it is one of the higher paying specialties. I make ~$450k/year

Hold them down against their will and gas them until they pass out. Then you can do stuff to them.

Pretty awesome actually

Lol ok. There’s not just one type of “anesthesia”, there’s several medications and they all have different mechanisms of action.

Top kek

how hard is it to get the levels right, to avoid OD'ing such physically-small patients? i've heard it's a delicate process at the best of times.

how often have you fondled wamen and little girls?

No one parties harder than anesthesiologists how do you make it to work without being hung over?

>Ask me anything.
how many different ways do you commonly use
to anaesthetise their butt-holes ?

My son is 15 months old and constantly gets ear infections. I am thinking he needs tubes but am worried that it will be a never ending chain of surgeries tubes in then out repeat

Should I wait or are there any general concerns for ambulatory procedures at this age

tell him to dry his fucking ears after he takes a shower

Not bad anymore. Everything is weight based, and we have such good monitoring and equipment, it’s actually not that hard to dose everything correctly.

I only fondle men.

I drink a lot of water.

There’s a bunch of different topical anesthetics, like lidocaine jelly or EMLA. That stuff works pretty good for buttholes.

Provided he was born full term and doesn’t have any other medical issues, ear tubes is an incredibly simple, fast, safe procedure. Usually you’ll go home no more than an hour after the surgery. The idea is for the ear tubes to get him through until he grows enough that his eustachean tubes are functional enough. I wouldn’t worry about it at all. Take him in to see his PCP and get a referral to an ENT, or just make an appointment with an ENT if your insurance doesn’t require referrals.

Tell your mom to dry her vag after she gets blasted by all those black dudes.

lol your gay

My gay what? Don’t be a faggot

Anesthesiology residencies have significant pharmacological training in the curriculum.

I don’t know if he was trying to say I’m a fake and lying, or implying that the exact mechanism of some anesthetics is not fully understood. Either way he’s a fag.

your just a moran dude. get out of here

How many animals did you have to vivisect in medical school?

Lol. Can’t tell if troll or actually retarded.

Zero. We dissected human cadavers in anatomy lab. I’m a people doctor not a zoo doctor.

that's the sign of a master troll