watermark: 4fuckr
What the fuck? Assholes
I have never seen anything like this before.
I have to admit that this made me horny. Am I disabled? Where can I find more?
shadbase dot com
Story? Why is the white kid surrounded by niggers?
I laughed More at raughs
posting webms
No don't be mean to kot
You just know that this whole thing was about something stupid. Like, Yea Forums-level stupid.
Shut up nigger
goshujin sama, I'm sorry if I have been bad... :(
Fuck you
I'd rather watch a kid die in the most violent way
This is what happens when your ex wife starts dating niggers
>alt-right frog cult
checked & kekd
Tit punch
>social media
nice quads
I know it's funny and all but I really feel sorry for their ignorance.
I si cerely hopeyouget bone cancer
It really do be like that sometimes
Thanks man. Thanks.
Jesus christ is that site trying to turn me gay?
Damn look how nice that WaWa is. I fuckin miss those bitches.
none of this bullshit is lolworthy, its all just kind of stupid.
>pokemon themed breathing
Sometime life just be like that
Fucking lol
Perfect timing. Gave me that final push to drop a cinder block on some ghetto niggers car down the street. It’s gonna be a good night
Lost and then got pissed toward their ignorance.
Perfect comment for devil trips
"It smells my dad's dick"
Greentext, please!
It's all true. We from the alt-right really communicate with those secret codes
Wow that was a great post! :^)
shut up you fucking sjw snowflake
I sexually identify as a single, Pringle, ready to mingle. Ever since I was a potato I dreamed of being thin sliced, covered in disgusting oil then heated in a medium oven until reaching climax at the micro second of golden-browness. People bully me, and say things like "what the fuck, you aren't a Pringle", but I know deep down they are just jealous of my inner beauty. I have already started hiding in cylinders all day, and now im improving my crunchiness by regularly burning my sides on the stove. I want you guys to respect my natural ability to instantly satisfy low salt carb cravings, and if you don't you are oppressing me, and you should check your diabetes type. Thank you for being so understanding.
Unoriginal bland b8.
what the hell?
fucking kek
That is absolutely repulsive.
stupid cunt
>hehe torturing animals really tickles my funny bone LoL!!
what is the story
Its probably the one in Philly
autistic fuck
arabs/sandniggers/indians do it to get high... not even kidding..
best bit of chimping out ive seen for some time
I feel bad for the little mexican dude. He clearly knows his bitch is in the wrong. Yet he has no choice but to march to death on her behalf.
Jesus. So random. Epic and Random af.
This is what happens when losers try to take testosterone supplements.
Surprisingly funny.
Omae wa mou shindeiru
I'm on hard.
If you really find any of this funny, please consider suicide.
On Roosevelt? Probably.
THIS is what happens when you take Super Male Vitality from Infowars. Don't believe the globalist agenda.
>Bill Clinton is a rapist
Posting this
Imageboards are also a form of social media.
I feel a tingle in my kris kringle
Inside of yuo there was two wolf's
1 of them is GaY
Othere the one is gay
You are gay
tight i never seen this one , saved
wtf does this mean? I dont speak zoomer
the left can meme
all these little boohoo whitebois in the yous. Get over yourselves thats fucking hilarious.
I'm sure they got him another cake.
what kind of lame punishment is it when she says "oh mommy yes".
BDSM for Baddies.
This is why we need to ban assault rifles
He wouldn't be circumcised
why do you know the religious background of the giant purple apokalips ripoff
there are so many funny things happening in here i dont even
That's fucking horrible. More horrible that the cat getting drowned webm
Fucking kek holy shit
Yeah he should know his place, back to Mexico.
Finally, something new.
...The left is absolutely fucking stupid.
Apparently it's a tradition in some countries as different anons stated in other threads. Just for fun and totally harmless. Kids always get real cake afterwards
Post pics
Pretty good.
Yer da sells avon.
I need a reorder.
Lol you're not going to do anything you chicken shit.
super power by 2020
black people....
wow edgelord.
Damnit boner im disappointed in you
Im damn sure his religion wasn't influenced by the jews
Cars probably so shitty he wont even notice, but please have your friend video when he catches you and shatters your jaw
He who shall not be named.
Stunning and brave.
he got a little too excited
Just the 45th is a puppet? Are you sure?
Aw lawd she comin
Tranny gtfo
That's /soc/ and /r9k/. This is an anti-social media board.
>so babydicked that he can't even kill a cat by hand
Drown yourself next.
looks like the tables have turned
Fucking hot and dunno why
Yeah now it's a far right website still providing child photography to pedophiles
>far right
>still providing child photography to pedophiles
I wish...even fucking drawings(loli) threads deleted in seconds
This is some normie-tier shit, let me tell ya.
In a sane world degenerates like these would hang.
It sort of messes with my childhood memory of this movie since I really want to fuck Dorothy now.
Your mum faggot
As it should be. Loli is already beyond the pale, we should never indulge in such foul degeneracy.
I’ve just resigned to the fact that I’m never going to get a single laugh in these threads
He's wrong though. They don't get deleted.
You'd have better luck on 4x2 chan (the names blocked)
Nani ????
Did anyone notice the guy in a shitting position ?
If he has a disabled family, he shouldn't be spending any money in bets.
In most boards loli gets deleted pretty quick, dude.
That's a small dude to talk shit
>As it should be
>You'd have better luck on 4x2 chan
I know bro but thanks anyway
>non edible
Mma boii, are assuming all gamers Wach child pornography?
now it's a far-right website providing trap porn to internet pedophiles.
Did they just go online and ask people what the different shit means? Why don't American "journalists" do any real journalism?
Paedophiles ought to hang like all other degenerates.
Based shadposter
Lol reddit overflowing tonight?
it's all fine
Oh god it just hurts
Why the hell did they put this nasty thing up his butt?
Why did you do this?
Def a wawa
fuck... lost
>That hair
I wonder what color her boyfriend is
The first time I saw this I was drinking a fountain soda and spit it out all over my gf I was beating
why is my dick hard?
and why do i feel the urge to degrade this art hoe into a worn out cum dumpster?
It is a tradition I my country to break eggs in the birthday person's head, but it's not nearly as extreme.
picture is obviously a green screen
Probably a coal burner. Hope she repents.
torturing a cat isnt funny u spac
I think you got that green text mixed up.
This is probably the worst ylyl I’ve ever seen
did I though
Little fags who like to hurt those weaker then them deserve a a life of hard labour.
tonigh im praying to god asking him to get you balls cancer
as a non jew, i dont care about money and i live on the street
being homeless and broke is peak aryan
Cats take a surprising amount of time to drown or strangle. At least from what I remember as a kid.
I hope you die in a fire you piece of shit
you think thats funny? i'd like to see you try to do that to a person, you wouldn't, because you're a skinny toothpicked frail beta male with teenage angst and a gaping rectum that your hick father and his 5 brothers penetrated during your entire childhood
cops are on the way
Yep. Because the news always gets it right. Everytime.
I’d fuck the hell out of her and squeeze her ass like I was kneading dough and use my cock as a rolling pin.
Reversed video
The video is obviously reversed.
>also inb4underageb&
Ever heard of CGI? Retarded bitch
>Why don't American "journalists" do any real journalism?
What do you expect from the industry whose highest accolade is named after the inventor of fake news?
It frightens me that you've thought this over.
not that bad
make up is always too much
>being this fucking new
You deserve nothing but pain for posting this and who ever actually made this will have a slow and torturous death.
On any half decent airline those things have to be immaculately cleaned and sanitized in between every flight. As long as she's the first person in, that thing's cleaner than the plates you wash and eat off of at home.
pretty much how racist incels think
There's no Tesla in space either, btw.
Sorry user but if you're going to advocate torture of a man in retribution for them drowning a cat you are a literal brainlet that can't see the hypocrisy in your own dogshit ideology.
Also FUCK cats they are literal vermin and if your cat was bigger it would eviscerate you. You're going to have a hard time preaching ecofacism during your own torturous vivisection.
>there are 2 gay wolves inside me
I'm likin where this is goin
Anyone who couldn't tell that pic was textbook FGAS is either a child or a moron. That said would still smash, she looks like a fun ride
That aint look like no cgi i ever seen fore
well, at least you know she wont refuse to lick your butthole.
better not, anyway...
Ugh, got a bit of a scare, thought it was actual cheese pizza. Fuck outta here. Reported.
Yeah I'll bite - sauce?
its CGI
Computer Generated Imagery
where are you from? Iran?
retarded faggot
Its supposed to be, and because of that it is funny.
Its a fake YT video.
>trying this hard
why do you even care? you wanna be part of a conspiracy this badly?
I said I thought* it was cp, once I actually opened it I realized it wasn't. Learn to read you retarded pedo.
>inventor of fake news
I was unaware that Joseph Pulitzer invented lying
Maisie Williams is disgusting
Who gets off to this shit?
What did he do to them or what's the backstory
Being so new you dont know Yea Forums shits itself for cats
if you thought it was, why did you open it? who's the pedo now, hmmm...?
>white kid
What's it like being blind?
link me. i need her.
I'm not replying to this post no matter what...
That little girl understands too much
Holy shit, I never thought of reversing these
To see if it actually was cp/morbid curiosity, you degen.
imagine wasting your life killing plebs that don't matter because you think the clothing they're wearing is cut into the wrong shape.
Did your dick move a little tho?
Not gonna lie, mine did
Are you referring to
riiiiight. keep telling yourself that. and you call ME a degen? lol...
That's beside the point, this is degeneracy and as such, should never be allowed to exist.
Nigga you so new you need to look up zippocat
You are a degenerate
Do you know what is awaiting you in prison?
KEK dumbass cat didn't know what happened.
So it did
You got aroused by cp
You should kys too
You're on the wrong site newfriend
Howdy fellow b-tards
What shenanigans is happening in this funny discussion forum today?
Hah, as if I'd ever allow such evil filth to grow in my mind.
No. I was referring to the post I referred to
That’s why you should stay your pussy ass at home
>t. Just discovered ED
Mr. Rogers ruined an entire generation.
Every single one of you arguing is a stupid Fucking faggot. And don't argue with me, I don't argue with faggots.
No way, it was but a surprised twitch.
FUCK I lost
Top o' the morning to you Chips. Better tell your friends to start the Party Van, they got work to do
they fucked that kid up lol
>sjw=stingy jew
Please give the link i nees this
Oh just your typical Mongolian basket weaving thread :^)
psycho asshole hits a defenseless old lady, probably fractured her sternum.
It's a fake youtube video. Just google some of it.
Yo, officer, there are pedos around, I'm not one of 'em, though. I was trying to tell them off, in fact.
Can you imagine the ultimate balls you have to have as the parent of a Down's Syndrome child to get them a drum set?
I imagine that this was the last gift his father gave him before the divorce was finalized.
>surprised twitch
Dicks dont get surprised idiot
It was arousal
You’re a potential pedo
Kys now before its too late
dudes throwin thunder. look at how big his buddy is wtf
No way, fag, that ain't it. Never have I felt anything resembling sexual attraction to even a young teen, much less a child.
Plenty of that here too, newfag
then why you reported son of a dirty arab bitch?
Congratulations on your AIDS
can't believe
the mods deleted a CGI picture of a young girl
fucking burgerland
Aw that's really too bad. She's the type of girl you know would be hot as fuck if she took care of herself
is that Philip Seymour Hoffman?
Arab? What. Kek.
Also: Kill yourself, degenerate scum.
I remember when people were good at photoshopping
fuck you ISIS
shut the fuck up taliban whore
I've put a death curse on you with my own blood you don't have long to live motherfucker.
fuck you and your shilling
it was CGI
mr. al alla mahmood
sir... i don't think you realise obama is a direct cause of of ISIS
Puerto Ricans were a mistake
CGI deleted
but this?! no problem for the mods
I know, it's so based. If we can't hang 'em all, let's de-plataform 'em all.
funny you should say that because you have a cock in yourmouth RIGH TNO!!!
>If we can't hang 'em all, let's de-plataform 'em all
nah know that
obama was a faggot
insinuating that people arguing make them faggots is actually arguing, ergo, you too, sir, are a faggot.
This is actually YOUR point, so if you argue with me, you're arguing with yourself, which is, in fact, arguing with a faggot.