What is this board about? Someone explain to me

What is this board about? Someone explain to me

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haha okay

ginga eiyuu densetsu


presently it

ahhh yes I see now

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It’s discordmemefaggotry between /pol/ users, trannies, and obese fucks like catfish

well then... I should get going

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heh that's great except it's not a fuck you, it had to be a fuck you, including especially, or it's not an evil it, and it had to be an evil it or it's a dog. worse, he's not drinking the evil potion

this board is about hab fun an be nice an generate memes as home board of Yea Forums!

nice dubs!

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ok I feel like I kinda get it now, its just if shitposting had a board

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we call it funposting.

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who are you quoting?

sounds like fun user, i think I can have fun here

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ids moar funposty den sh*tposty
da diffemerence beign dat we hab fun wid our meems insted ob get at eachudders throats wid id

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.39.[640x480].[36208AE6].v2.mkv_snapshot_04.47_[2017.08.12_10.34.47].jpg (640x480, 185K)

Am I not a genius?

Did I not manage to pull zero friends while amassing an assload of attention?

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

Your mom's dick, nigger.

yes! join us an hab fun! this is a great board! welcome! best board!

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thanks user, I shall try my best to fit into this meme paradise

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jus tto let chu nno
ur bury appreciaet'd already

Attached: Mo~tto! Ojamajo Doremi - 42 - Doki-doki! Futago no fushigi na mahou [WinxBloom1980][B9D22988].mp4_sn (960x720, 318K)

excellent! you are off to a good start!

I'm sorry frens
I'm gonna do it...
I'm gonna explain the joke.
I hope you will one day grow to forgive me
In one word the joke is innocence
By itself, and contrasting the not so innocent things happening around.
Even if something that's quite not, it would be discussed in manners that are socially unaware and almost playground level innocence.
This is where the be nice meme comes from.
It's innocent, unaware,
The way you interpret this differs slightly from person to person, but that's the bottom line.

An example of an [s4s] thread
>OP:I will call the police and tell them all you did
>a1:Not if I tell on you to mom FIRST!
>a2:The police are busy ever nights on the streets making us safe. Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
>a3: WOAH NICE DUBS!!! I dbno wano go jaiw

How you choose to act on this board is up to you, you don't have to misspell things if you don't wantor you can follow in the footsteps of doremi.
Just remember that f*g is fig, everyone is fren, and you better compliment those dubs

Your fortune: Bad Luck

very nice dubs

Your fortune: Godly Luck

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Thank you

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

Shut up


Why are you yelling?

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

it's a board about trips baby

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trips confirm

trips don't lie

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this and only this