Why are there so many racists on this site? Just an honest question, as I might just be ill informed

Why are there so many racists on this site? Just an honest question, as I might just be ill informed.

Enlighten me.

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Shut up nigger.

Go away kike

Fuck off you spic hobo

if you want to be enlightened, shove a lamp up your ass, kike.

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Because there are too many niggers in this world that make me hate niggers


Fuck off nigger lover

Why can you call some people "black" or "white" but not "yellow"?

MoonMan has entered the thread


Because yer yellow bellied

Faggot understand the fact that we can say anything we want here even if one of us is a big pussy himself
And from the inside every human is racist but just doesn't show it but here we can
>pic related

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Everyone is racist to a certain degree.

Everyone, including OP here is a faggot. And what more do fags like besides cuckolding and sucking dick? Hating on the Tyrone that's been piledriving their wife for the past 3 years of their marriage.

because cowards flock to anonymity, where they don't fear repercussions for their words. .


If my whife was fucking Tyrone I would divorce that race traiting cunt

Dude, finally.
Its so fucking annoying to see these people argue about the same things over and over. "BLACK PPL ARE BETTER BC *whatever here*"
if you dumbasses know that and are convinced thats the truth what the fuck is the constant debate for?

You would never find out white boi

Fuck you nigger get lynched

Keyboard warriors with no chance of repercussions. They think it makes them edgy and hard. Sad little boys really. Make the site boring but hey there are loads of cunts here anyway, a few more tards don't make much difference.

Relax guys. Just an inquiry.
Racism and any kind of prejudice has always baffled me, so I came to this site to ask the prejudgemental myself.

I get being defensive against different things is a valuable survival instinct, but even animals take their time to analyze the potential threat to figure out what it is. Instead of gaining some kind of comfort in the initial reaction, put some effort into understanding your fear before it turns into hatred.

Aimless frustration amongst the young and easily influenced.
Also the joy of being a rebel, y'know, against what's established as "niceties" or "proper behaviour" - no matter how sensible, the perman-angry teens feel they must take and adversarial position.

In short, youthful edginess of the cheapest kind.
Pic unrelated.

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Since you're free to say whatever you want, anons tend to go for the low hanging fruit to solidify that they are 'not-normie'

Died improving the gene pool feelsgoodman

That's a valid question.

There are countless racists everywhere. Anti white racism is widely accepted and gets even massively promoted in the western world, these days. Here we live out anti black and anti asian racism. Because it is one of a declining number of places where you can say what you like.

A mixture of freedom and absolute anonimity, also a mixture of people trolling and just playing along with the joke

In its early days Yea Forums heavily supported free speech, so you had to tolerate any and all racial slurs and jokes. The racism was edgy, casual, juvenile humor. Eventually it became vernacular which lost most of its meaning, thus referring to our own kind as old/newfags. There were even raids on white supremacist forums, because they were easy to troll and sources of great lulz. But with the rise of SJWs and the alt right to counter them, the racist fringe started congregating here, mistaking our casual use of the worst kinds of language as actual racist ideology. Now that they've been entrenched there isn't any way to change this without a straight up purge, which would ultimately dampen the free speech of the site and diminish the politically agnostic, social outcast counter culture that started all this.

Well, in short, it's cause when we're told not to do something, it makes us what to do it even more.
Saying offensive things is Yea Forums's tendies and GBP, it's just a given when there are no consequences.

Because its anonymous. And whitey needs a little bitch rant from time to time. Here they can, as smart whitey is he knows he cant be raycies in the real world outside with black warriors patrolling the streets. Whitey knows dam well that he better move straight on looking down on the pavement and not makin a peep when buying groceries. Otherwise whitey would get physically destroyed by blacks who are naturally physically and mentally dominating this world. Whitey women love dem black man for a reason. Got it? Good

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It has consequences, you're just not aware of them.
But give it a think, ponder long-term.
Pic unrelated.

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>no consequences

Perhaps, user. But Yea Forums is no place for logic.

a fair point

Insolent. The proof is in the pudding. Not even a valid response. Grow the fuck up.

Also an inherent problem with raiding is that it will bring people from the target here, to see what the fuck is going on. Once they discover Yea Forums, they can't ever really be removed, since there's no accounts or anything. As the site has gotten more public over the years this has continually led top its loss of identity. At this point it's one of the few places you can talk online without any fear of consequences.

Yea Forums has always reacted strongly to censorship and resisted any attempts to control its flow of information. This peaked when scientology thought it could get their tom cruise video removed from the internet by force, which only caused it to multiply. The ensuing battle fractured anonymous into moralfags, oldfags, and everyone else. It kinda left the site directionless and it never really recovered.

Despite your nifty trips, I have to disagree - Yea Forums is a place for everything.
Even growing up a bit.
Pic unrelated.

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You won't like it at first, but will find your haven

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Raiding died out with the monopolization of social media, instead of thousands of pockets of the internet there's just a few giant sites which are difficult to raid anonymously, and there isn't much appetite for that anymore. Memes leapt from this underground cesspool of creativity to the mainstream of online media, and there was less desire or reward for creating original content here. Raid leaders and creators were less connected to this place because of the splintering, or they've simply grown out of it. It's really a relic from another time.

Doubt it.

Any kind of racism is inherently negative.

This is not an excuse. You're only throwing the ball back and forth, instead of stopping it.

Racism means we fight back the subhumans. We not gonna accept and do nothing about it when inferior races mass multiplying and invading our civilization which we built with lots of hard work and brilliant mind. What you expect? We give it all up to some baboons who inevitably desyroy it? Fuck you why dont you share your home with them before you judge others who dont share their homes. Fucking antifa pig

Read Poe's law and quit being fucking ignorant, fucking nigger.


Give me one reason that I shouldn't hate Niggers.

Because here they can't get banned like they are on the other censored sites.

Same reason why you should not hate yourself.

>Hurr hurr y u racist
Everyone is, double nigger. Anonymity just brings it out.

Lot of basement dwellers who feel the need to blame others because it couldn't possibly be their fault they're so inept at life

You hate yourself to the point that you dont care anymore. You probably a isolated loser so you want to see the world burn by being so selfdestructive you hate yourself a humanity and what it did to you. So you are anti racism cause you know it will be the destruction of a functioning society and you are anti social and hat yourself.

Scheiss zeckentum

Racists love themselves while leftists and antifa hate their existence so much they want to see it all be destroyed

I disagree.

According to current models of human migration "we" were dominant in Africa well before we Crossed into Europe. In parts of the world where homo sapiens hadn't dominated there were other humanoids and splinters of evolution. Basically your cousin 300x removed from a thousand years ago started walking and some of his descendants made it to china. They became peking man- shorter, different facial features, lighter skin etc. Similarly for western Europe and even the Americas, legends of elves, giants, bigfoots, etc could likely be based off a plethora of regional humanoids that we- ahem "we" had to deal with. We needed a quick, efficient, and instinctual way to judge who was friend and who was foe.

all white people are racist. It's biological and based on a millennia old game of fuck marry kill.

Pretty much this. The racism used to be a ridiculous joke, the Stormfront came to recruit.

Real answer: shut the fuck up faggot

Fake answer: so much racist and nazi shitposting it attracted actual nazis and racists/ became the actual mentality, not even a meme at this point.

Actual real answer: it’s satire. That’s it. The whole site is satire.

Because niggers (and kikes) live up to their stereotypes.

It doesn't matter where in the world you live, they are all the same.

Stealing, raping, murdering, etc.

It's funny that we can come to Yea Forums regardless of where we are from and all come to the same conclusions.

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I know why I feel racist sometimes...it's because so many black people hate me. My wife of 15 years is black. Her family has always treated me like shit. Anti white propaganda is everywhere. It's asinine.

because it is anonymous obviously.

Because its in the niggergenes. They obviously not evolved into modern humans its obvious and backed by science so its indisputable. And leftists hate themselves and their lives so they dont care about all the progress white civilization has made. They dont care if the western world burns. They are mentally ill and they demonstrate it at the lgbt parties and self harming traps cutting their balls off. These deranged fucks should be exterminated cause they do harm to our society

Stormfront being shutdown made pol get the brunt of the neonazi propaganda. As for everyone else it's not a joke it's a purposeful way of keeping all speech and opinions from being discouraged. If I can call someone a potato nigger and say that 9-11 was a inside job, people can shit on me in the comments (aka how freedom of speech works) but other anons wont see any real negative consequences which means little Johnny wont be afraid of saying he doesn't like fat people or their ways of life, frank can say hes worried about his kid being taught crossdressing culture and Pamela can say she thinks men showing emotions like crying is weak/unattractive. On other sites this would hurt your ability to contribute to conversations either through karma or banning. The quality of this type of freedom means the arguments against the comments must be more thought out and legitimate than just saying it's bad and it's up to the reader to decide who is correct. There is a lot of shitposting on the chans but i have had much more quality conversations on this system than any other website with censorship.

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This. And because of this, my only form of social media is Yea Forums.

Corn rows

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The guise of anonymity allows users to post their true feelings without the fear of social backlash.

I am black from south africa. I hate white people why dont you fuck off back to your places. Africa is for black people only. Now get out

Hey kaffir, why don't you go and die from aids.

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Ever heard of Daryl Davis?

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Racism is so Fucking daft

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cause rednex breed...and they love writting anonymous hateful shit online, and they is dumb and trigger so easly...lol.

...to anyone thinking of replying, i wont read this thread again, so dont bother, also fuck you.

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Not racist, just edgy and cringe

Nothing wrong with loving your complexions.


You have to go back


...is pathetic.

If all the black people leave europe and america I am perfectly fine to only have black people in africa.

Isnt racism just evidence of having a healthy mind and act responsible and appropriate? I mean by not ignoring facts like the living standards and freedoms of living life. You wouldnt object if i would say that living in america is objectively much better than having to live in somalia right? So americans (white) create better civilizations than somalians (black) and thats a fact and racism is just the natural reaction for it. Cause we are better than them so we dont want them here cause they suck and live in dirt

Well, the leftists will not stop.

How was Africa before white people? Without them, you wouldn't be using white technology such as the internet or the computer/phone you just made that post with.

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>reddit, like you, comes here to be racist and avoid down votes

Checks out

This whole going to he'll.


sure it is ledditor. try sticking around sometime you may figure out the real meaning open-mindedness and public discourse.

Much better. We were free and life was good. Fuck whites they spoil everything and even kill our lions to post with it for their social activities. You sickeninh me white people

Because downvotes because of 80% of reddit is shitskins. That shithole is full of poo in loos. Say something good about india n u got 1k likes. Fuck democracy by the way

Lots of racists everywhere, just anonymous site so they can't get fired or sued etc.

>he actually believes this

The only things you niggers had was disease, starvation, and constant infighting between the tribes.

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Unironically though. This is why

He didn't make the post.

I'm OP and a pure white Dane.

It's a right wing website. Everyone knows conservatives and republicans only like rich straight white christian men

>Any kind of racism is inherently negative.
I largely agree, but while it's acceptable to openly criticize whites, any criticism of other races is automatically dismissed as racism. So you suppress and dismiss people's views, and eventually it starts festering until it becomes this place.

It is what it is. White privilege has to be culled once and forever. You cant just hate on someone from africa having no job opportunities and having 12 kids to feed. Its racism

Because unlike other places you tend to get the actual uncensored truth here.

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Life experiences. The more that you are exposed to how niggers and jews behave in this world, the more you come to dislike the majority of them.

The BLM movement has created millions of new racists, thanks to their shenanigans.

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Because most people here are Americans and we love to be edge. This is an anonymous image board, of course people are gonna be extremely edgy, otherwise, you're a faggot. Besides, almost everyone who makes "racist" comments are begin their screens looking like this

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not everything you think is racist is actually racist

>life experiences
>from mom’s house

Cuz niggers gonna nig.

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honestly, there aren't. 90% of people here are boring suburban teenage chads who just think it's hilarious to say "nigger" a lot, but can't bring themselves to say it out loud, so this way they get their laughs and get to feel like part of "muh secret internet club" at the same time.

Spot on.

man-children with anonymity
+ birds of a feather

=Yea Forums

This, not all the people who say racist things here are racist but it attracts the racists because they're too stupid to realize that people are joking

Kys. Jiggaboos aren't accepted here.

>Why are there so many racists on this site?
because it mirrors society.
and society is filled with people who hate niggers.


Because noggers are poopoo

You seem to be obsessed with penis.

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I think pretty much everyone is racist. It's just that some folks are adept at controlling their mouths, or some are controlled by guilt into being PC. In some cases they try so hard they turn a blind eye to even obvious wrongdoings, making excuses like "it's society's fault for treating them badly." And that in turn means they're racist against whites, assuming for example that all whites treat all blacks unjustifiably badly. And it certainly happens.It all happens. Crime rates (and my own experience) show more blacks do bad shit as a matter of course. Fortunately, they advertise their shittiness with clothing and tats, so it's easy to profile them. I've never met a working (rappers don't count) black that looked like shit.
Being *not* racist takes work and effort, and is a form of denial. I've found those who are successful at it are also arrogantly sanctimonious in their satisfaction at being righteous. Intolerant assholes, really.

There are just as much racist on other sites just here there is no fear for people who are closet racist

They aren't chased away from here

Fokoff!!! We'll finish with boere one farm at a time.

Gtfo newfag.

maybe people just like free speech

the racists here are leftist shills posing as racists to "modify" the reputation of Yea Forums. it was originally just an anime fan site. that and edgy 12 year olds.

I fucking hate niggers

>Critically endgangered
>Can survive on its own.

Oh ok cool.

>I think pretty much everyone is racist

Probably to the extent that they recognize that people have a race. However, there's a difference between recognizing race and using it as an excuse to belittle and oppress someone.

I think the big problem is that because of race we have segregated which has in turn caused rifts in culture even within local political boundaries. Separate will never be equal. White crack/meth heads are just as bad as black ones. These people are found at the edges of society. Black people were pushed to the edge because of their race and find themselves stuck in that culture just like trailer trash red neck families.

Go rape a baby or something.