Wtf why is this board so slow right now? is everyone out enjoying their friday night or something??

wtf why is this board so slow right now? is everyone out enjoying their friday night or something??

Attached: not bury nice.png (560x504, 364K)

idk it c9nfuses Mee too ...

Yes, everyone but you ^^


the last few days have been among this board's darkest, so many are facing the weekend with trepidation

Your fortune: Bad Luck

I've been slowly tracking down and killing s4s posters one by one
I've already warned them multiple times but since this is an anonymous imageboard, the thought that your life is in danger seems like a complete fantasy.
You're next

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belieb me i agree fren. i hab a big match tomorrow against red suit karate man. my strategy is to rush an throw because is early in tournament an then low hard kick an flip over kick an throw an kick hard until dizzy an then throw an laugh because of early opponent is so funny! hab a good weeken fren!



Attached: home alone friday night.jpg (1024x768, 128K)

based based dubs.

nice meme dubs. waiting. waiting. i wish i hab not delete my Yea Forums pass data.

i feel for you bro, for real

i am just going to hab to buy a new one. [s4s] to the grave.

Attached: 1529270753023.webm (640x640, 1.79M)

hopefully you get there soon


>can't even link to another board

who are you quoting?

Muhammad Ali

nice. dubs too!

dere ar onli 6 people on esfores

and I'm two of them

I'm 3 of them

that only leaves one other poster

i've lost track of my identity, so i can't be counted as one. the deep web monitoring my credit card company offers is useless.

I am here!

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

Attached: 1552112356294.jpg (900x1232, 252K)

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

Attached: 1541814685914.gif (504x562, 206K)


went out for tendies