Why do no girls find me attractive? i mean i get why the majority don't like me...

why do no girls find me attractive? i mean i get why the majority don't like me, but damn not even one girl on the whole planet even thinks i'm average? fuck.

even brandon gets compliments every single time he posts. eggman had sex. chris chan had sex.

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just rape someone dude

who honestly gives a fuck. everyone is trash. focus on yourself and the pussy will track you down.

Might be personality
Nobody fucks with my personality/vibe
Absolutely nobody
I'm to blame
You know how talking is a game?
And you throw a ball and they play with it and throw it back and etc until etc
Yeah I'm not carrying the energy that says let's talk
Change your personality somehow so you don't end up like me
I'm not trying to sound like I'm a victim or like I'm expecting pity

You will learn that the only thing that matters truly is the perception you have of yourself. If you stay honest and do the things you know are right , people attracted to you will come .
They'll come to mooch but still, you have to find the right balance for you.
Ive cut everyone but my gf off. And it is working really calmly

This guy gets it
Your perception of yourself is what matters
Living truthfully to that perception, that is to say that you are actually living up to your word so to speak, will work wonders

But personality too, personality is key but IDGAF so people will hate me for it

Brandon is much cuter than you.


Legit just shave...

i had shaved, sorry about the 5 o clock shadow

You have the facial expression of Jason Borne

he had sex

Becauae you post this thread every day, every time you post this garbage is another day youll never have sex retard.

Your face is fine. Get a cool haircut and some muscles. If it’s not that, then it’s probably you in the sense that you are not putting yourself in situations where women will be open to engaging with you as a date or sexual partner. You don’t just run into girlfriends in line at the DMV. You have to deliberately put yourself in social situations where women are looking for that.

Lol well look at how you whine? No wonder or surprise you're five ever alone lol

Yo, how are you? Still posting these after so many years?

i'm about the same. got a few more pounds and a few more white hairs but otherwise the same.

I swear you always post this
do you get like some sick sick kick you fuck?

I'm glad you're still alive at least. This is collage by the way bahaha.

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screw women, buy a sex doll

evens or odds


Glad you're with me.
This is not entirely a bad option.

lose weight

buy a womyn from thailand fuktard

I'm glad there is still hope for this world
it's not definite but at least it is comforting


Look, you're fat...I remember you from your last stupid thread. Just shave your body, grow your hair out long, and let guys like me dominate and fuck you like a hambeast tranny. You already have tits and shit to grab onto. Exploit our horniness as a gender and become a bitch. You'd become popular in no time.

wish this was really OP. where are you Yea Forumsro?

Do you still play guitar? can you leave links to some of your music

Ah the typical scream of the desperate Amerifat

You've been doing this for years. And you still look like Leo. Own it and man up.

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it's because you are disgusted with yourself so you assume that other people would feel the same

Christ OP, if I have sex with you will you stop posting this thread every week?


People have said personality but no one is going to come at you with that hair. Grab some gel and put that hair off your forehead. When I get a cut I leave an inch and a half on top, a 3 on sides. Works well for me.

it really is me. just don't see a reason to respond to most of these

Well respond to this one, bitch.

I will have sex with you if you promise to stop posting this shit every week.


a very ugly leo

if you're an attractive girl yes

You better respond to mine you little faggot.

I'm not even joking. Just give up and let horny dudes fuck your fat ass.

thanks for the advice, college golfer from 2004

I'm an average-looking guy. Beggars can't be choosers so let's fuck.

if you're an attractive girl yeah

Yeah OP show us your big wiener! :D

no thank you

Wants an attractive girl but has a face no better than a 3/10 and weighs more than a Corolla. Yeah you need to manage your expectations, OP.


for the love of God OP, let's have sex

What if I dressed like a girl and was passable? Would that be well enough?

I think OP came to his senses and is shaving his entire body so he can post pics of himself as a hambeast tranny.



this, also get a haircut so you dont have pubes on your head and listen to this guy

Just kill yourself you attention whore. Christ you carry on like a fucking woman

OP why don't you just go meet a weird fetishistic furry bitch who has trouble getting laid or something. You know how many kinky girls there are that can't get their rocks off because they have weird fucking kinks? Meet some diaper fetish girl who no one goes near because people think she's weird. Those are the girls you have to find. This is similar to how I found my current female fuckbuddy

Just fuck us OP. PLEASE. Where-about do you live?

Dont be content with avg.

Hit the gym, take care of your skin, get a nice haircut. Do those and youll feel more confident, then things will become better.

It wont let you a lot of pussy but itll be muchc better, because of how youll feel about yourself.

The steps are simple, not easy. Remember that.

I usually lurk, but I hope my 15 seconds of effort at least helped you a bit

Same dude, and i will tell you this, you are no model but you arent fucked like some truly ugly people are.

I take a look at you and there is good news, you have potential to improve a lot.

Like Your hair is shit, get a better haircut and youll look much better.

Workout a bit abd youll get a slimmer fac.

You again? Stop it and get some help