Femanon here. My Kik is 4wkwardteen. I know there's usually an ama for girls to answer but I don't see one when posting this. AMA. (Also excuse the hair, I haven't shaved in ages)
Femanon here. My Kik is 4wkwardteen...
Tits and time stamp, you god damn yeti
I know its not time-stamped but I CBA to get paper or pen
hair isn’t bad.
post more, you whore.. don't forget timestamp
That's fucking REVOLTING
I just sent a what's up
My Kik is gottamek
If u dont like it get off by post. Also actually ask some questions.
ok i have a question
can you post tits with timestamp too?
How old are you? And what you doing awake at 4.24am?
When was the last time you had sex
Bitch your pussy is fucking DISGUSTING .
Leave Yea Forums and never come back
id tell you to get the fuck out if I had to see that
Bitch I already did vag. Ungrateful shit
Nonya business
How fat are you?
Still virgin cos guys hate me and girls are too hot for me to handle
Good job u didn't have to IRL. Get off my post
Less than your mum tbh. Seriously though I haven't weighed myself in ages
lets see those funbags hanging down, get on all fours
I like big hangers and hairy pussies but I need to see inside you
How the fuck havent you gotten laid? You're a chick you just need a phone and your pussy is a daycare for niggers
What country you from?
My mom is dead. So no. But if she had more to eat, something like a piggy as fat as you, she would have been fine.
BUTTSHARPIES next, lets see how many you can fit in
Brexit and boris
Unfortunately the attractive guys atleast expect personality from unnatractive girls so I'm stuck
Assuming they'd wanna fuck, what's your threshold for how attractive a guy would have to be for you to say yes? 1-10, or traits if thats to vague
Ive got low standards so if they're tall (I'm like 5'3) and have a nice style, then I'm down
Can I kik you a picture of my cock?
So i told my very close friend that i had feelings for her, her response was "Idk how i feel things are complicated right now, so for now just friends." I took that as a nice no or at least a not now. So I got over my feelings and enjoyed being friends with her. Start talking to a new girl and every time i hang out with her the friend is angry or extremely sad/ in tears when i talk to them later. I ask her what is wrong and she just says she's a bad person, and not a good friend. Says that she wants me to be happy and should be happy for me talking to another girl, but she just isn't, says she's jealous of me just spending time with someone not her. A few nights ago we were talking because it happened all over again, talk to new girl, talk to friend after and she's mad/sad. She says that she doesn't want to tell me why she gets so upset when i hang out with the other girl because it will make things confusing for me and for her. My guess is that she now has feelings for me and kind of wants to be with me, but she is kind of with another guy. They have told each other "I love you" but the guy doesnt do long distance or relationships at all after a personal thing that happened. The friend has also said that she knows she has to make a decision to make whether she wants to be with the guy she is currently kind of seeing, or to give up on it because he doesn't do relationships or long distance. She also invited me to go visit her, and im planning to just need a passport and stuff. If things move forward with the new girl, but then the friend decides to leave the current guy then idk what i would do. I'm already emotionally attached to the friend because we are such close friends, but i dont want to wait around to see if she decides to leave the current guy. idk can i just get some opinions on this mess of a situation?
Can I cock you a picture of my kik?
Why do you let yourself be so fucking fat
list your kinks from most to least exciting
How old are you? I like your hair, nice light color.
When did you masturbate last?
People have already so go for it I guess
Do you have the same strength feelings you have for new girl over friend? Dont become friends backup, become her number one. If you want a definitive answer, give an ultimatum IMO.
Cos fuck you that's why
Ive been masturbating right now tbh
Spread arsehole please
Do you realize most people would find your naked body gross or are one of those retarded "healthy at every size" bitches
I'm a sadomasochist who cant cum unless I bite myself
I love roleplay
I am bisexual, being Dom with girls but sub with guys
I dont like assplay or feet, but most things are on the table
Some other minor things too
Idk its something to do while I have insomnia
Can we see that ass tho?
Oh I know I'm gross, I just dont care
post pics of bite marks
I know I'm gross, but I'm also lazy, hence the hair
For fucks sake is any part of you attractive or are you just shit inside and out
Not into asses so pr
I dont bite hard enough and I haven't cum yet today
My mum says she loves me so something must be going good. I'm also big brained
Hi, I don;'t have kik. Can I get yo email?
I like bushes on girls. Am I weird?
bite yourself harder and then take a picture thanks
What turns you on?
Any particular kinks you're into?
Ever browsed ?
Are you open to gaining new kinks? Pic related, I suppose.
Would it help if I bit you? And what do you big brain on the most?
God I would say kys but I would feel bad for who ever found your corpse
Do you ever find yourself rubbing your vagina against random surfaces and chairs or whatever? Yours looks great, BTW.
mmm thats hot. Ok I'm hard now...
How do you like to touch yourself? Mostly rub your clit or do you prefer to stick your fingers/other things inside your pussy?
I like hairy girls. I'll like to get to know you. Not many girls come here. You have discord, beautiful?
>Do you have the same strength feelings you have for new girl over friend? Dont become friends backup, become her number one. If you want a definitive answer, give an ultimatum IMO.
I really dont know if i have the same strength of feelings. I feel bad and desperate for thinking that the reason i like the new girl is because i think she likes me, or that she wants a relationship and i just seem nice. I mean i liked her because she seemed like the only person who likes me, but now that the friend also does and we already have a very deep friendship established.As far as an absolute answer we talked about it for a bit. She said that nothing really changes because she likes the other guy and they are further along, but that could change because of his refusal to do long distance or relationships. So if something happens to that and im with the new girl idk what i would because idk how much i would like the new girl vs how much i already like the friend.
saving this pasta for future use
Thank you,
What does it feel like having a dick inside you? Is it just added pressure or does it feel like it's opening you up?
She said shes a virgin, but as an extension, which do you prefer when inserting things in you
Do you like black guys?
Not OP but it's hard to explain but in a way it's like being stretched full and kind of overwhelming (that is if it's a big cock)
do a pussy tribute?
timestamp vag or fuck off
are you the tranny
Sorry it says the file size is too big so I'll Kik if u got one
hey we could be friends this is so me
make a discord
I am not big on penetration but I love clit stimulation. I can cum from just clit and a bite honestly
Mind answering the other questions above? Might as well turn this into a general femanon ama, right?
Happy lol
~tessa (missed the a last time)
I deleted discord for space so I dont think I can really
why the FUCK do I keep seeing this disgusting whales disgusting pussy on the front page of Yea Forums
for the LOVE OF GOD,
Goddamn. I love you hairy girls. Does that sound weird?
Shave your fucking pussy you nasty bitch
If someone wants to make a general ama because this one is full of guys asking for my butthole and why I'm so fat then maybe that'd be better
well i rescind my rudeness and will begin to court you m'lady
Fuck no I hate niggers I would rather die than be touched by one
Are you op?
Have at it incel
Nah, you are the incel. You hate women.
Stop fetishizing little girls you fucking pedo
I don't hate women, I am annoyed by nasty/ugly ass sluts who post on online forums for attention because they cant get it any where else.
If youre gonna post your nasty pussys on here at least clean them up a bit.
lawl, didn't even see that...How about this one:
LOL you HAVE to be kidding me?
I shave my pubes too, its called being clean you ugly slut.
What are your favorite styles of panties?
that's sexy. Do you rub your clit with your fingers or use a vibrator?
Do you like to play with your nipples while you rub it?
Also wouldn't mind seeing another boob pic. ;)
Look how dirty your crusty ass pussy looks.
I'm shwarzanegger boy
i'm going to hell if i like young looking girls?
i'm a worthless piece of shit for liking them?
any solution for this? i can't do nothing for feeling attracted to them, it's not like i choose being that way tho
Honestly I just love sex I've tried dp, anal, deepthoating and so on but just the raw connection is enough
Has anyone ever told you to go to the gym?
If not,
you should probably hit the gym sweet heart. You don't have to be like that.
Fingers always feel better IMO. I dont have sensitive nipples so I dont really
I would bet 10 million dollars your face is horrendous.
I'm actually heavily asthmatic so I am gonna go as soon as summers over and focus on weights to help my asthma
Would you ever date a guy who's had sex with other guys?
I'd bet a fucking trillion yours is worse ;)
Look up the keto diet,
you dont necisarrily need to hit cardio to lose weight either. But the only way to get better cardio is to do it and im sure it'd be extremely helpful.
Glad youre back and lovely tits. Would you ever let multiple guys have you at once, and if so how many
Please let them hang down on all four. Those are gorgeous.
Can I get your opinion on this?
Well youre fucking gorgeous. Do you have a Kik, or public only?
you'll lose, look at that strong jaw line
Are you open to kik?
I dont think so sunshine but carry on trying to get attention from an online forum.
cute. pen in butt
mmmm that's sexy.
on a scale from 1-10 how wet are you right now? have you made yourself cum yet, OP?
>just the raw connection is enough
Interesting, no fantasies at all? Okay, how about we go a little farther out there...What if you had a dick, like pic related? Do you think that would make sex even better for you? Since you (or was it OP?) don't like penetration anyway, but if you could do the penetrating...
If youre a dude, you'll lose so bad youd get your dick chopped off. If you're a chick, post and let the thread decide
Its looks like a cissys chin, just looking at the bottom half of her face I can tell ive fucked girls way hotter then that.
Sharpie in popper you fucking pleb
pencil in anus por favor
Honestly hun if you have to try that hard it's not worth it. If I'm being completely honest find a guy/girl that's 10ish years older then you at is stable and already has life figured out and treat them like royalty
Kik: dude.what2
Chopsticks in backside onegaishimasu
Writing Quill in Posterior, Maddamme
Nintendo DS stylus in your bumbum, mate
I love penetration that was OP but it would be interesting you have a cock
If you're still romantically interested in this friend, tell her. Besides that, you don't have to do anything right now. The ball is in her court. She needs to sort out her feelings and make a decision.
Let her know that you understand that she feels conflicted and indecisive, but stand up for yourself and tell her that you can't afford to wait forever.
>Honestly hun if you have to try that hard it's not worth it.
I have to try this hard because these are actually the first 2 girls that actually like me. 23 never been in a relationship or anything close. Im just a beta loser so i have to try this hard when something comes along, at least i feel like that.
Would you consider tying orgasms to workout milestones a motivator or a stressed? Like you can only fun anytime you lose 10 lbs
Slim, sexy, and cute. I think youve won this thread
I knew you were horrendous
This a picture from an old thread btw
check ekmmm
Eh, I’ve seen worse
yes and you should feel bad, you fucking whackjob
So Tessa, where you from?
Gibe shekels goyim!
>seen worse
how are you still alive, good christ
want to do some cock r8 you fucking slut?
I'm already not waiting forever as im talking with the new girl. Im just concerned that me going after the new girl is going to influence her decision, and that whatever she decides will influence what im going to do with the new girl. If i was given the choice of either i think i would choose the friend, but does that make me a bad person? i dont understand and im just super conflicted.
Aww thank you ;) good thing a have a daddy already and dont need you huh
Hair is fine. I am sick of seeing bald pussy.
Tessa Scott?
Dont listen to him, you are beautiful
would fuck
you need to shave that chewbacca snatch ASAP or go back to r/eddit
Why you on Yea Forums posting like a dumb bitch then? don't ruin one of the few chances you got lady.
You must have daddy issues you dumb slut.
Idk. Probably because I’m not a dumb cunt like you. Who knows?
why bitches name tessa always have a nice body but a rancid face
Not in the USA that's all I'll tell you ;)
That is one fine looking pussy, thanks for posting
You sound inexperienced in matters of the heart. Nothing wrong with that because we all start there. You might figure out what you think you want; you can always change your mind, and at some point you probably will. But figure out what you'd like. And if what you really want is a relationship with your close friend, then tell her it is a possibility and ask what she really wants. If you what you think you want is each other, then give it a try.
What is your age range for a partner?
Why post here? Everyone here is a dickhead
I'll never understand why women post nudes for these greedy degenerates
Australia ;)
What a nice guy. Tip your fedora at her and pay her bills for 6 months. Maybe she'll let you sniff her panties you fucking lapdog betamale.
Ok tessa is back in the good books bois
Honestly boredom mostly
Suck Logs much?
Hey OP i just wanted to say you have really pretty eyes.
Damm i LOVE hairy pussys and ass, please post a pic opening ur butthole.
Tessa if you want cum online now addme on kik
Ing akira
Write "white men only" on your pussy
Its not boredom you just crave attention because you get none in real life
It is natural.
Why do millenials love eating poop and licking bungholes so much? Why cant you just be normal and invest in your futures instead of whacking off on the internet all the time. And you ladies need to put some got dang clothes on, christ is watching!
Have you ever had a guy refuse to sex you up because of your pubic hair?
Your beauty is only skin deep, then.
almost wasted some nice quints
Leftist, I think not.
Probably gets manhandled by nogs on the low tbh
And what are you doing here?
You look like my sis
Would you go there?
hey if you're from EU, maybe we can hook up, you are very delicious
Not millennial.
Preach it user
honestly you're nothing special and your pussy looks gross. Stop attention whoring.
Do you eat?
Well good night Yea Forumsoys it's been interesting to say the least and dont forget the white genocide is real and you should do your part to fight it
Logs not bogs.
I am entirely inexperienced with these matters. Idk what i want because if i had the choice between either i think i would choose the friend, but i havent spent nearly as much time with the new girl. The friend had said that even if we do have feelings for each other things wont change until something happens with her current guy. i just feel awful and every decision i could make is wrong.
Mayocide incoming
No ones special, go scare away some other pussy ya fucking mook
come again, but could you please shave your pussy?
i will jerk off to you right now, love from Brazil.
Have you ever pegged a guy?
It's A Log thread baby!
Threads dead so ok?
Ded by lawgs
>If i was given the choice of either i think i would choose the friend
If you were given the choice, there wouldn't be any dilemma. This is her decision, and you should try your best to separate it from how you decide to proceed with the new girl.
You should keep talking to the new girl and trying to advance your relationship with her as if dating your friend was not an option, because your friend isn't truly an option until she decides to stop sitting on the fence.
At least that way, you can still be with someone no matter what your friend decides, if she decides at all.
How big do you think my dick is ;/
Don't you bully me you bully!
Ok I'll guess
You dick is a millimeter peter
You got a millimeter peter
You’re ugly
Look at that fucking double chin
>You should keep talking to the new girl and trying to advance your relationship with her as if dating your friend was not an option, because your friend isn't truly an option until she decides to stop sitting on the fence.
I'm trying but sense she told me how she felt i've felt entirely different. I moved on from her because she said she didnt feel the same towards me before, and then later she told me about the guy she likes so i just moved on. But now that it almost seems like it is possible i feel everything coming back. We are currently best friends and literally talk all day everyday, we can talk about anything and i just love talking and spending time with her.
I mean its good u dont care because for one i know appearance can change in shorter of a time than imaginable. went from 240 to 130(with slight abs) and didnt even diet or gym...literally just stopped drinking soda and hung out more with friends outside cause had no wifi for 6 months
>pic related, used to be one of those guys that wears an oversized Tshirt to the beach
It sounds like your feelings for her never really went away, you just pushed them down.
I saw go for that friend, man. I know it's cliche, but life really is too short to live with the regret of what could've been.
But do still play the field, keep talking to the new girl until your friend gives you a definite answer. And don't for a moment feel bad about it. If your friend doesn't work out, you don't want to be left with no options.
Man the harpoons boys!
Heres a side by side i made rn from a pic from last year and another last week
So you say persue the new girl, and if the friend gives a definite answer, then if it is that she wants to be with me then dont feel worry about what to do then? Is it bad to think that i might leave the other girl if that does happen?
Someone get my milking machine and pre dip
You could make an oil slick off of that
is Yea Forums actually back?
I thought it was doomed
>Is it bad to think that i might leave the other girl if that does happen?
I don't personally think so. Healthy relationships are entirely voluntary. It's morally okay to, at any time, end one relationship in favor of one that better suits your needs.
See how things go with this new girl while you wait for your friend to come around. If enough time has passed, your feelings for your friend might have subsided, in that case, just stick with the new girl and turn your friend down as gently as you can. If your feelings haven't subsided, end the relationship with the new girl tactfully, and get with your friend.
As long as you're not cheating, (i.e. dating them both at the same time) it's fine to keep your options open.
It is just that i feel like if im in a relationship with someone else then the friend will try to make stuff work with her guy because im not available. I am going to continue trying with the new girl but we seem to kinda be at a stand still because idk what im supposed to do at all. It is kinda long distance so everything is done online and we talk to each other and play games or watch movies/shows together. idk how to progress it at all while the friend we are already super close, and yesterday and today she wanted to video chat just so we could actually see each other
I dont think you're gross.
I would bang you.
Please show me your hymen.
Your a dumb cunt. Why don't you make your own thread rather than try steal OP's attention. You are clearly insecure as fuck and felt the need to be in a thread with a girl you feel you are more attractive than to avoid the ridicule of your absolute averageness
So both you and your friend want to keep your options open, even though doing so will stall or kill the possibility of the preferred relationship between the two of you?
That sounds like a game theory prisoner's dilemma. I don't know if you're familiar with that, but the only solution is to communicate. Find an opportunity to talk to her about this. Tell her how you honestly feel. If she's still indecisive, subtly indicate to her that the window is closing.
Jesus, and you were so fucking gorgeous looking too. Beautiful muff and lovely tits, then all that ignorant shit spills out. You blow your father with that mouth?
Make me!