I got $1,000 and itching to buy something fun. What do?

I got $1,000 and itching to buy something fun. What do?

Attached: 1563298321043.gif (376x594, 1.56M)

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does it have to be legal?

Um, this probably a big no.

But you, could you donate a small bit to my PayPal? ^^
I wanna buy minecraft and a bit more ram. If you could help I'd be really grateful. I would pay for it myself, but my dad takes all the money. :/ if not thank you for reading. Hope you have a nice day!


Fuck no

$1000 in big mac

throw them at the homeless

Attached: oowee.jpg (700x386, 32K)

Get some airsoft gear and go airsofting, that’s what I did with $1,000s, it’s a good hobby too


Sorry, I was just asking. He really doesn't have to! Bish on like 17, chill. XD

check this out user you can get 100 of these and just have a good ass time
amazon com/CHUYI-Shaped-Wireless-Optical-Computer/dp/B010DLNG3I?pf_rd_p=9ffe52bb-8ae1-4424-a8e1-65709f418028&pd_rd_wg=iT6YN&pf_rd_r=70Q70ZH9G9NBZ2RSJVBF&ref_=pd_gw_unk&pd_rd_w=vO63N&pd_rd_r=a95531e6-aeff-4732-8441-ba3dbf28244d

Fuk, I meant I'm

buy 1000 cheeseburgers from mcdonalds

Buy a moped to fuck around on

Buy whores and tvs

If dubs you must invest in index funds and not touch for ten years

Hookers and blow. The answer is always hookers and blow.

buy whores and tvs


buy a custom video from Whitney Wisconsin and make her cut herself

there are cheaper ways of keeping your virginity

buy whores and everything you need

Library card. Save yo money. Save yo money.

Guns are years of fun. $1100 buys quality in large calibers


buy whores and tvs


Depends on what you're into, OP. Personally, I'd spend it on weed, vidya, and taco bell, but I'm a college student, so I enjoy the simpler things in life.

If you wanna spend it all in one space, consider two girls at the same time.

Attached: a40.gif (448x252, 1.99M)

100000 pennies

rent out a pornstar

for real. gianna michaels fucks for cash nowadays.


a pair of nice headphone, vr headset, 144hz monitor
any of these things would be a pretty decent buy with 1k

>$1000 in big mac
>throw them at the homeless

Just throw them at them? This is wrong. Buy $1000 in Big Macs and make the homeless brawl over them like some sort of mentally ill hobo fight club.

underaged b&

The full valve index kit alone is 1k. Rip

I wasn't bateing?

This shouldn't be hard, but I can't come up with shit. I are stump.

own a older model i thought vr was gonna be shiiit to be honest (and the game available kinda are) but the presence that things manage to have in vr is fucking mind blowing you can completely forget you're in your room


if you like music I suggest getting a DJ board or an instrument that you like the sound of

home entertainment my dude it is a safe and lasting bet

Buy vote uhh car something something communism


A girlfriend that won't make you wear a bag on your head

all of it on tannerite

RTX 2080

Whoops i meant the RTX 2080 ti. That's the one that's $1000