What are you doing tonight im drinking cheap beer and watching youtube

what are you doing tonight im drinking cheap beer and watching youtube

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I ate a whole bag of these weed gummies. Im like shaking i can feel this shit pumping through my veins

what is that anime?

man your tots going to jail dude i have no idea i found it on here and though it was bad ass

Playing vidya with a couple of good friends
I think it's called Memories

gonna eat some brownies i made and hopefully watch some vinesauce streams

Rewatching some old videos like whang and game dungeon while doing some art. Like I do every night.

what kind of art not furry porn i hope

It is. Sauce naomi agreed


No no, mostly surrealist and nature ones. Sometimes I do random doodles. When I got nothing to watch I often listen to my dark ambient music.

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had a great work out so I'm gonna smoke a lot of weed and play some vidiya all out of whiskey and the like.

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i really really like you Yea Forums whiskey video game not a smoker any more can me make love?

Being depressed on my birthday.

Ooff. Been there... happy birthday anyway...

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Happy birthday hope you have some kind of good day

Just got done playing soccer so I'm finna take a shower and try to call my girl later. If she don't answer I'm finna stay up watch TV and lurk Yea Forums

I was forced to come on holiday with my family so right now I'm lying in bed in Italy, not being able to jerk off and call my friends and basically realizing 2 weeks is actually a very long time

Being depressed and seriously wondering why I'm still here. Just wishing I could smoke a joint to quiet my head.

I'm really debating leaving my gf soon. I need to and it just keeps getting worse.

Happy Birthday user. I hope this year is the best one you've had yet.

whats wrong with your gf dude>

i wish i came from a family that could travel like that

Sitting on my ship, contemplating why my life when down the tubes after joining the military.

Nothings wrong with her she's wonderful. She's caring, loves vidya, helps me me with money, doesn't give a shit that I smoke, etc. SHe's perfect.

I just have lost feelings for her. I was hesitant when we started dating but quickly felt trapped by her fragile mental state. I know that if I ended things with her when she was out at college she would have killed herself and I'm still not sure she wouldn't now. I feel horribly trapped and I can't talk to her about it.

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I promise you being rich isn't as great as you think it is.

send her my way

Both my parents grew up "working class" so now that they have the money to travel they do it every year. It's nowhere near as great as it sounds. We constantly have money problems and shit like that. I've traveled abroad almost every summer of my life and it's always been mediocre shit. I realize how spoiled I sound but I'd rather spend casual time with my family at home than forced time in a shitty second world country where every restaurant is a tourist trap and the heat is unbearable. also..
happy birthday, user. hope you feel not depressed soon

umm being poor is horrible af dude there were times my mom didn't know how we we gonna eat one time she took the money i had been saving up to get a Jurassic park toy so we could eat she use that money to gte ground meat to make hamburger helper

same just got drunk and allegedly paid for sex, paid for two hours didn't get off. The girl was wondering if it was her i just told her I'm damaged goods and she did her job. She seemed perplexed i was the first john she could not get off. got home and then got 5th dimensional drunk fapped to some fucked up hentai came buckets looked at American psycho and passed out.

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bro the only time ive been out of the us i was being shot at and im still poor af being a civilian contractor sucks ass

In chastity while my wife is at work

happy cake day

I totally understand you user. My dad made bank when i was a kid and would take my family to tons of places.

In the end all I wanted was to spend time at home with him when he wasn't at work and/or drunk.

I'm not saying its worse or better. Just comes with different problems.

make the most of your time in the US then. I'm just trying to say that, in my case, staying in shitty N. Ireland is better than France or Italy

bro all im saying is we had problems my dad was a good for nothing might make apot about it but dude ive had a really fucked up life i grew up white trash af did soime dot in mexico killed some folks ect ect life is hard you guys have no fucking idea

I’m poopsmoking primo butthash and gonna jack it to trap porn my man

I need to still hit the gym user. Help me

Everyone has problems user. No ones problems are worse than anyone else's. It's just life.

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dude I'm doing the same ive' had like 10 ten beers and 8 left, But the best part is I'm away from my girlfriend dude. FUCK SHE LIVES WITH ME and she has no car, so I have to driver her ass to work and then drive to work and she never leaves the damn house so Tonight A TOAST IS IN ORDER a TOAST TO FREEDOM.

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oh look who fucking just meesaged me on facebook, DUDE I NEED TO GET AWAY AND SMASH SOME STRANGE

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GL to you drunk user.

Hope our GF problems get resolved in the best way possible.

I need more weed but have two full bowls for now. Want pizza and beer though, and sone juicy dick to nurse on. But I haven't had a fwb in years. I'm fat and autistic and afraid of searching for a peepee because the internet dick carousel is really overwhelming nowadays plus there's rampant stds and shit. And mostly I need legit friendly chill vibes in a fwb chemistry wise like that's kinda rare anyway

If I wasn't dating my gf I'd help you out bud. I definitely wouldn't be posting on this website if I had my pot for the day.

Thanks goodguy user