Daily reminder that americans elected this retard president

daily reminder that americans elected this retard president

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well, we are retarded, so it fits

Eh, at least we didn't fall for a manufactured scam that was the "Mueller Probe". Genius, retard, he could be either, but the fact that they spent two years with everyone from every hemisphere looking for something and didn't find anything worthwhile is astonishing.

>he could be either

nope,he's proven to be a retard.so are his supporters

>Orange man bad

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but think about what you redneck morons could of done in that 2 year time period instead of wasting your time paying attention to some libtards probe.we all know you were crying about obama's birth certficate for 8 years anyway,how is that any better then what mueller was doing

Shitposting Trump everyday. Way to go Retard.

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Daily reminder that Britbongs elected this guy as Prime Minister

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I wouldn't be judging other people as retarded with grammar like yours.

plot twist your the retard

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Why did that super fake and totally manufactured probe manage to put his National Security Adviser, his campaign manager, and his personal lawyer in prison?

Seething from the mueller thing today I see. Jordan royally raped him Kek

If you honestly don't see how ingenious these two fellows are, then you're the reason the center and left is failing. They're not fucking stupid, they're taking plays directly from Putins political handbook, and it's clearly working really well because you're too blind to even see it.

For process crimes that had nothing to do with
Or collusion of any kind

From years predating trump run for president
Muller even charged accompanies from period from before they even existed yet

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>You're either a libtard if you disagree
>Or a conservitard if you agree
>You're either a cuck if you side left
>Or a nazi if you side right
Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

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really dont care,i find it hilarious how much liberal crap republicans put up with when it comes to donald trump.why even bother voting republican anymore,there's no difference between them and democrats

remember that time mullar lied about WMD in Iraq and libtards hated him
Then forgot and built him up for two years like morons

You didn't answer his question.

Johnson isn't as retarded as he pretends to be, but neither of them are using Putin's playbook in any sense. Putin basically got into power by staging attacks and blaming them on separatist groups.

He rules in an authoritarian way that neither Trump or Johnson are willing or able to do. Putin isn't comparable to Trump or Boris at all.

FYI: trump is independent running on Republican ticket

Process crimes are crimes. So was that fake probe able to get 3 of Trump's closest advisers sent to prison for crimes?

because as mullar said give me the man I'll give you the crime

some of thes people pled guilty because their loved once there THREATENed by Muller with possible charges...

he literary went over people lives for decades with fine tooth comb look for anything he could use to punish them for hep trump get elected

Democrats vendetta for him getting elected

So Mueller forced them to lie under oath?

some of these people worked for other people even other presidents

why because their crime had nothing to do with them. just as their crime had nothing to do with trump

you fucks are so retarded so if a gay robs a bank then 10 year later get a job some where his current workplace is somehow respectable or implicated?

Nope nothing of the sort

>just as their crime had nothing to do with trump
Cohen's sentence involved lying about Trump Tower in Moscow.

It was the same as holding a gun to their head to get a confession. Saying confess or we will try and put your wife in jail. kind of bullshit..

These weren't charges unrelated to Trump, actually. Michael Cohen was charged for making hush money payments to a pornstar, which was an illegal campaign contribution. Now we know that Trump was aware of the payments and directed them to be made.

Dude is a joke and American democracy is becoming a laughing matter. It’s due to YOU trump defenders

You from the UK? If so, lets have a chat about Boris...

So you dispute that Michael Cohen made hush money payments to a porn star?

had to do with lieing to banks on personal loans

and the trump meeting was a setup by Democrats when the lawyer met with before and after.

No its not clownass its due to the two party system anal raping dumbass Americans who are easily brainwashed

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Hillary RAMROD Clinton was your stupid group think asshole choice, do you really think you should talk about another candidate who never held an office but outworked her and out campaigned her? Stop your bullshit.

your a fucking faggot

guess you missed the part of his senate testamoney where he answered what he doing time for had nothing to do with trump in any way. Where his own decision and actions not related to trump in any way. AKA his own dam fault

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>Orange fan sad

Putin has been playing groups/issues against each other, and doing it in a way that diverts attention from what he actually wants done and instead onto groups/things they say/he says/other issues while doing whatever the fuck in the meantime.

That's exactly what got both Trump and Johnson into power, and you're all biting each time you go "look at this dumb thing Trump tweeted" or "OMG Johnson makes himself look like such a twat."
Who the fuck cares, look at actual policy and ignore the man/woman.



>NEW YORK – Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump’s former lawyer, made a surprise appearance before a federal judge in New York on Thursday to plead guilty to lying to Congress about work he did on an aborted project to build a Trump Tower in Russia.

>and the trump meeting
Bullshit. But if Trump and the people he's chosen fall so easily for democrat traps, then what exactly has been happening behind the scenes on the world stage?

So what you want to go communist faggot? Dems are behaving way better then orange orangutan

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Hillary called the women who accussed Bill sluts and trailer trash but ypu wanted that cunt to be President. Hypocrite much? None of us cared who he banged 10 years ago and of course you leave out that she basically bribed him into paying her and he already had to deal with the DNC hiring all these other lying women who were just never Trumpers because you know they would have sued the shit out of him if he ever did what they said. He wasn't their boss like Weinberg was to those actresses, they had no reason not to sue a billionaire who supposedly attacked them sexually.

To clarify I'm not saying they're comparable, but they are gaining power by doing exactly what Putin has done over the years. Minus assassinations.

the washed u porn star lost her case and even had to pay trumps legal fees her lawyer is in jail too lol

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>we didn't fall for a manufactured scam that was the "Mueller Probe
>well, we are retarded

>Everyone who thinks I'm an idiot is a trump supporter

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O gawd Hillary come back. Dear god stop being such a losing whinny bitch trumptard

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I didn't vote for Clinton, retard.

Then why did Michael Cohen admit to the payments?

Still waiting on good policy from Trump, this argument is horseshit and I'm conservative. Dude is an unfocused idiot beholden to the last pleb he talked to.


Cohen lied, and lied and lied
what part or not trusting a word he says and him willing to say anything to save him self did you not get?

Democrats FAILED today.

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strange you mean they went to jail for breaking the law?

Screaming fake news doesn't make Trump less retarded

>everything inconvenient is fake
The paranoid fortress the GOP voting base lives in.

because he made them? hurr durr
trump paid for most of his own run from his money dumfuckistan

>their loved once there THREATENed
>he literary went over people lives
>hep trump

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screaming trust proven conman and a liar
(going to jail for in part for lying)
doesn't make them anymore trustworthy

He made the illegal hush money payments at the direction of Trump himself, as we know from both his admission and court filings proving that TRUMP WAS ON THE PHONECALLS where it was discussed.

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Well then Trump is a fucking retard for trusting that conman to handle his porn star hush money payments lmao

>trump paid for most of his own run from his money
About 60%. When he said he would self fund as a whole, another dumb lie.
Now he's raking in millions and millions from RNC super pacs for 2020, so he can eat my ass with his populist titles.

Oh shit. If this dipshit on Twitter says it it must be true

nothing illegal about it

only if he used campaign funds donated by others would it then be illegal

but there is zero evidence of that

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trump has a bunch of lawyers FYI

If it wasn't illegal, why did Cohen go to prison for illegal campaign contributions for doing it?

>nothing illegal about it
He was paying Cohen back while as President, which is in fact illegal.

And this was his personal lawyer, who handled his porn star payments. I thought he was going to hire only the best people

And his most famous one, his "fixer" testified against him.
That's part of US history now.

cry more.

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You're an idiot

how much did Hillary pay for her 1.2 billion run against (trumps 300 million)


20% the crown prince of Saudi arabia says he paid
no one cares about all the Democrat collusion

then trump would of been charged
cohen is in prison for lieing on personal loans

God imagine calling leftists cucks and retards and then fantasizing about a 70+ year old nearly obese man raping somebody. The sexual pathology here is fascinating

Trump didn't self fund. He said he would. Turns out he lied.

>electing and defending an autist to "own the libs"

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Trump couldn't have been charged because he's president. A sitting president cannot be charged.

paying his his attorney fees is illegal ? wow

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Trump is willing to fuck your little sister and anything below 15. Remember this dude is pedophile crook

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Paying the lawyer to pay the hooker you fucked while fucking little girls is a felony if you are running for president

self funded a lot

vs his puppet on strings opponent

She didn't say she would, so why should I give a shit?
>20% the crown prince of Saudi arabia says he paid
Trump had business dealings with them before, and plenty patronized his hotel in DC.
Coincidentally, he ignore the murder of Khashoggi, claiming nobody knows nuffin, and was trying to defy congress in selling them billions of dollars in weapons without their approval.

Do not lie to your self

It was all about getting him, they had nothing or they would of got him

Ok he self funded a lot. He said he'd self fund the entire thing. He lied. He lies constantly. Remember when he said he'd release his tax returns if he was elected? He's suing to prevent their release.

daily reminder that he will be elected again.

this shit again
Trump was one of many Clinton backers(and handlers) of course he went to the same fundraisers…

however The pubic FAA flight logs for the Lolita express flying child sex brothel the show BILL & Hillary Clinton flying 26 times, togeather and seprately documentcloud.org/documents/1507315-epstein-flight-manifests.html

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O you mean how Epstein pilot is still flying trump around?
Trump said he cut all contact but it seems he is always lying

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Actually they didn't, they elect a party not a prime minister. He wasn't even the leader of the party at the time it was elected.

based americans

YO. Hillary did not get elected President, Trump did. Hillary basically doesn't have a government job at all. The sitting President is the one lying, counteracting American efficiency, fucking our economy, evading his criminal wrongdoings, etc. Literally 10x Nixon, ten times the scope of any scandal in this country's history. I wanted Trump to win and I fully regret it, HOW can you fuckers have a measurable IQ and not see that he's a fucking asshole liar? He's literally the boozhie elite that Yea Forums has despised for fucking DECADES. If you are a Republican/conservative... great, me too. Liberal? Go fuck yourself. Trump supporter? Worse than both, by far, and I refuse to believe anyone here is stupid enough to support him, you are all trolls.

>He lies constantly.

just remember compared to the massive lies of Obama makes trump look honest

go be nigger somewhere else

Thank you but trumptards use Hillary when they a losing a debate.

You are a fool

The OLC opinion says a sitting president can't be charged. That's why he wasn't charged.

Michael Cohen is in prison for committing illegal acts on behalf of Trump.

Michael Flynn is going to prison for lying to the FBI about conversations he had with the Russian ambassador on behalf of Trump.

I don't blame you if you'd like to forget or deny these things, because it's probably pretty fucking embarrassing to support that retard.

Everytime a close adviser or official of his gets charged with a crime, you've got to find another reason why he's totally draining the swamp.

It's sad.

Show me proof he threatened anyone's family.

He also stated unequivocally that Trump had obstructed justice, would have been indicted if he was not a sitting president, and could be charged once he is out of office.

Cite a single one.

Fuck Obama's subtle wardogging ass, but cite a single lie. Can't fault 'em

That’s true though

This isn't about Obama. It's about Trump. Where are the tax returns he promised to release?

you mean how Epstien right hand women responsible for procuring children is pictured as Chesla Clintions wedding

Yeah dude cite a single lie that obama said. Don’t use some storm front make believe shit

no but he can be impeached and he wasn't so there is your fucking answer

The swamp is Trump's insides and he's draining them all over this nation

Listen dumb cunt. I hate Clinton as much as trump. We agree to take them both down for being pedophiles. Only trumptards are brainwashed to save their savior even if the other side is willing to lose everything to gain friendship.

Prediction... if he "wins" a second term he will be assassinated.

read the wikileaks

one he said he didn't know Hillary was using a private sever in the news but they emailed each other from that address and there was a email exchange about cleaning that mess up.

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Fucking amen

in fact Obama and a bunch of them used private emails even fake name to skirt record laws

Can you explain "private server" in your own words

Fucktard. Yeah, I so wish Hillary was in charge!

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did you even look at

only people implicated seem to be mostly high profile Democrats and trump isn't on the radar

You're fuckin; lost. The Hillary shit is in the rear-view.

You guys are fucking stupid honestly. Neither Clinton nor Trump are in any way politicians for the people, nor will they ever be. Those are a rarer breed than ever and the people with the real power - the big money - aren't gonna let them run shit. Just look at Epstein, both Trump and Hilton are involved with that childfucking psychopath.
And while the people of America keep playing red team vs blue team and screaming at each other they're being bled dry by fiscal royalty and are none the wiser.

>did you even look at

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She ran a sever off site with next to no security and not tracked by the government record keeping system ...That got hacked by china and got agents killed, got hack by Russia etc...

gross negligence (chargeable ) in handling classified info
she even email her maid classified emails to print at home

legal charge hopefully on on the horizon but they did give everyone fucking immunity

But why tho?

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"She" ran a server? Is she a fucking IT specialist now? She's too retarded. Worst case she had O365 and an exchange domain at home and did work from there.
Did she fuck the fuck up? Yes.
Should she be in prison for this?


Does this have anything to do with Trump running the country?
Not even close dude.

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We didn't though.

>you guys cried about Obama so its our turn to cry about Trump
This is literally your argument.
And now that the report is out, you guys are still crying about Russia. The sooner you accept the fact Trump will be in office for the next 6 years the easier it will be for you to get over it and move on.
Jesus Christ, liberals are fucked. I read an article today about how liberals are now complaining that Melania gave her daughter a puppy for her birthday and everyone is saying shes racist because the dog is white. You people just look for any little thing to complain about just so you can call the right racist. Its pretty pathetic.

He hasn't been impeached because there was a GOP majority in the House and Senate at first and now there's a GOP majority in just the Senate. Do you really and honestly think that a president cannot commit a crime unless he's impeached for it?

you act like running a server is difficult. you literally just download the server files and set it up on a pc thats always on when you need it.

>I read one dumb nigger's opinion

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I agree, but go convince your grandmother of the same and get back to me

Faggots on tritter have posted thousands of messages criticizing her.

Oh no not criticism. How awful. Jesus, you're trying to defend a man who tweets his pissy rage at random newspapers when he gets critiqued, by saying other people get too offended by things.

>daily mail
fucking kek

>Daily Mail

>....allow anything in their lives that is not WHITE

Yeah fuck those people bitching, they LOOK like idiots to everyone with two brain cells bumping together

Dumb nigger either yesterday or today one of his transition members got fucked for being a foreign agent for Turkey. The probe found out that Donny boy wasn't heaping praise for the dictatorship as promised. Our own president at the behest of foreign state propaganda...and what exactly in the fuck do you think the shitball is doing here??

So you're defending snowflakes who get triggered because their new dog is white?

It was the first link that popped up when I googled it. Look it up yourself, theres links to just about every mainstream news site. I originally read about it on CNN a couple days ago.

>daily reminder
>us president
#not my president
>yea, he is eat shit

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im gonna vote for him again

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Americans are so fucking stupid. I welcome the day someone nukes the fuckers.

Nobody was triggered by shit. They were making jokes about her. Imagine thinking that "some people on Twitter said some shit" is actually a real defense of a retard that tweets his impotent rage whenever he's slighted.

I'm not denying there are dumbass headcase libtards complaining about a white dog.

>you guys are still crying about Russia
Mah fuckin e v i d e n c e

>Trump will be in office for the next 6 years
Pussy. An intelligent American wants a God damn man in that seat. Trump is not a fucking man.

First part, fine, I'm fucking liberal myself, of course I don't agree with him on politics. I'm saying the second part of your answer is what he wants, you tards can't stop biting even when told straight up.

>Daily mail
Are you even being serious or just trolling? Yeah, probably trolling.

I'm gonna shoot him in center mass if he gets re-elected. So go for it.


> tards can't stop biting even when told straight up.

Please just clarify this before I go cross-eyed trying to understand what the fuck you're saying.

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Same shit everyday. People just can't fucking shut up. You're not that important, really.

We are sick of his fucking shit.

I honestly find that so funny.

You're literally not important at all. Board with hundreds of threads of people not shutting up, being edgelords, faggots and shills, but you chose to post here. Fucking loser

He would have gotten his concentration camps going sooner and they would have already changed to death camps.

>the second part of your answer is what he wants, you tards can't stop biting even when told straight up.

Are you trying to say he wants libs to believe he's a mindless retard? WHY would he want that and how does that explain the rest of the corruption in American politics

Speak for yourself, Pedro.

Think you mean Bictor

Speak for yourself, Sergei

I really hope to see in my lifetime the western powers launch an all out war on America. It is a nation of the most pig ignorant people the world has ever know. If all of them were exterminated, it would be a massive service to the world's gene pool.


>So much samefaggin in this thread
Not even linking you, you three know what you are

I seriously wonder what Russians get paid to troll, if it's good enough I'd straight-up move. Watching America burn is just hilarious... as long as I am making money

It should be illegal to not have an argument.

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Not an argument.

As an American I pretty much agree. Please nuke us and I don't really care. Until then, I really don't understand why we aren't killing presidents anymore.

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Not an argument.

Your president

Not an argument.

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The funny thing now is that liberals complained about Russia meddling for years, now they have Google on their side who literally got caught on camera saying they're doing everything they can to prevent Trump from being elected, and the liberals refuse to talk about it.

Not an argument.

That's fuckin fair

Not an argument.

Not an argument.

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>this thread

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He won't be impeached because the GOP are cowards and fascists. All of Trump's successes in court are a reflection that the system we had to protect against abuses of power was a lie.
So fine, have your tin pot dictator. Don't complain when future Presidents exploit the precedents he started.

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Yep if you’re willing to move out of the state to Russia then he’s currently your president and youre conspiring against you’re country, traitor

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Not arguments.

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Yuuuuup, no matter what you believe libs are still the loudest and demand the most from businesses in the context of "acceptance"

He is bad. Are you so retarded you think orange man good? Faggot

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Not an argument.

They’re going to do a hanukkah doodle instead of Christmas this year.

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Fuckin retarded, you don't understand how keywords work. What's the most complicated thing you've ever done with a computer you moron-pussy

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My president is certified retarded?! I better retreats to conspiracy theories!!

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The media sucked king nigger's dick from the start and still does and shall forever and ever, retard.

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>youre conspiring against you’re country, traitor

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Go to /pol/ where you and this fucking shit belong, faggot. I'm sick of you. Saying the same shit everyday is saying nothing.

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>>I've listened to Trump a lot and I don't think he seems retarded. What evidence do you have that I so weak and pathetic I feel the need to punish normal people of the country by voting for this faggot?

...the fuck?

What a mouthfull of shit

>about right

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Confirmed summerfag

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And I'll keep posting it as long as there are nonarguments on my home board.

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What argument you tard?

>9 convictions
>"A total witch hunt"
> Wasn't deemed not guilty
> "i'm totally exonerated"

Selling two false contradictory narratives at the same time, yeah the fanatical support base is retarded

He was also charged for those lies.

Wrong. Get the fuck off Yea Forums

Daily reminder that your parents made you, a retard. Nice bait faggot

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I can imagine degenerate left wing imbeciles like you are quite upset about the Mueller witch-hunt blowing up in your face. Trump is a brilliant man who is under little threat by the anti-American Marxist idiots trying to drive him from office.

Not arguments.


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Not an argument.

not an argument

> degenerate left wing imbeciles
>quite upset
>Mueller witch-hunt
> Trump is a brilliant man
oh fuck I can't even continue, you're a concrete shit-brain

Oh shit, I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were actually mental challenged man. That's cool, I'll leave you alone.

They're not mine they're the president's

Not arguments.

Not an argument

Not arguments.

I wish I had this much free time.

Not an argument

Not an argument.

You find this clever? Really?
You seem stupid to me...

Not an argument

What fucking retard sat down and actually made this

Not an argument

Not arguments.

you spelled Russians wrong.

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This is mental illness. After all these investigations and you found nothing. And you’re still screaming collusion. You have severe TDS. Many such cases!

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NEEThood has a price, my friend. You may not wish to pay it.

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If trump did collude with the Russians and still got away with it despite every agency under the sun investigating him, he must be a genius.

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Not an argument XD

It's some stupid hilljack that thinks his life's work is defending Trump.

Not argument

You can't continue you moron? I was looking forward to another hilariously dull-witted post from you!

Not arguments.

Not an argument

nu argumento

Not an argument.

nu argument

Not an argument.

I wish more liberals would do this. Maybe head on down to Venezuela and help with the revolution there since half of them want America to become socialist too.

You mean like how Dems have been debating whether or not to impeach given the republicucks would block it no matter what?
Trump could be exposed raping a girl in Epstein pics and the conservative ball suckers in government would refuse to impeach but that wouldn't unrape the girl.

Not an argument

Not an argument.

Not an argument.

Not an argument

Not an argument.

It's a declarative sentence. It doesn't require an argument, hilljack.


Everything requires an argument, you fool.

Look at that retard saying things that are objectively true!

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Not an argument

Argument, this is not.

>inb4 "I'm a programmer"
>inb4 bye shill thread

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bye shill thread


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>Trump registered as a Republican in Manhattan in 1987 and since that time has changed his party affiliation five times. In 1999, Trump changed his party affiliation to the Independence Party of New York. In August 2001, Trump changed his party affiliation to Democratic. In September 2009, Trump changed his party affiliation back to the Republican Party. In December 2011, Trump changed to "no party affiliation" (independent). In April 2012, Trump again returned to the Republican Party.[25]

In a 2004 interview, Trump told CNN's Wolf Blitzer: "In many cases, I probably identify more as Democrat," explaining: "It just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans. Now, it shouldn't be that way. But if you go back, I mean it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats [...] But certainly we had some very good economies under Democrats, as well as Republicans. But we've had some pretty bad disaster under the Republicans."[26] In a July 2015 interview, Trump said that he has a broad range of political positions and that "I identify with some things as a Democrat."[25]

Ahh that reminds me of the election when it looked like trump was gonna lose and he started laying the groundwork to deny a loss, refusing to pledge to honor the results and fear-mongering about how (they) wouldn't "let" him win and riling up his base to rebel with violence if he lost.

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Bull. Shit.

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This is a thread about the retarded President not your retarded fetish.

Our options were a hilarious orange millionaire mack daddy who pissed off the libtards which everybody can enjoy, or a greedy murderous old bitch with a list of horrifying scandals as long and shaq's BBC

Oh yeah, it's like the Maza vs Crowder thing. YouTube didn't bend over backwards to appease the little faggot, and he was shocked. He was so certain that his bawwing would get all his critics silenced. For once, I was kinda proud of YouTube. I mean they still managed to fuck up by demonetizing him for literally no reason, but still. They didn't go full libtard.

WEW someone's triggered.
I say one thing and suddenly three people jump in to damage control desperately trying to invalidate what I said without actually addressing it.
If real argument is getting too hot for the snowflakes then you should go back to a safespace like /pol/ or Reddit.