Piece of shit posted this on his facebook

Piece of shit posted this on his facebook

Attached: 26595588-EB5E-4D4B-9D98-011AC8A2E9D9.jpg (1125x2136, 812K)

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Attached: 75F373EF-C170-4D8E-A129-46F078C1E435.jpg (1125x2213, 868K)


Attached: 07D5DD76-FE29-4E08-A8F9-B25F90F3A81D.jpg (1124x2003, 741K)

It looks like a really long country song.

NYPA faggot fuck off


What the fuck is the problem? Thanks for making me read all that bullshit with absolutely 0 that happens. Fucking retard


Who is this person to you OP? Also, Molly is trash. Anybody who moves on that quickly from an engagement will or definitely has or had cheated already. The dude is better off without her. I mean he’s a scumbag too but

Piece of shit posted this on Yea Forums

Attached: Screenshot_20190724-150027.png (720x1440, 197K)

literally who?

>ruining your sleep over a woman
Fucking retard.

You Suck

Die in a fire

He should have caved her skull in with a cheap chinese blender.

>push away person
>person goes away
Yeah, shit happens Mike.

>he’s got a point you know
>black man finger pointing

you shouldnt hit people but the libcucks who make a big deal out it by treating as the worst crime in the world are causing more harm than good by destroying marriages and creating divorce and single parent families and they should all kill themselfs

*shouldnt hit womyn i mean

what a big fucking truck load of autism. who sincerely gives shit about some pathetic sperg's pathetic little problems he decided to make an essay about on normieobook? fuck off.

>calling others shit
choose one

Seems reasonable imho. He had a decent reason and know it was wrong.

should've just gone to bed instead of having 3/4 hour nap sessions just for some coochie and become a boomer tier ex-boyfriend.

This. What a waste of god damned time.