Ok /b Im just gonna come out and say it...

Ok /b Im just gonna come out and say it, I'm 27 and I live with my mommy and she's been taking away my stuff!! Seriously, I bought my Xbox with my own money I got from working at Taco Bell! (Since she stopped goving me gbp after she caught me smoking weed). Now just because I've been hoarding my underwear and haven't worn any in weeks, she thinks she can take away my property!! She can't do that right? Isn't there a law against that? Next she says she's gonna take my nintendo switch!

Attached: Play-a-DVD-on-Xbox-One-Step-8.jpg (3300x2400, 1.04M)

Start taking her things.

She'll definitely give them back to you if you go get your own apartment. Plus then you don't have to worry about her taking them ever again. It's like game console insurance.

fuck your mommy in the ass bro

Get the fuck out of the house already. 27 and still at home, Jesus Christ.

New here?

make up some tech shit about needing the xbox say u need it for a project from github that's gonna make u the next Elon Musk, parents are stupid enough to think their kids are special.
if that doesn't work rage like a kiddie.

Attached: 1563955142499.webm (640x800, 1.94M)

That's not the fucking advice I asked for faggot! You sound like my dad

I mean, eventually Ill move out or she'll die or something... but I need my xbox NOW and she cant just take stuff I bought right?

Do you pay any bills? If you don't and you have a job at taco bell, why don't you just buy another one? They're like 150$ even if you only work 3 hours a day that's less than one weeks wages.

Not necessarily. In some states if property is in a house it legally belongs to the owner.

perfect, then it's her fault u cant save up for an apartment.

what states faggot?.


Suck a dick and buy another one.


West Virginia for one, at least that's what a deputy told me when we were kicking my sister out.

>spends shitty taco bell wage on new xbox's
>cant afford to move out of mommy's abode.

u cant trust the PO PO fag

Drop the pipe dude you're reading shit that ain't written.

That bitch probably had the opportunity to leave the house several times and yet didn't take it, it's not about money i bet, it's a basement dweller

You have been visited by the Laura of not great, not terrible threads.

This thread is currently reading 20 replies (not great, not terrible).

Attached: Laura.jpg (1278x637, 108K)

i com for the lulz i stay for the (You)s

move out and do your own thing... fuck, grow up...

Offer to share your tendies with her

Have you ever gotten a blowjob? I really wanna suck your dick. Like I've been here since the thread started and all I can think about is grabbing you and completely rocking your world.

When did Yea Forums become filled with retards who take the weakest bait presented to them?

that was back, before even moot's time