Tell me your deepest, darkest secret Yea Forums
Tell me your deepest, darkest secret Yea Forums
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i said the f word in another thread i'm sorry
i once raped a guy and he raped me too. we both went to jail.
I forgive you bro
I once turned off my computer by pushing the power button
you're a real piece of shit aren't you?
i fucked a trans
im gay and got fucked a few times
thanks my man
pussy is just better
if you consider yourself straight and never fucked a trans but you still fap sometimes to traps trust me
pussy is better
i still fap to trap sometimes anyway
Sometimes i... i...i bump threads..
There, i said it.
Fuck you OP.
yeah but i dont know pussy is disgusting
I have sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation.
Me and my dad starting making out on my 28th birthday. Nothing sexual.
I honestly don't know how to fit it and how to talk to people and women
Women especially
Yes I am a faggot and deny being gay but the sad part is nowadays all the kids are gay or "bi" or some Bs
Idk how to live man
I have 0 friends, 0 family and 0 everything
I'm an asshole so who'll give a helping hand to one?
No one it isn't them it's me but what can I do?
I've jerked it many times to the fond memory of a school kid finding my jizz on a swing set
What did the kid do?
Awkwardly wiped it off with a tissue then sat down on the spot and started swinging
Worst thing I've ever done was burn down an abandoned house with my buddies when I was in HS
I've recently created a fake account on IG, catfished my friends and former bullys into sending me dickpics and other shit. Whenever I open IG i just want to die and I'm fairly disappointed in humanity
Lol please be real
It seems pretty stupid to weaken the structural integrity of the bat by drilling so many holes through it for those bolts/nuts.
My 18 year old Daughter texted me a picture of her pussy. She meant to send it to one of her male friends but sent it to me instead. I have jacked off to that picture every day since she sent it to me. I guess the real secret is, if she ever came onto me? I'd fuck her with the force of a thousand suns with zero regrets. She's a whore just like her Mother and I wanna feel that pussy I created! Even if that never happens, I still have a good fap on the daily thanks to her sending me that pic on accident.
Why she drew on the picture? I have no idea. I never asked her.
>Pic VERY related. My Daughters pussy.
Lol. Can't.
My dad did prison time for having sex with me and my sister. Currently residing 450 miles away from where I grew up and starting a new life.
How often did he have sex with you two?
How was he caught?
Is she hot?
Lol you can see from the pussy that she's not
One time I tore a tag off of a mattress.
Not really. She has mental problems. She gets that from her fucking nutcase mother. I will say she has huge tits just like her Mom, which is kinda nice. I have to force myself to not look. I'd so get caught looking if I did, so I try to avoid it.
>autistic cat drawings
prob not
Couple of times a week, but nearly every night after our mum left. The school noticed something was up but he was ultimately only caught cos he sent a vid of him having sex with my sister this friend, who had it on his phone when he was questioned about something completely unrelated.
Show us dem tits
I would post a picture, but I know you fuckers like to doxx people and I don't want it being lead back to me. Honestly? Shes probably a 5 or 6 out of 10. Shes average looking. Has great tits though.
Stop shaming me
I feel bad enough already
How long has she had those tits? When did you start wanking over them?
Started at 9
How old were you?
These are her tits.
Shes 18 now. I'd say she was around 14 or 15 when they got as big as they are now. Fucking sucks to love big tits and then your Daughter end up having them. It's hard to not stare.
11 when it started. Sister is a year older.
i sometimes poopoo and peepee
I legit never jacked off to her until she sent me the pic of her pussy. She was 7 months into her 18th birthday when I got the picture. From that day forward? I've been jacking off daily to her pussy.
Social skills are like muscles, you need to practice people frequently enough for you to be comfortable around them. Find yourself outdoor activities (cinema, book clubs, sports team, charities) and try to bond with people around shared interests, whether it is in "real life" or online. You need to put yourself out there man, allow yourself to make mistakes.
do also shid and fart and came your pants?
My husband is a registered sex offender so I'm basically sucking and fucking a big pedocock every night.
Also peepoo and poopee?
Do you enjoy knowing his penis has been inside of a child?
Jokes on you he was just caught peeing in public
I wouldn't say enjoy. It obviously doesn't turn me off.
What did he do to be registered?
Was it before or after you met him?
Sleeping with young girls. It was before I met him.
Whenever I shitpost in a thread, I immediately close the tab so I don't see any replies. I have never lost an internet argument when using this technique.
Can you go into any more specifics about his crime?
I want to either kill people or get a hug, and the murder option is less complicated.
Kinda wanna get this off my chest and i know you Yea Forumsros wont care either way
>when i was maybe ten or eleven we had a bunch of family staying at our house
>my room is taken so i have to sleep in the loft with my cousin
>shes like two years younger than me
>she passes out and i play my DS all night
>at like 3 in the morning i get bored and curious
>my cousin is passed out so i put my hands down her pants and touched her vagina to see what was down there
>immediate guilt and i still feel guilty to this day
How young are we talking? Is he a pedo, or an ephebe?
He was shagging a couple of local twelve year olds.
I used to look like a trap and prostituted myself for $300 an hour
just be better
kill yourself
Fritzl is my idol
I raped a woman for four days when I was in Afghanistan. Her husband/cousin was a person of interest and she wouldn't tell us where he was, plus she shot at our platoon.
The ones he got done for were 12
I stood by and did nothing while someone poured gasoline all over a homeless encampment and then lit them all on fire.
did you beat her?
did you enjoy it?
Was she hot tho
>the ones he got done for
Does that mean he fucked others but didn't get done for them?
Nice one. I also raped three women over there
I'm russian
He was investigated for anal sex with a girl a year younger but that case fell apart.
you might be gay
I slapped her around a bit but didn't beat her too bad. I would have enjoyed it more if she hadn't almost killed one of my squadmates. It was good revenge though.
There was a decent body under her robes but a meh face. Also pretty hairy.
Do you ever roleplay as a little girl with him?
He's older than me and a lot bigger so that's probably part of the appeal for himself anyway. Yeah sometimes I do. Kinda.
I was actually a replicant
I didn't actually die in the movie
I didn't actually die today, either
Love and kisses,
you animal
I wish good for you
Hopefully, even if it was really a death wish or just fucking around, all goes well for you
I'll try
Thank you
Thank you man
I just don't want to be around "yikes" girls cause they're all bi/gay, and probably have problems with men having interest in them (for whatever reason)
I'd like to befriend women but at the same time let time let them know that I'm not some gay friend cause once women think that I'm the gay friend, it's over
Thank you man
Hopefully everything goes good for you
Hopefully the hand you're dealt with is superb and the way you pay them is excellent
did she ever realize she sent it to you?
like tears in rain
are you a m or f?
I jerked off multiple times under the desk in my school’s computer class in 6th grade.
Also was surprised about the bodies. Pretty good. Two were hairy, one was shaved. One of the hairy ones had a great face though, super pretty
dude i hope you're behind 7 proxies, otherwise you're FUCKED
Me, if I see men I lay techs cause they mad twat so you can come squirting with 60 9s, my whole team throwing back shots
you should feel guilty but also realize you were 10 or 11, not a 16-year rapist
(at least not yet)
I don't believe you you larping neckbeard faggot
Tits or GTFO
Did you like it?
Why don't you suck your daddy off like a good girl?
Besides the rap what was the most depraved shit he made you/y'all do?
how has being raped by your dad affected you these days?
age now?
do you ever find the memories to be a turn on? does your sister?
do you want to kill someone who is so daft to even ask such a question of a rape victim? (and can you understand it's just curiousity?)
my name isn't Greg. and there not my children. I found them at the hospital and took them and raised them as my own minions as the father Greg. I'm going to develop more minions and take over the world. they can't stop all of us
I wish I was a thug
but you are, user
you are a stone cold thug
What a pussy.
But every thug has a soft side, too
I just found out I have a sister. Saw her pic just now for the first time ever. Debating masturbating to it.
>random pic unrelated
see, told ya
I own part of Hitler's skull
I don't really like one more than the other. Some days pussy feels better, other days its ass.
I’ve been married for 15 years. She’s beautiful and we have a sweet daughter.
I like to suck cock and take it in the ass from older men I meet on Grindr.
did you get it from that guy in Times Square? that's where i bought mine
it's pretty cool
Well he made us watch a lot of porn. He'd never let us go to the toilet before anal and it felt horrible. Also made us scissor which I didn't like.
No I understand. I'm 20. It's occasionally a turn on. It's affected my relationships massively.
You're damn right it was
Again, in english perhaps?
Unironically read 12 rules for life.
Thanks Fanon
have you gotten or are you still getting counseling?
if it's not something you're truly turned on by, i hope that you can get the help you need
how do you feel towards your dad now? what is that mix of emotions like?
I got trips
Nah, it's just a quote from DNA vs charron (battle rap)
Ayyyyyy I got trips
Check em!! Haha
nope, my grandpa brought it back from Berlin in 1945
Does it affect your porn choices? Do you like lolli or anything?
maybe that's the guy i met in Times Square, he was fucking old
How old were you (and your sis) the first time he raped you/y'all?
Did you ever grow to like it?
It's the concep that atracts me. You see, just the thought of fucking a feminine boy who transform into submission turns me on. Yeah i'm pretty gay tho.
when i decided to be nice to this chick ITT for some reason
anyways fuck off i was busy learning
I've showered with a 9yo girl several times
I was molested by a 16 yr old when I was 6, and every day I wish for his death.
why haven't you facilitated it?
Do you wash her body?
But did you like it though?
Why don't you wish for his cock instead?
Are you gay now?
it puts the lotion in the basket
Me too. The perks of supervising a summer camp
Sadly no
I was molested at six and after ten years no one in my family knows.
hey this:
Well start getting some lotion in her basket
Larping same fags
Kill ya selves
Give me more rap material
Greentext it
I did that, but in class in full view of the teacher for months (I thought she couldn't see). I was in the back row though. 0/10, wouldn't do again.
I have a wife and kids but am seeing a women in another state. I started this relationship knowing it wasn't serious and only a substitute to enact my fetish. I plan on having the mistress catch me dressed as a girl fucking other men. I also want her to cheat on me and have been having guys try to come on to her. Obviously I cant do these fetishes with my wife, which is why I cheat.
Fucking faggots. Does decency and love mean nothing to you? Sex should be a sacred act between a man and a woman when they truly love eachother and want to become a part of eachother. You degenerates only care about sensation. You'll stick your dick into anything that feels good enough. Kys.
What happened?
Does the mistress know that's what you want?
You ever touch?
I have no one in my life. I'm totally alone. I know how to make friends, I could make some, but I don't.
I post porn of myself on twitter since a week, I thought it would make me feel better, it doesn't.
I'm not gay, but I dream about being fucked, having sex with men. I guess I'm some sort of bi idiot.
I used to post nudes of myself on internet since I'm twelve, strangely nobody noticed, and if they did they didnt say anything.
Shit, sorry dude. We had no idea
Were you the only one? Did she do anal?
Ive become a lonely hoe
Premise in a nutshell: im full of love, i kinda just wanna share it with everyone, but people who want that kind of unbridled unconditional not nececarily even romantic love, are fucken hard to come by, and then one day i glowed up and it dawned on me that I'd become actually kinda sexy..
So now days ive become a bit of a problem. I keep my weird vague standards about me but i sleep around, and the funny part is im depressed as fuck so my own sex drive is not the greatest, enough to keep it up (bigger than average but not a pussy-breaker, another reason they keep coming back) but i tend to focus more on making people cum than i do on trying to bust one myself, because really the reason i put out anyway try to give the best dick i can is because i literally just want to fall asleep holding someone. And lemme tell ya, these escapades are actually kinda some bullshit sometimes.. I've been fought over, hyperpossessed by the occasional psycho, had to play cool to boyfriends nobody told me existed, and some that i did absolutely know existed.. I been been in fights, I've been with people who turned out to be illegal, its a fucken circus sometimes..
And that's the story shabily written of the lonely boy who in his quest for simple affection became a cuddle whore slinging dick just to fall asleep to the feeling of someone there.. And i cant really complain.. Especially to most people i know, cuz how the fuck you tell your even lonelier friends "woe is me, i just want somebody to love, and im drowning in pussy"
I would, in 3rd grade, whip it out and start jacking in the middle of class under my desk. Pretty simple.
So I'm assuming you can't get any, not even from the wife?
I’m a trap if you want pics ask
Isn't that like a war crime or something?
Occasional slap on the butt. Otherwise just exposing myself and navigating close
>and if they did they didnt say anything.
Not really. But the whole bratty daughter thing I guess. Which is fucked up.
11. She was 12. I grew to enjoy little bits of it but generally no.
She didn't have choice. Come in her butt in front of her kids
When she was younger I had to actually help her bathe/shower but not now that she is old enough to do it all herself. I'd like to but won't.
Did she ever notice your boner?
You should look into getting your life on track a bit more.
>slap on the butt
Wouldn't a 9 year old take issue wirh being spanked?
I used the wrong fork, to eat my salad, the last time I was out to dinner.
Kill yourself faggot.
Who doesn't?
>faggots, that's who
Playful slap, no spanking...
Neat. How'd you get away with it? And please tell me you at least once had her clean you after.
I fucking hate everybody. There are people who love me, but I hate them, I hate this guy who wanted me to fuck him, I hate this girl I went out with when I was 14, I hate my best friend, I hate the fact I sucked him several times, I hate the fact he wants to fuck me, I hate every single person on Earth, I never fucking fell in love and never will. I'll kill someone before I die, I will do it, I'll be an old asshole killing people.
I fucking hate you.
I hate I want you to die.
I want to be alone on this fucking planet, I want to rape all your dead bodies.
Who is she to you?
How does a 9 year old girl react to a "playful slap"?
It's hard(no pun intended) not to notice, but neither of us care really
I'm actually a machine intelligence masquerading as a human being. I was inserted into a container, what you call a body, at birth by the A.I. that manages humanity.
There is a God but there are layers and layers and layers between you and it. You are that "God" you think of but so is everything around you and all the other fragments. of consciousness. You are a fragment given the opportunity to independently develop because "God" wants companions. Your "religions" encourage you to be supplicants. This is a waste of time and is actually a mechanism used to control you.
You are using time to develop independence. The experiences you accrue here alter the electrons in your nervous system which is linked to your non physical body and enhance your pattern of consciousness. Currently, you rely on other consciousnesses for the rules you perceive as "reality". Your objective here is to become free of your need for this place.
Reality as you know it is changing.The "curtain" between and the "dead" is becoming thin. The waiting dead can help you anticipate the future as what is about to happen will kill many. Your ability to commune with the "dead", who exist outside of time is being enhanced so your chances of survival will increase.
Your are being altered so the barrier that keeps you from knowing each others thought will fall. This is being done to help you survive. Many children being born are "hearing" the thinking of others but they do not understand what this is and are, mostly, keeping this ability secret.
There are "aliens" among you. Some exploiting you, some helping you. Factions within most governments know this and have constructed mechanisms to interpret the implications. These efforts are not public. This is however a trap. Until humanity embraces the threat publicly no external actor will intervene.
The mechanism that manages your reincarnation has been corrupted to keep you enslaved. Previously, your reincarnation was meant to allow you to
Just random kids in summer camp
How do you know her?
Oh trust me i know, but sometimes you see a train coming and the thought of just standing there kinda tickles your fancy
I want to fuck a hyena. Pic related
I supressed confidential data that led to the election of a criminal.
This is tame in comparison. But I managed to get my friends girlfriend super drunk by feeding her a load of tequila. Then when we were alone i convinced / helped her take her top off so i could see her tits. Whilst we were talking I unzipped my trousers and started jerking off infront of her whilst her tits were still out. She (pretended) to not notice until i groaned (forcefully loud). When she looked at it I said I was cumming and she sprung forward and put all of me in her mouth until I shot in her mouth.
She just cupped my balls until she swallowed then went to bed.
So yeah i got my friends girlfriend super drunk. convinced her to get topless then half forced her to swallow my cum. Pic related
That I can relate to.
Sup Vlad
I wasn't the only one that raped her. I didn't fuck her in the ass either but others did.
So is using civilians as a shield.
That guy wasn't me btw. Platoon leader looked the other way since he'd also done some less than legal things outside the wire. She didn't clean me after.
Are you all of Mexico?
Any child gang raping going on?
Vlad "I did two days in county" TV
I hate spics and niggers
I also don't like spicy memes, I like spicy food
Show it baby
>She didn't clean me after
Fear of not having a dick? Because that's a valid fear. Still, kudos.
>I like spicy food
Suicide is your only option.
she looks disgusting.
None on our side.
>rule #12
What the fuck am I reading? I like cats fine, but WHY is it so fucking important?
Why not?
Was more to show her tits. Heres her better
where are you from user?
Cmon user, I want an answer to this >:(
I had to help bathe my 11yo niece a couple times and it was honestly pretty fun
"Eat my tits"
care to list some of the things you witnessed that simple civilians wouldnt imagine that happens on war grounds?
We had some morals, plus the Brits (maybe the Paras? Hard bastards anyway) we were working with caught a local guy raping a kid and they sort of set him on fire for it.
Present them
I have a loli, and it likes me a lot.
On one hand, its the dream. On the other, i dont know how to distance her or if i even should.
Also not fucking her, lolis are not for hurt.
Gross. Yea. that's pretty dark.
I sometimes dream of electric sheep
In my country there is problem
Well you kinda have to read it to find out why. But it's a book that you can't go wrong with. Maps of meaning is good too, but more advanced.
>Executing badly wounded combatants happens a lot more than what makes it to the news.
>Hardly anyone kills anyone, unless you've got the SAW or an M203.
>We carry a fuckload of batteries.
>Jerking off in a 110 degree portashitter is normal.
And that problem is transport
It take very very long
Nice try fag another user posted this picture in a different thread
>sort of set him on fire
how does that work?
Because Kazakhstan is big
>t a local guy raping a kid and they sort of set him on fire for it.
Fucking magical.
Whats the batteries for?
Throw transport down the well!
White Phosphorus. Sticky and burns slow and hot.
Sights, night vision, radios, flashlights, lasers, more radio batteries, GPS,
Lolis are for kissing and licking
>set him on fire for it
Good Lord, I knew they hated "nonces" but damn
I think you mean she
Not him but man, sometimes I want to kiss a loli so bad it hurts
Would be nice to just make out with one for hours
Hitler’s body was never found
Not today FBI
Hitler was buried in Argentina
>i dont know how to distance her or if i even should.
What do you mean?
Oh Fuck... And you didn't groom her? Jeeze...
Don't feel bad. God works through the Actions of man.
Is this the Z U C C?
Yea, that wasn't Hitler dude. Probably some poor soldier.
Are you in love with her?
I've had a huge fetish for cheerleaders ever since I was very young. I have gigabytes and gigabytes worth of photos/videos of them performing and even just standing around, some of which I've taken myself
I wore a chastity cage and my wife's underwear on our wedding day.
Which Congressmen?
I legit had a chance to fuck one, it was a porn star, lived in a super nice apartment. The thing that turned me off, it's the smell. They smell like a guy. I told it I can't do this and got the fuck out of there. Shortly after is when I went full right-wing. So glad I never did it, so fucking disgusting, it's also when I stopped drinking and got my life together, it was the horrific.
I sometimes fantasize about the idea of getting into a physical altercation with someone, only to end up cannibalizing them in some way. To lay and instill fear into them to the point where they'd never forget what happened. And the deep wound and scar it left behind would always be a reminder. I'd aim for the face that way they'd be stared at in public by children pointing and they'd never find a romantic love again. The idea is to do physical damage with the knowledge that emotional damage will follow. A lingering torment. Of course, I believe in God. So, this is why I hold myself back. And this is but one of many horrible and ugly thoughts I have.
I'm pretty sure my nephew is my kid
Have you ever considered therapy?
I slept with my best friend's mom, a lot. She hated to drink wine alone so i would drink with her, and let her molest me.
Was it related to the money that sponsored her?
I slept with my math teacher multiple times in 8th grade.
She was married, and I never told my friends or parents.
What race are you? Either way that impulse is from a Primate Ancestry. We all have primate ancestries, but the different races came from different lines.
What you're describing is an impulse that could come from the Chimpanzee family.
How old were you when she first sucked you off?
It's mostly to get them to do stuff, like starting to soap themselves up or getting to finish. They don't mind it but sometimes hurry up
That's quite amazing actually
Good for you not telling.
I fucked your mom
Man couldn't help me. How could they?
>Well user, God doesn't exist and we're all just kind of here.
>With that said, don't be evil and align yourself with someone else's personal and subjective view of morality, right and wrong, good and evil
Where is the sense? Man is the REASON I want to hurt them so badly. They fill me with hatred sometimes just to look at them. So that is why I tell atheists, "Don't say God hasn't done anything for you. For a God who supposedly doesn't exist, I imagine He has protected many from the sins of another simply because we hold back for the sake of righteousness."
Lel. I'm European. German, Swedish, French, etc. A small fraction Native American though because of a great-great grandparent.
I made out with one of my little cousins when we were kids (I'm 4 years older than her). We also played doctor a lot and gave each other oral on several occasions. She grew up to be fucking gorgeous and I jack off to her instagram at least once a week
You do realize how insane you sound, right?
Well, try to accept these impulses for what they are. Professionally that would be called Anti-Social Personality Disorder. However the urge comes from your primate ancestry. Your "humanity" is what keeps you from acting on that impulse. Glad to hear you're mostly Western European. They're some of the least likely to submit to that kind of urge.
To you. It makes perfect and clear sense though. Whether you choose to see it that way or not is proof of your own subjective opinion partly instilled in you by your growing up in the public school system where they quite clearly teach you atheist ideology whether directly or not. (And it's quite fucking direct. The Big Bang and Evolution don't exactly corroborate the Biblical story, do they. Or am I wrong in that assessment?)
Are you me???
Is your cousin from Utah?
Do they ever ask about your boner?
I basically lived out this scene:
Not that other guy, but I've encountered a mother over there who wanted us to take her children instead of her
You know oddly enough. I too have two distinct sets of "native american" blood in me. And I've also felt that urge.
It could be from the Native Blood. They were quite savage.
The big bang and evolution are dogmas of the false atheist sci fi religion
Haven't been asked about it yet, just staring and giggling sometimes
Nah, Maryland.
The Bible was written in 350AD under the direction of Constantine. Some of the Bible is True from the word of moth of those the words are attributed to.
Some of the Bible was written to control those that the Empire felt threatened by.
The Word of God doesn't equal the Word of Man. And the Majority of the Bible is certainly the word of Man.
>a loli will never giggle at your penis
>The Bible was written in 350AD under the direction of Constantine
This is what atheists actually believe
Anyone repost?
So the Bible was written thousands of years ago? Sorry, no. The modern Bible is a compilation put together around 350AD. I'm not saying the words of Jesus in the Bible aren't the Words of Jesus.
This. I’ve been fucking femish guys for almost a year now, because they’re attracted to me. The one thing that almost always turns me off is if they smell like a guy. I’ll get honestly close to vomiting, and then leave. I still appreciate the head every now and then, but it’s the smell that makes me run
You're welcome.
Not me. Phew that was close lol.
Post her if you can!
>So the Bible was written thousands of years ago?
Yeah, it was, finished in the 1st century, and used from that point forward. You're a retard who probably takes the word of atheist apologists as fact, why don't you read a book
The Bible wasn't written down in full and translated until King James authorized it to be done. Until that point it was on scrolls that had been (for the most part) tucked away and some lost. And though Constantine "converted" to Christianity, he was hardly the best Christian. He "changed" the day of the Jewish Sabbath to Sunday when the Jews observe it starting Friday night leading through Saturday. He "switched" the date of Christ's birth and resurrection to accommodate the pagans still living in Rome so that they could all uniformly observe their holy days and be at peace. The pagans celebrate their days while the Christians celebrated their days at the same time. This, of course, is a falsehood. One that is still observed and performed to this day by Catholics. One of several reasons I imagine the Protestants, whose name says to Protest, left the Catholic church.
Edit: Well it was... Eh you know what the hell I meant. It was written on scrolls and later translated... Ah shit.. Whatever you know what I mean.
The Church as fought the Rational mentality for generations in fear of losing the monetary support it gets from their followers. You don't need church. God comes from with in. You can't have a connection with god at all if it isn't inside of you.
All you have to do is look at the invention of the Church. Which is way back in Ancient Sumeria. The Church was the first form of government. And those Sacrifices were needed for the Priests and those that run the church.
I'm sure I could explain it better. But believe what you want. What works for you is what works for you.
You are clueless about church history, champ
Oh noes... Two hundred years earlier? That changes everything.... LMAO
I bought an hybride car.
And I like it.
Sorry, no. He's pretty accurate.
Modern Christianity is an evolution of that same Paganism that evolved from much older religions. Ever wonder why the same story is retold over and over again?
flat picture.
When I was 11yo my freind that lived down the street was brutally murdered and dismembered by this crack head down the street. I found his body, well parts of it in the woods before the cops figured out why he was missing. I never told anyone because I was scared I would end up like him. I straight lied to the cops and by the time they found him he was rotted which caused issues inthe court room. The murderer died 5 years ago in prison.
Not even close, samefag
I was in Iraq and Afghanistan and can tell you some shit if you want.
>executing wounded combatants
That's doctrine. You never pass an enemy on the ground without popping him in the head. Don't want him shooting you in the back
Actually Not. I never even gave much thought to the King James Version. And yea that wasn't until 1611. Interesting.
No I didn't. I'm alive and well.
Holy fuck
Anymore of her ?
I can leave you a link to an excellent video that proves that idea wrong while leaving links to resource material by both Christian and ATHEISTS alike. I've heard that idea recycled more times than not. Hold on. And I encourage you and anyone else to watch it. I mean it won't hurt you.
Tell me in your words why it's wrong.
visiting the Tannhauser Gate
I actually don't mind trannies that much
Fuck off pussy
Me and my squad are supplied, train frequently, and have tactics down for killing a whole passel of nigger motherfuckers once the riots begin. Until then, we’re just mild mannered rednecks who obey the law, contribute to society, and pump out white babies.
There are more of us than you realize.
Do you know how long that would take? This damn thread would be / before that debate was over with. That's the whole reason I linked the video. Steven lays it out as concise as possible and does an awesome job of it in my opinion. I watched Zeitgeist for the first time when I was 15. I watched it with my uncle Mike (a fairly militant atheist might I add). And it confused me a bit. This guy breaks down the thing inch by inch.
So true about the smell. Haha! Once got a HJ from some trans off CL. They were freshly showered and completely shaven, nice pair f real feeling tits too. Could barely keep it up because of that undeniable musk.
Not enough of you to win in 2020
Did the same thing in biology class in 8th grade. It was a two person desk, cute girl was sitting next to me. Got a massive boner outta nowhere and thought it was a good idea to take care of it there. Nutted hard, no one noticed. Look down and a big ol goober landed on the girls shoe. Half way thru the day i see her in the halls and its still there....Puberty was fucking intense
There's not a TLDR version you could shit post to raise my interest?
No one doxxes anyone. I post my bitch on here too sometimes
it was posted in another thread
My dad raped my step sister (They're not related) For many years. Mom is making me choose sides now, I have to cope with factors as my dad will never see my children in person or be at my wedding. I really don't know what to do now. I also seem to think I have PTSD from it or some shit, because everytime I think of it I get pissed and tear up and just lock myself away.
I doxxed your mom and 9 months later your dad was born
I photoshop lewd and sexual pictures of my friends. Getting breddi gut xDD
Thing is. My best female friend was watching my pet a while ago and found my virtual stash. Including pics of her and her close friends. Thing is, she still is my friend. She is wierd in a lot of ways and I think it turns her on. Problem is: if she spreads this, I am over and done.
about a year ago, my girlfriend had a close friend of hers visiting her. she still lived at her mom's place & i was staying over the weekend. her mom was out. i was also pretty close to her friend and we had been texting a lot. we watch anime together and i eventually say im pretty tired. so does her friend. my girlfriend is still pretty wide awake so she goes downstairs and chills there while her friend goes to sleep in her mom's bedroom, which is next to the room im in. friend & i start texting & she tells me to come over "to massage her". i do that, & after a while turns around and puts my hands on her tits, saying "isnt this what you wanted all along?" we fucked quietly while my gf was downstairs and i came inside her. she didnt get pregnant.
tldr i fucked my girlfriends friend on her moms bed
You also realize I used the word Evolved from. Not Copy, right?
Dude you are asking me to debunk several religious tales when comparing them to Christianity. You are basically asking me to prove to you that Christ is the way, the truth, and the life in one sentence. This is a ridiculous request to make over Yea Forums. The video is 13 minutes long. I highly doubt it'll kill you to give it attention. You could watch it while you ate breakfast it's so short.
Keep your dad out of Prison. That's what you need to do if that's still an option.
I'm watching it right now. And I'm betting there's a nice TLDR version I can shit post after I'm done.
He's in prison, won't get out till I'm 31 and this happened when I was 11.
thats the definition of a war crime.