Sometimes I want to be alone

sometimes I want to be alone
and sometimes I want yui back

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Other urls found in this thread:

sometimes I want to be alone
and sometimes I want yui black

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she never left

You don't understand
When I say I want yui back
I'm saying that I want

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u-umm... i don't know what to say, i-i'm flattered, but... i don't think i'm ready for a relationship, sempai

Don't worry fren
I understand.
I'm just glad your'e here.

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look at your keyboard between T and O

You just made my day, user.

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this makes me happy


Your fortune: Outlook good

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yui thread!

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post more

just a few

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Attached: 06. Rainy Season!.mkv_snapshot_08.55_[2019.06.24_16.16.02].png (796x623, 537K)

Attached: yokata.png (302x456, 159K)

i like it when the animators draw the bottom row of teeth, it looks cute

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a single chocolate for your troubles

yui is trapped in saeeds nintendo

she sees [s4s]

Attached: kaosu037.jpg (1280x720, 55K)

Attached: 04. Training Camp!.mkv_snapshot_03.10_[2018.12.21_20.14.42].png (187x500, 114K)

Thank you for everyone that posted yui
this is great news

You will meet a tall dark yui

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン