Would you let another man suck your dick?
Im still a virgin and is seriously considering letting a man do it to me.
Would you let another man suck your dick?
Go for it faggot
Guys suck better than girls. They know how cocks work and what to do to get you off. Also, they're doing it because they really want to, not because they feel they should cos they're your gf. There's a big difference between a blowie from someone who wants to suck your cock and swallow your cum, and a blowie from someone who doesn't. get your first blowie off a guy, you're gonna have a hard job finding a girl to measure up afterwards. Just saying.
>skinny, cute under 25 y/o
speaking from personal experience?
this is probably the most retarded site to ask for advice but im unsure wether i should do it since i would want my first experience to be with a girl. im not attracted to males in any way but on the other hand it would be nice to try it out, im conflicted.
Don't listen to this fag OP. Here's the thing. If you're attracted to men, get your dick sucked by a guy if that's easier. If you're not, just start interacting with the ladies some more.
P.S: Don't let yourself get friend-zoned so easily. Any woman worth getting will pretend she's not that into you, just to see whether or not your confidence can handle it. If you can't handle it, they move on because hey, there must be a reason you're not confident right?
Another potential poof in the making. How nice...
Look, you can wait until you find a real girl. Just don't wait for a real girl to come to you outta nowhere. You gotta come to the girl, that's how it works.
its too bad women makes me go full autism.
And what do you do if at first you don't succeed?
try again.
thanks for your advice. i will hold off on being a fag. thanks.
I’ll suck a load out of it OP
t. M
Step 1. Shave your neckbeard.
Step 2. Lose 200lbs.
Step 3. Realize your social insecurity is all in your head.
Step 4. Talk to a girl for the first time in your life.
Step 5. Make said girl your gf.
Step 6. Put your penis in her vagina.
Step 7. Dump your gf and move on to the next one.
Step 8. Repeat steps 4-7 until you’ve achieved the desired results.
I once was drunk and allowed a fag I knew blow me. It lasted like a second. When you see your dick in some fags mouth it is instant boner kill and shame
don't do it OP! You can never undo a gay blowjob. If you're gay then go for it, but I assume you're straight and then it's a regret forever.
I kissed a ladyboy once and still regret it.
If you’re not attracted to men, then getting your dick sucked by a dude is not going to be a pleasant event
Great! I know you can do it user.
You do realize even Chad does that whole try try again thing right? And you know the phrase playing hard to get? That's exactly what it is, it's a game and the girl almost surely *will* play hard to get before she lets you get it.
Final piece of advice, try not to put a girl on a pedestal too much. If she's not your gf, she probably hasn't done anything that makes her feel like she earned that kind of adoration and she'll just think you're weird or creepy or disingenuous. A girl is just another human being and she knows this. It also makes it way easier for you to freak out and act insecure or do something stupid. Pretty much, putting a girl on a pedestal too early in the game will work against you from her perspective as well as from your own.
Lots of otherwise straight guys enjoy getting blown by other guys. It's not a big deal.
Agree with the bottom part to this user!
If you’re just getting to know this girl, don’t be autistic and compliment her every 5 minutes. It comes off as stupidly creepy and you’ll scare her off fast as fuck.
Just be a normal, I know that’s asking a lot for Yea Forums fags but it’s not that hard
Those are not straight guys dumbass. Never met a straight guy that enjoys getting blown by dudes, bisexual guys like dude bjs not straight guys
Right, I said otherwise straight. Like a 1 on the Kinsey scale.
What the fuck is wrong with you that you that won't put in the effort to shower, shave, and talk to a girl?
You'd rather put in the effort to have a random dude suck your dick?
it's lazy ass bitches like you that give autists a bad name
There's straight, and there's not straight. Nothing wrong with not being straight either. However, getting your dick sucked by a guy and liking it is not straight. Simple as that. I don't care what kind of scale you put it on, if it's not 100% straight it's not goddamn straight.
Kinsey scale is absolute bullshit.
I would let a man suck my dick, but in all honesty I'd rather be the one giving the blowjob
Right, they are a bi and that particular action is gay, but if they like women more overall then I don't see what's wrong with describing that.
How so?
who wants her username
Having a guys face on your penis is indeed not straight.
It's 100% fine being (a bit) bi, but if you can fuck a man in the ass and/or get your dick sucked by one you def arn't 100% straight
There's no such thing as 'otherwise straight'. It implies the person is straight some of the time. There is no such thing as being partially or temporarily straight. That's whats wrong. Be precise in your speech
If they enjoy that particular sexual action but all the other actions they do sexually are with women, that particular action is gay but their other sexual activities are straight. Thus, otherwise straight.
The actions are straight. The person is not. Again, be precise.
Look, I get it, this is a pretty meaningless fucking topic to rant about being precise, but look around you. Most people do not know how to say what they mean and do not know how to listen to what someone else says and it's causing tremendous problems. If you cannot be precise in your speech other people will not trust themselves to listen precisely on what you're saying. Then they start filling in bullshit because they think you're not saying what you're thinking or aren't saying what you mean to be saying. Try to be precise, always.
I think it's pretty clear what otherwise straight means. Both you and I were clear on what I meant but you decided that you didn't like my wording. I consider orientation to be descriptive rather than prescriptive.
This is actually solid advice OP. Women like the game of cat and mouse. Play the field and cast as many lines as you can. It’s a #s game too.
if the guy is hot or cute,yes,but im a sub so it would probally be the other way arround
If you don't mind the fact it's a man, sure, go for it, a lot of gay men absolutely love sucking dick and are extremely good at it. Trans are also great dicksuckers. A girl can be just as good but the enthusiasm is rarer on average and enthusiasm is what gives a willingness to learn and improve.
Dude just pay some whore to suck your dick, there is an oversaturation of those. Get it out of your system