Whaifu brambalam
Whaifu brambalam
Other urls found in this thread:
hello hello, I love you all
Aegis claimed.
Astolfo claimed
One of the top ten best boys.
Good day so far?
Oh you're here as well now.
Those would've been some nice quads, not too far from it.
that post you quoted was the very first thing i did after rolling out of bed!
Thank you. He is a real bro. Sadly not sure where yours is from
Been here for the past few threads
It's because I skipped leg day once.
She's from Persona 3.
Then I hope you'll enjoy your day fully.
I assume you don't have any plans yet but maybe be around here.
My bad then, I didn't really look through the spam after I left off doing some chores and got back in time after the second thread died.
I don't think that's too bad, there's people that doesn't do exercises at all, like me.
could it be... you've uncovered my exact plans?
these people actually exist with 10 pb of cartoon reactions?
Ok. Have heard many good thing about it being a god like story. Never played it tho
Understandable. You missed out on all those sweet (You)s. Could of fueled your car for the next week
I actually haven't gone to a gym in a really long time. I should start again, I've grown a bit out of shape.
Three was my favorite because of the story. It's darker than 4 or 5, and I think the characters are a bit more fleshed out. I'd recommend trying it someday.
I've never played any of them. So assuming i don't need to know anything from passed games to enjoy it? Do you mean dark as in themes or visuals? I'll put it higher up on my to do list because of you
I got to run for a bit. Sorry for leaving conversations open
Have a bump. Enjoy the thread
this fanmade track makes me wish there were existed a remake of the gen1 champion theme with more drums. black/white soundfont is legit
No, Persona games are all self contained stories. Themes or visuals? Well, yes. It's mostly set during night and the main themes involve dealing with death and mortality. I'm sure it wouldn't be too difficult to get running on a PS2 emulator.
^ -were
She's late to shoot up the school?
There's a lot to unpack in that image. It's best to not ask questions.
please have a day as wonderful as you and your waifu
The dog is carrying the explosives isn't it..?
I love this adorable gamer
be sure to tell somebody if you are depressed or feel as though nothing really matters.
people do care about you except Tyler we don't care for Tyler
He's more of a knife user than an explosive expert. Besides, his Persona is based around fire skills anyway.
I love this adorable poster
Is this the leader if the infamous gang weed?
So an arsonist then.
Pretty fine thanks for your consideration
Hope you are doing fine as well
H-how did you know?
No, he's a good boy.
today I am doing my best
Gamer nation rise up.
It looks.. possesed.
whats up people
He's albino. His Persona is Cerberus, but I'm sure that has nothing to do with it. He is a good boy.
hello again Nevada! are you well today? how is your hunt?
woa nostalgia attack
Albino people come from hell? Man, that's some controvertial, yet brave thing to say.
Butt muncher.
ya im r u
My hunt is over. The suspect our team was trying to find got nailed at a traffic stop 2 days ago. I was supposed to go to kansas city to interview him, but turns out hes being moved back to the county where the charges originated from, and no one bothered to tell me until 6 am this morning. So now im at lunch
Yeah sure.
Glad to hear it!
"rasing up"
Who's the girl in black?
She looks sleepy.
Anyway, sup?
That's Metis, Aegis's "sister"
She a gun too?
No, she uses a hammer.
One of these?
Yes, exactly like that, but a little bit different.
Ririchiyo get
She is always sleepy
Comfy and playing some vidya
Maybe, but I'm one hour and a half late.
Oh no I did come back to 120 quotes from the first thread lol
I wish that'd fill my car fuel tbh
Man, that's brutal. And she beats people with it? How is she not in jail?
Why is she so sleeby?
I'm just watching some vids, I should clean around later.
Because she only beats shadows with it. And the rest of the crew that one time, but she had to.
Besides, Metis doesn't actually exist anyway, she's just a manifestation of Aegis's rejected humanity.
may or may not be on antidepressants in the near future depending on if I do say yes
fashionably so!
personally i think you should say no. but that's just the perspective of some moron on the internet
I'll give it some thought, I have 6 weeks to decide.
I mean, how can a drug addict say no to more drugs amirite.
but really I'm afraid it'll turn me into even more of a zombie
The guy who designed that must've have been off his medication when he came ip with it, lol?
I've tried them, they are a trip, either really good or really bad, but they need to find the ones that work for you if you say yes.
They were fun.
Persona is very weird, but it's all about finding the true self, so I guess the whole story with Metis works.
antidepressants can fuck with your head and interact with other drugs. pretty sure you cant take mdma without fucking your shit up. also they also make you take forever to cum. oh and you apparently feel like crap if you try to come off them. idk. it's not like i've taken them myself or ever would.
I'll think it over, I definitely don't have the moral high ground to say no just because they're drugs. I'm just scared
I can just stop taking them if I don't like it anyway. but I'll have to think about it first
I've heard about that, as long as they don't interact with weed I'd be fine with it. I have low libido to begin with, it might kill it for good, heck.
and if I do say yes, I'll make sure to use this as reference
if i were you id jus grow mushrooms and microdose em (or RC lsd analogs, or real cid lol). some people say it's easy to do but i've never done it cause i dont have the cash. and i think its legal to buy spore syringes/prints and all the other materials. worth a shot.
Sounds like highschool.
I have! They are like.. a mistery box. Never sure what you may get!
You need to take it easy with stopping taking those pills, if you go cold turkey you may risk becoming unstable! I did cold turkey, but it went smoothly for me.
people are like that too i think
Because she play too much vidya that wastes all her energy and she is adorable
What vids?
Alright, i can find a copy for my totally legal ps2. Theme as in characters story vs hostel movies. Sounds interesting. Especially considering the praise i've heard
What are you doing! If you don't eat them up you'll die :P
In the distant future light bulbs will be powered by shitposts you watch
Sounds like you are too conscious to let yourself become a husk. You got a month and a half to think it over. Get to know yourself in that time. You'll know if you need it. Just my two cents that mean nothing
from my very academic research, they're very easy to grow since they can grow in almost every climate, just put them in one of those plastic boxes. I could give it a shot once I get out of the military and get my own place, I'll be moving back with parents to go in trade school
I'll keep that in mind, definitely don't want to be more unstable lol
it's just that I've heard what it did to my mom.
>although she stole them from her own mom when my grandfather died
wasn't meant for her
yea you should totally go for it. i plan on doing so when im able to aswell. i feel the same way about ganja. if it can be grown, might as fuckin well.
In a sense, yeah.
How does she fund her gaming addiction?
Just gargabe meme comps, it's hypnothising...
Do your research for sure!
If it's for the PS2, I'm not sure if it's the FES version. It's not necessary to play, but The Answer does add to the story.
help me
can anyone make sens out of the A: part here?
i fail to understand what they meant by this
are you full of surprises?
>the dim light in the front has reached a certain degree
what the heck im sure they put this into google translator
means the headlight is burnt out, or burning out.
i could even grow ganja in perfect legality (except in quebec, they banned it) up to four plants per household
I'd need to know what antidepressant they want to give me first. I should've asked honestly
Checking in before I get to work.
Hope everyone is enjoying their day!
Yes, and also I'm sold by pharmaceutical companies.
Some are anti-depressants, there are also mood stabilizers.
thats pretty cool. would be nice to have a few seedlings, few vegging, and then 4 flowering at all times.
any good black market deals?
Tiny shrimp stew.
Good luck at work!
Are you in need of a spare kidney?
I do not know, she just gets enough money to play all the vidya
Hey that is pretty good
Is that from a vidya?
nah, i'm just looking to get around the prescription ;)
no, it's a camera it has no headlight, just sensors and the camera itself in front i don't get what they mean by this...
maybe it's better explained in another language? there's also Japanese, French, German, Italian and Spanish
dash cam
do you speak any of the above except english ?
yummy noodles for breakfast! ^^
halp... with pls
Maybe she became the founder of gang weed as an op to fund her lifestyle?
For real you don't REALLY need a new kidney?
naw, but maybe if you know a guy, i could grab you some bodies to harvest?
that's gonna be some broad research
I'd probably only do 3 plants, and try to make it so that they're ready about the same time as I'm done with a batch. I dunno if that makes sense I don't know how to word it
I think if you try taking them you will be fine mentally. You might be skeptical of their effect short an long term. I don't know you personally to make a judgment and you should take everyone's opinion with skepticism. You know you best
Thanks. I'll try to find that version to add to the experience. As i'd rather get everything than cut content
Im having a great day. You enjoy your day
I need to get rid of these first...
Lukc (:
i think i know what you mean. just so you don't run out. that's why i like the idea of having a bunch cranking out at all times at every stage of growth. i consume a lot
It's 2 P.M.
The answer is an epilogue, I'm not too sure if anything was added to the main game. I should also note that three is pretty difficult, so you should be ready to do a little grinding here and there.
Oh it just means you have to calibrate/change headlight bulbs/change the battery, because your headlights are dimming
my tummy woke up!
-gives you coffee-
No, that's not at all how any of that works.
LOL w-well i don't own a car, so!
it's a camera.. all it has on the front are IR sensor and the camera itself, hence my confusion as to what they mean by headlight... might they be talking about headlight detection of oncoming cars ? also, am not
At the very least, keep your stupidity to yourself.
SPONSORED BY: >>Co-founders of this event: Tsugu, Rem, Akame, Jules, Earth-Chan, Yui, Raphie. 'N more meaningless tards that names I already forgot.
Hoes mad youtube.com
SPONSORED BY: >>Co-founders of this event: Tsugu, Rem, Akame, Jules, Earth-Chan, Yui, Raphie. 'N more meaningless tards that names I already forgot.
Hoes mad youtube.com
hey now.... all in good fun, no insulting other people >:(
Hoes mad youtube.com
>>Co-founders of this event: Tsugu, Rem, Akame, Jules, Earth-Chan, Yui, Raphie. 'N more meaningless tards that names I already forgot.
Hoes mad youtube.com
SPONSORED BY: >>Co-founders of this event: Tsugu, Rem, Akame, Jules, Earth-Chan, Yui, Raphie. 'N more meaningless tards that names I already forgot.
Hoes mad youtube.com
SPONSORED BY: >>Co-founders of this event: Tsugu, Rem, Akame, Jules, Earth-Chan, Yui, Raphie. 'N more meaningless tards that names I already forgot.
Oh okay, I guess the light blinds the camera!
Hoes mad youtube.com
SPONSORED BY: >>Co-founders of this event: Tsugu, Rem, Akame, Jules, Earth-Chan, Yui, Raphie. 'N more meaningless tards that names I already forgot.
>>Co-founders of this event: Tsugu, Rem, Akame, Jules, Earth-Chan, Yui, Raphie. 'N more meaningless tards that names I already forgot.
Hoes mad youtube.com
why would you write a script for the obsessed retard
Hoes mad youtube.com
SPONSORED BY: >>Co-founders of this event: Tsugu, Rem, Akame, Jules, Earth-Chan, Yui, Raphie. 'N more meaningless tards that names I already forgot.
>>Co-founders of this event: Tsugu, Rem, Akame, Jules, Earth-Chan, Yui, Raphie. 'N more meaningless tards that names I already forgot.
SPONSORED BY: Hoes mad youtube.com
Hoes mad youtube.com
>>Co-founders of this event: Tsugu, Rem, Akame, Jules, Earth-Chan, Yui, Raphie. 'N more meaningless tards that names I already forgot.
im confused... it says made in china on the back of the manual.. i bet it really is just like they put it in google translator... what a joke
also, wish we could share some other medium than this without the spam :|
SPONSORED BY: >>Co-founders of this event: Tsugu, Rem, Akame, Jules, Earth-Chan, Yui, Raphie. 'N more meaningless tards that names I already forgot.
Hoes mad youtube.com
theyre not going to stop spamming the threads until sono leaves for good
>>Co-founders of this event: Tsugu, Rem, Akame, Jules, Earth-Chan, Yui, Raphie. 'N more meaningless tards that names I already forgot.
Hoes mad youtube.com
Hoes mad youtube.com
>>Co-founders of this event: Tsugu, Rem, Akame, Jules, Earth-Chan, Yui, Raphie. 'N more meaningless tards that names I already forgot.
>>Co-founders of this event: Tsugu, Rem, Akame, Jules, Earth-Chan, Yui, Raphie. 'N more meaningless tards that names I already forgot.
SPONSORED BY: Hoes mad youtube.com
Hoes mad youtube.com
>>Co-founders of this event: Tsugu, Rem, Akame, Jules, Earth-Chan, Yui, Raphie. 'N more meaningless tards that names I already forgot.
no, it says until Tsugu, Rem, Akame, Jules, Earth-Chan, Yui, Raphie. N' more
>>Co-founders of this event: Tsugu, Rem, Akame, Jules, Earth-Chan, Yui, Raphie. 'N more meaningless tards that names I already forgot.
SPONSORED BY: Hoes mad youtube.com
Hoes mad youtube.com
>>Co-founders of this event: Tsugu, Rem, Akame, Jules, Earth-Chan, Yui, Raphie. 'N more meaningless tards that names I already forgot.
Eventually he'll realize he's just a minor nuisance and that Sono won't leave, right?
>>Co-founders of this event: Tsugu, Rem, Akame, Jules, Earth-Chan, Yui, Raphie. 'N more meaningless tards that names I already forgot.
Hoes mad youtube.com
This is why Chinese people can't drive...
Please take your time... It sounds like an high IQ thing...
Maybe Aegis knows since she's really smart
SPONSORED BY: >>Co-founders of this event: Tsugu, Rem, Akame, Jules, Earth-Chan, Yui, Raphie. 'N more meaningless tards that names I already forgot.
Hoes mad youtube.com
Hoes mad youtube.com
>>Co-founders of this event: Tsugu, Rem, Akame, Jules, Earth-Chan, Yui, Raphie. 'N more meaningless tards that names I already forgot.
probably not he sees us ridiculing him all the time
yeah nothing really gets to sono so this is a waste of time
>>Co-founders of this event: Tsugu, Rem, Akame, Jules, Earth-Chan, Yui, Raphie. 'N more meaningless tards that names I already forgot.
SPONSORED BY: Hoes mad youtube.com
Hoes mad youtube.com
>>Co-founders of this event: Tsugu, Rem, Akame, Jules, Earth-Chan, Yui, Raphie. 'N more meaningless tards that names I already forgot.
Hoes mad youtube.com
SPONSORED BY: >>Co-founders of this event: Tsugu, Rem, Akame, Jules, Earth-Chan, Yui, Raphie. 'N more meaningless tards that names I already forgot.
>all of this because sono broke up with him
>>Co-founders of this event: Aegis, Tsugu, Rem, Akame, Jules, Earth-Chan, Yui, Raphie. 'N more meaningless tards that names I already forgot.
SPONSORED BY: Hoes mad youtube.com
Hoes mad youtube.com
>>Co-founders of this event: Aegis, Tsugu, Rem, Akame, Jules, Earth-Chan, Yui, Raphie. 'N more meaningless tards that names I already forgot.
>>Co-founders of this event: Aegis, Tsugu, Rem, Akame, Jules, Earth-Chan, Yui, Raphie. 'N more meaningless tards that names I already forgot.
Hoes mad youtube.com
Some of his pics are kind of neat tbh.
I think we should start a betting pool. Which will happen first: Will he get a life, or will sono leave.
he spammed sono for 2 years before realizing that that wasn't working, all he has to do is not come here. he already said he hates everyone here
>>Co-founders of this event: Aegis, Tsugu, Rem, Akame, Jules, Earth-Chan, Yui, Raphie. 'N more meaningless tards that names I already forgot.
Hoes mad youtube.com
>>Co-founders of this event: Aegis, Tsugu, Rem, Akame, Jules, Earth-Chan, Yui, Raphie. 'N more meaningless tards that names I already forgot.
SPONSORED BY: Hoes mad youtube.com
Hoes mad youtube.com
SPONSORED BY: >>Co-founders of this event: Aegis, Tsugu, Rem, Akame, Jules, Earth-Chan, Yui, Raphie. 'N more meaningless tards that names I already forgot.
Hoes mad youtube.com
SPONSORED BY: >>Co-founders of this event: Aegis, Tsugu, Rem, Akame, Jules, Earth-Chan, Yui, Raphie. 'N more meaningless tards that names I already forgot.
it can't be high IQ
its a simple dash cam
i mean... sure i could probably operate the thing without knowing what that headlight thing means
but i made a point of always reading the manual before operating/installing things so i need to know.. well ei don't need but i want.. is more like it sonofren :3
SPONSORED BY: Hoes mad youtube.com
>>Co-founders of this event: Aegis, Tsugu, Rem, Akame, Jules, Earth-Chan, Yui, Raphie. 'N more meaningless tards that names I already forgot.
SPONSORED BY: Hoes mad youtube.com
>>Co-founders of this event: Aegis, Tsugu, Rem, Akame, Jules, Earth-Chan, Yui, Raphie. 'N more meaningless tards that names I already forgot.
SPONSORED BY: >>Co-founders of this event: Aegis, Tsugu, Rem, Akame, Jules, Earth-Chan, Yui, Raphie. 'N more meaningless tards that names I already forgot.
Hoes mad youtube.com
sono posts in /animus/, /lewd/, /imouto/, and /HG/. he'll just go to one of those places and come right back
SPONSORED BY: Hoes mad youtube.com
>>Co-founders of this event: Aegis, Tsugu, Rem, Akame, Jules, Earth-Chan, Yui, Raphie. 'N more meaningless tards that names I already forgot.
Hoes mad youtube.com
>>Co-founders of this event: Aegis, Tsugu, Rem, Akame, Jules, Earth-Chan, Yui, Raphie. 'N more meaningless tards that names I already forgot.
>>Co-founders of this event: Aegis, Tsugu, Rem, Akame, Jules, Earth-Chan, Yui, Raphie. 'N more meaningless tards that names I already forgot.
Hoes mad youtube.com
>>Co-founders of this event: Aegis, Tsugu, Rem, Akame, Jules, Earth-Chan, Yui, Raphie. 'N more meaningless tards that names I already forgot.
Hoes mad youtube.com
SPONSORED BY: Hoes mad youtube.com
>>Co-founders of this event: Aegis, Tsugu, Rem, Akame, Jules, Earth-Chan, Yui, Raphie. 'N more meaningless tards that names I already forgot.
Hoes mad youtube.com
SPONSORED BY: >>Co-founders of this event: Aegis, Tsugu, Rem, Akame, Jules, Earth-Chan, Yui, Raphie. 'N more meaningless tards that names I already forgot.
I think the headlights brightness is obstructing the camera's view
Hoes mad youtube.com
SPONSORED BY: >>Co-founders of this event: Aegis, Tsugu, Rem, Akame, Jules, Earth-Chan, Yui, Raphie. 'N more meaningless tards that names I already forgot.
Hoes mad youtube.com
SPONSORED BY: >>Co-founders of this event: Aegis, Tsugu, Rem, Akame, Jules, Earth-Chan, Yui, Raphie. 'N more meaningless tards that names I already forgot.
>>Co-founders of this event: Aegis, Tsugu, Rem, Akame, Jules, Earth-Chan, Yui, Raphie. 'N more meaningless tards that names I already forgot.
SPONSORED BY: Hoes mad youtube.com
yeah, some people say only I knows what's best for myself. I think it's good to have third parties opinions for other perspectives still, even if I end up not following what they say. It's just nice to hear what others have to say
I used to as well, I'm gonna limit it to only on weekends once I can afford it
Hoes mad youtube.com
SPONSORED BY: >>Co-founders of this event: Aegis, Tsugu, Rem, Akame, Jules, Earth-Chan, Yui, Raphie. 'N more meaningless tards that names I already forgot.
You know we can report him for spamming, right?
>>Co-founders of this event: Aegis, Tsugu, Rem, Akame, Jules, Earth-Chan, Yui, Raphie. 'N more meaningless tards that names I already forgot.
Hoes mad youtube.com
It sounds like it may be a poor translation of a warning telling you to turn on headlights if it's too dark out.
you're a retard
there was one time when citronella posted on /c/ because he thought sono posted there (he didn't)