Test/why is everything 404'?

test/why is everything 404'?

Attached: 404 decade.gif (500x500, 1.94M)

Other urls found in this thread:


just bumping to get a reply faster

Attached: 10-04-17-1559868481682.png (416x356, 52K)

It’s not


I been wondering the same thing. I really wanted to see that mans sister naked. Fucking 404 horseshit.

for me i mean. whenever i click an image or try to open a thread, a 404 message appears. i've tried clearing my browser cache but that didnt work

gotta change https to http

was it this pic?

Attached: this one?.jpg (1974x2521, 1.28M)

Fucking...my hero.

i fucking knew it, glad i could help

everything is 404 for me. fuck this shit site

Word up

It's because the ssl certificate for is2.Yea Forums.org/ expired earlier today. Your browser notices this and you get 404.

When will it get fixed?
How am I supposed to fap if I can't open anything?

use other chan sites. also, porn sites exist

The cert expired for the is2.Yea Forums domain.

it is also for me

try firefox chrom 404ed?

muh same on firefox

What browser are you using? It seems like a lot of people aren't affected

cert expired on image cdn

Same here, on Dissenter browser (Chromium)

uh ... no thank you, mr. officer.