It's not fair. Its truly not fucking fair. I fall in love with a pretty girl who i have a lot in common with...

It's not fair. Its truly not fucking fair. I fall in love with a pretty girl who i have a lot in common with. We have the same interests in videos games, we watch the same videos online, and we have the same taste in music. I fell in love with her over time. She was the first women I've ever loved. I've never had a girlfriend or even a crush on anyone else before. But her. I tired to be her friend but she got scared of me, calling me a creep and a stalker and all that. I wasn't then, but now I can't help but check all her social media every day. I've found out where she lives but I'm never going to do anything with this information. I miss her. I love her. I want her so bad. I want her to love me.

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It might be because you're ugly.

Same thing happened to me.

niggers are incapable.of feeling love nigger

you could always just.. you know.. find someone else. There's like a couple of billion women in the world.

Unlike you, she has other interests that don't revolve around sitting at a computer 17 hours a day being a fucking loser.

Just because your short list of life experience matches a portion of hers doesn't mean you're compatible.

I have never felt this way for someone before, in all my life. I've NEVER loved someone. I doubt that I'll ever find anyone else, even if I travel the globe I won't find someone as perfect as her.

Such a beta edge lord thing to say

You haven't found anyone perfect cuz that doesn't exist. I assume in your definition perfect includes liking you back as well?

I'm white

She doesn't owe you attraction just because you like her. You got rejected. There are billions of other women.
I wouldn't date someone who was too immature to accept a 'no' either. Get some mental help.

lol quit projecting

Grow your hair out and make out with the mirror. That's what you truly want.

Generous advice, relationships don't work if you're essentially each other with different bodies. You want someone similar *enough,* not someone perfect.

She does have a lot of different views than me, and that's another reason why I say she's so perfect. She is very liberal and I'm in between and we both love to have reasonable discussions about politics so we're not exactly the same but we just have many reasons to connect.

life is hard suck it up and move on

Video games and videos are distractions. Not interests.

You sound absolutely pathetic right now. It's better that she doesnt want you because if she did youd spend too much time together and start to be hyper aware of her flaws which will make you feel incapable of feeling that way about someone else in the future.... until you do again and the whole cycle repeats forever

Leave her alone Josh

you're fucking patethic and you're suffering from oneitis because she's the first woman who talked to you. grow the fuck up and stop being a fucking loser

after that definition nothing can be an interest.

i play video games since im 4 years old, work in the gaming industry and all my hobbys resolve around video games.

so if its a distraction i would distract myself 24/7 from .. anything ?

you're a fucking coping loser lying to yourself

grow the fuck up you patethic manchild

She never talked to me I tried talking to her

all right mr edgelord lol

do it tho


how do you know that she likes what she likes ? only threw stalking ?

man you should really work on yourself before looking for girls not gonna lie

you have to be hurt in order to learn how it all works user, go through your pain not around it, be more upfront to girls, and just focus on being yourself around them. You'll be okay.

nah the only ones getting killed is all you niggers

also get tinder


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You are in love with a imagined view of this woman. Just realise she is a fallible human being just like you.

Post her pictures user

you are a loser and losers don't get the best girls so either improve your pathetic self, or accept your place in the world and settle

Girls don't like clingy guy's specially when she is hot and the dude is not.

>We have the same interests in videos games, we watch the same videos online, and we have the same taste in music. I fell in love with her over time

And therein lies one major problem. Due to the nature of your post, you sound like a newfag (not Yea Forums newfag) but a newfag at life (nothing wrong with that either, we all gotta start somewhere). You are picking out elements that 39838938938383382 other people have in common. Just because you and her like those things or like the same football/basketball team, doesn't mean you're "soulmates", Those are simple and somewhat frivolous things that mean nothing in the bigger picture. Having a special bond with someone and having all the INTANGIBLE things in common is where you need to strive toward. Things such as character traits, idiosyncrasies, life goals, relationship goals, the heart, the mind, etc.

Also, you never even met her physically but you love her? Yeah, I get it...I was once that way too, but now that I am an experienced MLC-suffering oldfag, that simply isn't reality. As another user said, you're simply just infatuated with an image of someone you can relate to externally, but that aint love, buddy. Not even close.

My recommendations? Fuck women...both physically and figuratively. Fuck all the drama, headgames, bs, emotional rollercoasters, etc. Be your own man, fuck all the attachments and stay within yourself (self preservation). You live in a fucked up generation and era...things aint what they were 50 years ago. Heck, not even 30 for that matter.

As hard as it maybe young user, you're learning the 1st major lesson in adult relationships. Women are selfish cunts. It doesn't matter what you imagined or what you thought about any female, they're all selfish cunts. Learn to live with that fact and move on to the next selfish cunt. In fact move onto the next 3 selfish cunts all at once. Learn how to fuck properly and learn not to be such a beata by showing all your feelings known making it easy foraa slut to treat you like shit


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I bet you're young and full of raging hormones. It may seem like she's the only one for you and the pain you must feel feels like the worst thing ever. But I assure you user that she isn't the only one.
Go live life graduate high school go to college and just live life. Go places see things and be a person.

No one truly fits in anywhere and we are all just trying to find ourselves and place in this world. Women come and go love comes and goes. It's never the end. If wasn't interested in you save your energy for some one who will be, you deserve that user.

Oldfag here again...well, at least you get that part of things. Always realize that NO TWO PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD ARE THE SAME. NO ONE. We all have different likes/dislikes, gravitate to this, to that, whatever. They may be very similar, but no one is "the same". And as we all know, differences sometimes make all the difference in a positive way too.

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If you weren't close enough that you knew her address before then you weren't close enough to fall in love, grow up.

Dude. Get a grip. You look pathetic.

Is this Daryl prat

You'll look back on that and feel silly once you've found someone else who mutually loves you.

10 Truths most don't want to hear or accept. Learn 'em, memorize 'em. It will help, trust me.

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The girls name is Anna Nyström.

instagram com / annanystrom/


>We have the same interests in videos games, we watch the same videos online, and we have the same taste in music.

You are so gay none of this shit matters.

go to her house and kill her user

confirmed underageb&

So the solution is to go fucking insane. Nice.

Op post a pic of her

This. All of this. Let yourself get over it and turn off your damn computer. Go meet real people face to face. You're talking about a girl you've never fucking seen in real life--am I right?--as if you actually knew her.

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The Laura of wet blankets enters the thread.

Instead of participating in thread discussion, this Laura just wants to point out that you're currently at the edge of the board and about to die. =^_^=

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you're a 7 or below.
Therefore you're a fucking creeper
That's entirely your problem, not hers.

Either you fix your face and be above a 7, or you fix your wallet an be above a million dollars rich.

But you're here. So neither will happen

Give me her address and I can make her pay, depends on what continent she is on.